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2023 CommonTestMistakes 考试 常见 错误
Common,Test,Mistakes,Common,Test,Mistakes,考试常见的错考试常见的错误误 Grace Fleming 陈延洲 1.Not putting name on a test.There are times when failing to put your name on a test will result in a failing grade.Solution:Always write your name on a test before you get started!1.试卷没写名字。有时试卷没写名字会导致不及格。解决方法:在考试开始之前,一定要在试卷上写上你的名字!2.Leaving an answer blank.There is nothing wrong with skipping over a tough question to give yourself some extra time to think it overjust as long as you remember to go back to the question later.The danger is forgetting to go back to every question youve skipped.A blank answer is always a wrong answer!Solution:Each time you skip a question,put a check mark beside it.2.题目空着不答。跳过棘手的问题,用额外的时间去思考,这无可厚非只要你记得之后再回到这个问题上来。但危险的是你忘记回到所跳过的每一个问题。题目空着不答肯定是错误的!解决方法:你每跳过一个问题,就在旁边打个勾。3.Transferring answers incorrectly from scratch paper.The most frustrating mistake for students is having an answer correct on the scratch paper,but transferring it wrong to the test!Solution:Double check any work you transfer from a scratch sheet.3.謄错草稿纸上的答案。对于考生来说,最令人沮丧的错误是在草稿纸上得出了正确的答案,但是在誊写到试卷上时出错!解决方法:仔细检查从草稿纸上转誊的任何答案。4.Circling the wrong multiple choice answer.This is a costly mistake,but one that is very easy to make.You look over all the multiple choice answers and pick the one that is correct,but you circle the one next to the correct answerthe one that doesnt match your answer!Solution:Make sure the letter/answer you indicate is the one you really mean to select.4.圈错了选择题答案。这是一个代价高昂但很容易犯的错误。在浏览所有的选择题答案,并选出一个正确的答案后,你却圈在了正确答案旁边的一个答案上这个并不是你要的答案!解决方法:确保你标记的字母或答案是你真正想选的。5.Not following directions.If the teacher says“compare”and you“define”,you are going to lose points on your answer.There are certain directional words that you should understand and follow when you take a test.Solution:Make sure the directional words.5.不按照要求答题。如果老师要求“比较”而你“给出定义”,你的答案就会被扣分。参加考试时,你应该理解题目要求并按要求答题。解决方法:确定题目的要求。6.Ignoring the clock.One of the most common errors students commit when taking a test is failing to manage time.This is how you end up in a panic with 5 minutes to go and 5 unanswered questions staring back at you.Solution:Always take the first few moments of an exam to assess the situation.Give yourself a time schedule and stick to it.Give yourself a set amount of time to answer each question.6.忽略时间。学生在参加考试时最常犯的错误之一是未能管理好时间。这就是为什么你会在只剩五分钟时惊慌失措,还有五个问题尚未作答的原因。解决方法:每次考试的头几分钟,都要对情况进行评估。给自己制定一个时间计划并执行。给自己足够的时间来回答每一个问题。7.Thinking too much.Its easy to over-think a question and begin to doubt yourself.If you tend to second-guess yourself,you will inevitably change a right answer to a wrong answer.Solution:If you are a thinker who tends to over-think,and you get a strong hunch when you first read an answer,go with it.Limit your thinking time if you know you tend to doubt your first instincts.7.想得太多。很容易把一个问题想得太多并让你开始怀疑自己。如果你倾向于怀疑自己的判断,你会不可避免地把正确的答案改成错误的答案。解决方法:如果你是一个容易想得太多的人,在第一次读到一个答案时,就有强烈的直觉,那就選它吧。如果你知道会怀疑自己的第一反应,那就限制自己的思考时间。8.Technological breakdown.If your pen runs out of ink and you cant complete an exam,your blank answers are just as wrong as they would have been for any other reason.Running out of ink or breaking your pencil lead halfway through a test sometimes leads to an F.Solution:Always bring extra supplies to an exam.8.技术故障。如果钢笔墨水用完了,使你无法完成考试,那么和其他任何原因导致的错误一样,你空着没有作答的空白答案也是错误。考试中途墨水用完了或弄断了铅笔芯,有时意味着你考试不及格。解决办法:考试时一定要带上额外的备用文具。

