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2023 罗马 假日 英文 观后感
罗马假日英文观后感 篇一:观后感英语 follow your dream and be a man you want i didnt have watch the video speeches given by stive-jobs and randy frederick pausch for ten times. although i watched them for four times, i was so impressed.life is also difficult for both of them. they are not in good health when they gave speeches especially pro. randy. during the speech ,they all gave their opinion about death. jobs said , if you live each day as if it was your last, someday you will most certainly be right. because you will spend time to think about the speeches told me how to live and how to be a man that we want. that is keeping looking,dont settle, catching every opportunity and never giving up. but it is not a rule , it is just a piece of advice. we should stay hungry and stay foolish as jobs said.,but most importantly we should know what is our dream ,and what we should do is following our dream and be a man we really want to. liu hongliang 23th. sep.篇二:英语观后感 “roman holiday〞 revieweven the princess also have the life she didnt like, moreover us we are all desire freedom .sometimes, too much work will make us feel tired, we can learn to relax ourselves and enjoy wonderful holidays, but after the holidays, we also need to go back to our homes like the princess, and need to take on our responsibility. 罗马假日观后感 并不是每一段故事都能够成为经典的,看完了罗马假日,这是一部感人的著作,渴望 自由的公主在与乔·布拉德利在罗马邂逅,最后还是为了她的国家不得不离开照片成为了他 们的美好回忆。 连公主也有自己不喜欢的生活,更何况我们呢? 每个人都渴望自由。有时候,太多忙碌的工作学习与责任将我们束缚,我们可以放纵一 下自己,去感受一些美好的生活,但是在那些轻松的生活之后,我们也需要像公主一样回到 自己的家园,担负起我们的责任。 brave review on the second of july .i watched a movie called brave. yourself and indulge in it, to be brave and fight it.you should do the things勇敢传说观后感 我看过一部叫做勇敢传说的电影。在现实生活中我们应该勇敢地为我们真正需要的东西去战斗。我们也要感谢那些爱我们 的人,并且珍惜你与他们在一起的时间,互相交流。更重要的是,当你遇到邪恶的东西,不要 放弃自己,沉溺于它,要足够勇敢地去与它战斗。你应该自己做正确的事。只有这样做,你 才能获得成功,成为真正的勇者。篇三:英语观后感作文少年派的奇思梦想观后感在派漂流的船上,斑马摔断了腿而失去自卫能力被鬣狗吃掉。母狒狒看不过鬣狗的残忍 而激怒了鬣狗也相继被杀。之前的种种剧烈搏斗与嘶叫吵醒了沉睡中的老虎,弱肉强食,老 虎吞下了鬣狗。最后剩下的派通过智慧逃于虎口之下并与老虎对峙。 电影中虽然给出了两个版本的故事,但我认为这两个故事是相互联系的:第一个故事是 真相,第二个故事是事实,第一个故事中的动物是第二个故事中人物的化身。鬣狗杀死了斑马和猩猩〔厨子杀死了水手和派的妈妈〕。老虎杀死了鬣狗〔派杀死了厨子〕。 老虎代表的是pi内心深处最原始的本能。并不是真实的老虎,而人的本能也不能被简单 地判定善恶,或是“需要脱离的兽性〞。最终老虎无情的离开说明了本能是任何人都无法剥离 的。 life of pi feedbacksent drifting boat, the zebra broke his leg and loss of self-defense capability hyenas eat. the femalebaboons however hyena cruel eaged hyenas have also been killed. before all the fierce battle bray awakened the sleeping tiger, jungle, the tiger swallow the hyena. the last remaining faction wisdom to escape under the jaws of death and confrontation with the tiger. film two versions of the story, but i think that these two stories are linked: the first story is the truth, the second story is the fact that the animals in the first story is the second story characters in disguise. hyenas kill zebra and orangutan (cook to kill the sailors and to send mother).the tiger killed the hyena (sent to kill the cook). the tiger represents the most primitive instinct of pi heart. not a real tiger, human instinct can not be easilyjudge good and evil, or out of the animalistic. final tigers left ruthless instinct is that no one can peel.篇四:勇敢的心观后感英文 good morning,everyone. my speech content is about brave heart. in the movie, wallace as leader of the uprising troops has won many battles. such as the green bridge battle broke the infantry conquer cavalry superstition and captured the england important city yorktown. this let me see the dawn of victory, but its not the end. when wallace was defeated in the battle of faure kirk, in which a british army fighting in uaveling the helmet, that moment, he didnt think that was once very trusted noble leader robert bruce. he didnt put a sword to bruce, but the choice of forgiveness.then lay on the ground,you can see what he’s chilling and sad.bruce regreted again and said he would never again betray cooperation.for the sake of peaceful reunification ,wallace sill agreed to go .however, edinburgh designed to seize wallace sinistery and sent him to the king.bruce’s farther tricked bruce ,wallace was finally sentenced to death. in this moment ,ifeel very sad,i really want to see wallace back instead of ending in death.is this really is a tragedy no, wallace’s spirit has aroused numb people ,they will fight for freedom.and last in the back to reality, fighting for freedom is very faraway, but we also should pursue for our good bravely. thank you for listening.篇五:英语观后感超人 today i go to see a movie ,and the name is super man.in this movie the man have very big power and his dream is to protect everyone who is in trouble.that movie teaches us that the life is not as bad as most people feel and dont give up no matter what happens.there is always someone who can help you as if you insist.哈利波特 harry potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by british author j. k. rowling. the books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard harry potter, together with ron weasley and hermione granger, his best friends. the central story

