Automotive Lubricant Testing and Additive DevelopmentSTP 1501www.astm.orgISBN:978-0-8031-4505-4STOCK#:STP1501Simon Tung,Bernard Kinker,and Mathias WoydtEditorsSTP 1501Automotive Lubricant Testingand Advanced Additive DevelopmentDr.Simon Tung,Mr.Bernard Kinker,and Dr.Mathias Woydt,editorsASTM Stock Number:STP1501ASTM100 Barr Harbor DrivePO Box C700West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959Printed in the U.S.A.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataAutomotive lubricant testing and additive development/Simon Tung,Bernard Kinker,and Mathias Woydt,editors.p.cm.?ASTM stock number:STP1501?ISBN:978-0-8031-4505-41.Automobiles-Motors-Lubrication systems.2.Automobiles-Lubrication.I.Tung,Simon.II.Kinker,Bernard,1945-III.Woydt,Mathias,1963-IV.ASTM International.TL214.O5A98 2008629.255-dc222007051559Copyright 2008 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALSINTERNATIONAL,West Conshohocken,PA.All rights reserved.This material may notbe reproduced or copied,in whole or in part,in any printed,mechanical,electronic,film,or other distribution and storage media,without the written consent of the publisher.Photocopy RightsAuthorization to photocopy items for internal,personal,or educationalclassroom use,or the internal,personal,or educational classroom use ofspecific clients,is granted by the American Society for Testing and MaterialsInternational ASTM provided that the appropriate fee is paid to the CopyrightClearance Center,222 Rosewood Drive,Danvers,MA 01923;Tel:978-750-8400;online:http:/ Review PolicyEach paper published in this volume was evaluated by two peer reviewers and atleast one editor.The authors addressed all of the reviewers comments to the satisfactionof both the technical editor?s?and the ASTM International Committee on Publications.The quality of the papers in this publication reflects not only the obvious efforts ofthe authors and the technical editor?s?,but also the work of the peer reviewers.Inkeeping with long-standing publication practices,ASTM International maintainsthe anonymity of the peer reviewers.The ASTM International Committee on Publicationsacknowledges with appreciation their dedication and contribution of time and efforton behalf of ASTM International.Printed in Mayfield,PAApril,2008ForewordThis publication,Automotive Lubricant Testing and Advanced Additive Development,contains peer reviewed papers from the above symposium,organized by committeeD02,in December,2006 at Lake Buena Vista,Florida.This symposium was in conjunc-tion with the D02 sub-committee“Fuels and Lubricants”.The symposium Co-Chairswere Dr.Simon Tung,General Motors,Warren,MI,Mr.Bernard Kinker,Rhomax,USA,Horsham,PA,and Dr.Mathias Woydt,BAM,Federal Institute for Materials Research andTesting,Berlin,Germany.ContentsOverviewviiA Review of Engine Oil Oxidation Bench Tests and Their Application in the Screeningof New Antioxidant Systems for Low Phosphorus Engine OilsV.GATTO,W.MOEHLE,E SCHNELLER,T.BURRIS,T.COBB,ANDM.FEATHERSTONE1Viscometric Temperature Sensitivity of Engine Lubricants at Low Temperatureand Moderately High Shear ConditionsK.O.HENDERSON ANDC.P.MAGGI14No/Low SAP and Alternative Engine Oil Development and TestingM.WOYDT35Synergistic Tribological Performances of Borate Additive in LubricantsJ.-Q.HU,Y.-Q.HU,G.-L.LIU,ANDY.-H.MA48The Practice Relevant Pitting TestA New Improved Test Method to Evaluatethe Influence of Lubricants on the Pitting Load Capacity of CaseCarburized GearsB.-R.HOHN,P.OSTER,T.RADEV,ANDT.TOBIE57ROBOA Bench Procedure to Replace Sequence IIIGA Engine TestB.G.KINKER,R.ROMASZEWSKI,ANDP.A.PALMER66Mechanochemical Additive-Assisted Reconditioning Effects and Mechanism on WornFerrous SurfacesJ.YUANSHENG,Y.HE,ANDL.SHENGHUA79Study of the ZDDP Antiwear Tribofilm Formed on the DLC Coating Using AFMand XPS TechniquesT.HAQUE,A.MORINA,A.NEVILLE,R.KAPADIA,ANDS.ARROWSMITH92Validation of Oxidative Stability of Factory Fill and Alternative Engine Oils Usingthe Iron Catalyzed Oxidation TestE.FITAMEN,L.TIQUET,ANDM.WOYDT103Additive and Base Oil Effects in Automatic Particle CountersP.W.MICHAEL,T.S.WANKE,ANDM.A.MCCAMBRIDGE109Design of Functionalized PAMA Viscosity Modifiers to Reduce Friction and Wearin Lubricating OilsM.MLLER,J.FAN,ANDH.SPIKES116Surface Characterization Techniques in Wear of MaterialsK.MIYOSHI,K.ISHIBASHI,ANDM.SUZUKI126vOverviewThis book represents the work of several authors at the 1stSymposium organized by D02 to focuson automotive lubricant testing and advanced additive development.This symposium was held atLake Buena Vista,Florida,in conjunction with the meeting in December 2006 of the ASTM D02sub-committee“Fuels&Lubricants”.In order to help automotive industry meet lower emission standards,higher fuel economy goals,and loger drain intervals associated with a minimization of any adverse effects of lubricants tothe environment,the petroleum industries and the additive suppliers are developing low SAPS?sulfated ash,phosphorus and sulfur?and high tribological performance lubricants to meet thesechallenges.New d