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周抗阻 训练 中的 蛋白质 补充 65 女性 效果 影响 刘敬祺
运动人体科学2022年(第12卷)第34期当代体育科技(Contemporary Sports Technology)8周抗阻训练中的蛋白质补充时机对5565岁女性增肌效果的影响刘敬祺 芦建东 刘馨鸿 陈书宁 苏浩*(北京体育大学 北京 100084)摘 要:目的:该研究旨在确定5565岁中老年女性进行8周抗阻运动时的最佳蛋白质补充时机,为优化5565岁中老年女性的增肌效果提供参考依据。方法:该研究分为基础测试阶段、干预阶段和干预后测试阶段3个部分。基础测试阶段的测试在8周抗阻训练前24h进行,早晨空腹采集尿液测试3-甲基组氨酸(3-MH),随后当天测试脂肪质量与全身肌肉质量、等速肌力测试法测试屈伸膝肌肉力量;干预阶段的抗阻训练采用RPE量表将训练控制在中等强度,让受试者进行弹力带卧推、弹力带俯身划船、弹力带肱二头肌弯举等抗阻动作练习,每个练习进行4组,每组1012次,组间间歇为60s,每周进行3次训练,持续8周。在训练的第2、4、6周的第1次训练日早晨测试3-MH指标;干预后测试阶段的测试在8周抗阻训练结束后的24h进行。早晨空腹采集并测试尿液,随后当天完成脂肪质量、肌肉含量和肌肉力量的测试。具体测试指标和测试方法与基础测试阶段的测试指标相同。结果:(1)经过8周的抗阻训练,各组受试者的体重和身体脂肪水平与8周前相比并无显著性差异;T组和T1组的肌肉质量与C组相比显著增加(P0.05),并且T组的肌肉质量较8周抗阻训练前也有显著提高(P0.05);(2)经过8周的抗阻训练,T、T1与T2组伸膝的峰值力矩水平以及做功水平较8周前均显著升高(P0.05);(3)在第2、4、6周抗阻训练过程中各组受试者3-MH水平与训练前相比没有出现显著变化,8周抗阻训练后,T组的3-MH水平与第2周相比显著下降(P0.05),同时T组的3-MH水平明显低于C组(P0.05)。结论:(1)对于8周的抗阻训练,在补充同等剂量蛋白质补剂的条件下,运动后即刻补充比运动后30min补充对提高5565岁女性的肌肉质量以及降低肌肉分解代谢的效果更好;(2)5565岁女性在抗阻训练中补充蛋白质补剂可以提升肌肉力量,不受具体补充时机的影响。关键词:蛋白质 补充时机 中老年人 增肌中图分类号:G804 文献标识码:A文章编号:2095-2813(2022)12(a)-0013-08Influence of the Timing of Protein Supplement in 8-Weeks Resistance Training on Muscle Building Effect for Women Aged 55 to 65LIU Jingqi LU Jiandong LIU Xinhong CHEN Shuning SU Hao*(Beijing Sport University,Beijing,100084 China)Abstract:Objective:To determine the optimal timing of protein supplementation for middle-aged and elderly women aged 5565 years when undergoing resistance exercise,and to provide reference for optimizing the muscular-building effect in middle-aged and elderly women aged 55 to 65 years.Methods:66 women aged 5565 years were randomLy divided into T1 group,T group,T2 group and C group.The timing of protein supplement supplementation for each DOI:10.16655/ki.2095-2813.2208-1579-9269基金项目:国家重点研发计划(项目名称:人体促进健康个性化精准指导方案关键技术研究,项目编号:2018YFC200600);北京体育大学教育基金会康宝莱基金项目(项目名称:冰球运动员的营养策略与运动表现,项目编号:JJH20210004)。作者简介:刘敬祺(1995),男,硕士,研究方向为运动生物化学与运动营养。通信作者:苏浩(1982),男,博士,副教授,研究方向为运动促进健康的机制,E-mail:。13当代体育科技(Contemporary Sports Technology)2022年(第12卷)第34期运动人体科学group was 30min before exercise,immediately after exercise,30min after exercise,and no supplement for the control group.This study is divided into three parts:basic test stage,intervention stage and post-intervention test stage.The basic test phase was conducted 24 hours before the 8-week resistance training.Urine was collected on an fasting stomach in the morning and 3-methylhistiine(3-MH)was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA).On the following day,fat mass and whole body muscle mass were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and knee muscle strength was measured by isometric muscle strength test.RPE scale was used to control the resistance training at moderate intensity in the intervention stage.Subjects were asked to perform resistance exercises such as bench press with elastic band,bending row with elastic band and bicep flexure with elastic band,etc.Each exercise was performed in 4 groups with 1012 times in each group.The interval between groups was 60s.Urine 3-MH was tested on the morning of the first training day at the 2nd,4th and 6th week of training.The post-intervention testing phase was conducted 24 hours after 8 weeks of resistance training.Urine was collected and tested on an empty stomach in the morning,followed by tests for fat mass,muscle content and muscle strength the same day.The specific test indexes and methods are the same as those in the basic test phase.Results:(1)After 8 weeks of resistance training,there was no significant difference in weight and body fat level between the subjects in each group and those before 8 weeks;The muscle mass of T group and T1 group was significantly higher than that of C group(P0.05),and the muscle mass of T group was also significantly higher than that before 8 weeks of resistance training(P0.05);(2)After 8 weeks of resistance training,the peak torque level and work level of knee extension in T,T1 and T2 groups were significantly higher than those before 8 weeks(P0.05);(3)During the resistance training in the second,fourth and sixth weeks,the 3-MH level of the subjects in each group did not change significantly compared with that before training.After eight weeks of resistance training,the 3-MH level in group T decreased significantly compared with that in the second week(P0.05).The comparison within the group found that the 3-MH level in group T was significantly lower than that in group C(P0.05).Conclusion:(1)For 8 weeks of resistance training,under the condition of supplementing the same dose of protein supplement,immediate supplementation after exercise is better than 30 minutes after exercise in improving the muscle mass of women aged 5565 years and reducing muscle catabolism;(2)Women aged 5565 years old can increase muscle strength by supplementing protein supplements during resistance training,which is not affected by the specific time of supplementation.Key Words:Protein;Timing of supplementation;Middle-aged and elderly people;Muscle building近年来,肌少症患病率逐年升高,随年龄增长而出现的肌肉质量丢失和肌肉力量下降的现象会大大提高中老年人跌倒、骨折、

