STP 1372 Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds,Endurance Limits,and Design J.C.Newman,Jr.and R.S.Piascik,editors ASTM Stock Number:STP1372 ASTM 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959 Printed in the U.S.A.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Fatigue crack growth thresholds,endurance limits,and design/J.C.Newman and R.S.Piascik,editors,(STP;1372)ASTM stock number:STP1372.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 0-8031-2624-7 1.Metals-Fatigue.2.Metals-Cracking.3.Fracture mechanics.Piascik,Robert S.II1.ASTM special technical publication;1372.TA460.F375 2000 620.1 66-dc21 I.Newman,J.C.II.99-089527 Copyright?9 2000 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS,West Conshohocken,PA.All rights reserved.This material may not be reproduced or copied,in whole or in part,in any printed,mechanical,electronic,film,or other distribution and storage media,without the written consent of the publisher.Photocopy Rights Authorization to photocopy items for internal,personal,or educational classroom use,or the internal,personal,or educational classroom use of specific clients,is granted by the American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM)provided that the appropriate fee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center,222 Rosewood Drive,Danvers,MA 01923;Tel:508-750-8400;online:http:/ Review Policy Each paper published in this volume was evaluated by two peer reviewers and at least one edi-tor.The authors addressed all of the reviewers comments to the satisfaction of both the technical editor(s)and the ASTM Committee on Publications.To make technical information available as quickly as possible,the peer-reviewed papers in this publication were prepared camera-ready as submitted by the authors.The quality of the papers in this publication reflects not only the obvious efforts of the authors and the technical editor(s),but also the work of the peer reviewers.In keeping with long-standing publication practices,ASTM maintains the anonymity of the peer reviewers.The ASTM Committee on Publications acknowledges with appreciation their dedication and contribution of time and effort on behalf of ASTM.Printed in Philadelphia,PA February 2000 Foreword This publication,Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds,Endurance Limits,and Design,con-tains papers presented at the symposium of the same name held in Norfolk,Virginia,on 4-5 November 1998.The symposium was sponsored by ASTM Committee E8 on Fatigue and Fracture.The symposium co-chairmen were J.C.Newman,Jr.and R.S.Piascik,NASA Langley Research Center.Contents Overview vii MECHANISMS Mechanisms and ModeLing of Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack Propagation-J.PETIT,G.HENAFF,AND C.SARRAZIN-BAUDOUX The Significance of the Intrinsic Threshold-What Is New?-A.HADRBOLETZ,B.WEISS,AND R.STICKLER On the Significance of Crack Tip Shielding in Fatigue Threshold-Theoretical Relations and Experimental Implications-H.-J.SCHINDLER Effects of K on Fatigue Crack Growth Threshold in Aluminum Alloys-J.A.NEWMAN,JR.,W.T.RIDDELL,AND R.S.PIASCIK 31 46 63 TEST PROCEDURES Fatigue Crack Growth Threshold Concept and Test Results for AI-and Ti-Ailoys-G.MARCI Resistance Curves for the Threshold of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Particle Reinforced Aluminium Alloys-B.TABEgNIG,P.POWELL,AND R.PIPPAN An Indirect Technique for Determining Closure-Free Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior-s.w.SMITH AND Ro S.PIASCIK Effect of an Overload on the Threshold Level of Ti-6-22-22-A.J.McEVILY,M.OHASHI,R.SHOVER,AND A.DECARMINE Relation Between Endurance Limits and Thresholds in the Field of Gigacycle Fatiguec.BATHIAS A Size Effect on the Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Threshold of Alloy 718-K.R.GARR AND G.C.HRESKO,III 81 96 109 123 135 155 Effect of Geometry and Load History on Fatigue Crack Growth in Ti-62222-H.O.LIKNES AND R.R.STEPHENS Increases in Fatigue Crack Growth Rate and Reductions in Fatigue Strength Due to Periodic Overstrains in Biaxial Fatigue Loading-A.VARVANI-FARAHANI AND T.H.TOPPER 175 192 ANALYSIS Analysis of Fatigue Crack Closure During Simulated Threshold Testiugm R.C.McCLUNG Analyses of Fatigue Crack Growth and Closure Near Threshold Conditions for Large-Crack Behavior-J.r NEWMAN,JR.The Mechanics of Moderately Stressed Cracks-F.o.RIEMELMOSER AND R.PIPPAN 209 227 252 APPLICATIONS Pitfalls to Avoid in Threshold Testing and Its Interpretation-R.w.BUSH,J.K.DONALD,AND R.J.BUCCI Use of Small Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis in Predicting the S-N Response of Cast Aluminium Ailoys-M.J.CATON,J.W.JONES,AND J.E.ALLISON Prediction of Fatigue Limits of Engineering Components Containing Small Defects-Y.AKINIWA AND K.TANAKA Corrosion Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds for Cast Nickel-Aluminum Bronze and Welds-E.J.CZYRYCA Mean Stress and Environmental Effects on Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack Propagation on a Ti6246 Alloy at Room Temperature and 500C-C.SARRAZIN-BAUDOUX,Y.CHABANNE,AND J.PETIT Component Design:The Interface Between Threshold and Endurance Limit-D.TAYLOR AND G.WANG Near-Threshold Fatigue Strength of a Welded Steel Bridge Detai