STP 1198 Nondestructive Testing of Pavements and Backcalculation of Moduli:Second Volume Harold L.Von Quintus,Albert J.Bush,III,and Gilbert Y.Baladi,Editors ASTM Publication Code Number(PCN)04-011980-08 AsTM 1916 Race Street Philadelphia,PA 19103 Printed in the U.S.A.Copyright by ASTM Intl(all rights reserved);Sun Dec 27 14:44:10 EST 2015Downloaded/printed byUniversity of Washington(University of Washington)pursuant to License Agreement.No further reproductions authorized.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Nondestructive testing of pavements of backcalculation of moduli,Second volume/Harold L.Von Quintus,Albert J.Bush,III,and Gilbert Y.Baladi,editors.p.cm.-(STP 1198)Contains papers presented at the symposium held in Atlanta,GA on 23-24 June 1993,sponsored by ASTM Committee D-18 on Soil and Rock and its Subcommittee D4 on Road Paving Materials.ASTM publication code number(PCN)04-011980-08.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 0-8031-1865-1 1.Pavements-Testingongresses.2.Nondestructive testing-Congresses.I.Von Quintus,H.L.(Harold L.)IL Bush,A.J.(Albert Jasper)IlL Baladi,Gilbert Y.,1943-IV.ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and Rock.Subcommittee D-4 on Road and Paving Materials.V.Series:ASTM special technical publication:1198 TE250.N572 1994 625.80287c20 94-24308 CIP Copyright?9 1994 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS,Philadelphia,PA.All rights reserved.This material may not be reproduced or copied,in whole or in part,in any printed,mechanical,electronic,film,or other distribution and storage media,without the written consent of the publisher.Photocopy Rights Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use,or the internal or personal use of specific clients,is granted by the AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS for users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center(CCC)Transactional Reporting Service,provided that the base fee of$2.50 per copy,plus$0.50 per page is paid directly to CCC,222 ROSEWOOD DR.,DANVERS,MA 01923 PHONE:(508)750-8400 FAX:(508)750-4744.For those organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by CCC,a separate system of payment has been arranged.The fee code for users of the Transactional Reporting Service is 0-8031-1865-1-91$2.50+.50.Peer Review Policy Each paper published in this volume was evaluated by three peer reviewers.The authors addressed all of the reviewers comments to the satisfaction of both the technical editor(s)and the ASTM Committee on Publications.To make technical information available as quickly as possible,the peer-reviewed papers in this publication were printed camera-ready as submitted by the authors.The quality of thepapers in this publication reflects not only the obvious efforts of the authors and the technical editor(s),but also the work of these peer reviewers.The ASTM Committee on Publications acknowledges with appreciation their dedication and contribution to time and effort on behalf of ASTM.Printed in Ann Arbor,MI December 1994 Copyright by ASTM Intl(all rights reserved);Sun Dec 27 14:44:10 EST 2015Downloaded/printed byUniversity of Washington(University of Washington)pursuant to License Agreement.No further reproductions authorized.Foreword This publication,Nondestructive Testing of Pavements and Backcalculation of Moduli(Sec-ond Volume),contains papers presented at the symposium of the same name held in Atlanta,GA on 23-24 June 1993.The symposium was sponsored by ASTM Committee DI8 on Soil and Rock and its Subcommittee D4 on Road and Paving Materials.Albert J.Bush,II1,of U.S.Army Corps of Engineers in Vicksburg,MS,Harold L.Von Quintus of Brent Rauhut Engi-neering in Austin,TX,and Gilbert Y.Baladi of Michigan State University in East Lansing,MI presided as symposium chairmen and are the editors of the resulting publication.Copyright by ASTM Intl(all rights reserved);Sun Dec 27 14:44:10 EST 2015Downloaded/printed byUniversity of Washington(University of Washington)pursuant to License Agreement.No further reproductions authorized.Contents Overview ix ANALYTICAL MODELS AND TECHNIQUES Advanced Backcalculation Techniques-J.UZAN SHRPs Layer Moduli Backcalculation Procedure-G.RADA,C.RICHTER,AND P.JORDAHL Methodology for Identifying Material Properties in Pavements Modeled as Layered Viscoelastic Half Spaces-N.STUBBS,V.TORPUNURI,R.LYTTON,AND A.MAGNUSON Backcalculation of Pavement Layer Moduli,Thicknesses,and Bedrock Depth Using a Modified Newton Method-R.HARRICHANDRAN,T,MAHWOOD,R,RAAD,AND G.BALADI Improved Methods for AC/PCC Pavement Backcalculation and Evaluation-K.HALL AND M.DARTER Concrete Pavement Backcalculation Using ILLI-BACK-A.IOANNIDES Dynamic Analysis of FWD Loading and Pavement Response Using a Three-Dimensional Dynamic Finite-Element Program-s.ZAGHLOUL,T.WHITE,V.DRNEVICH,AND B.COREE 38 53 68 83 103 125 MEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION TECHNIQUES IN THE FIELD AND LABORATORY Verification of Pavement Response Models-a.ULLIDTZ,J.KRARUP,AND T.WAHLMAN Field Validation of a Methodology to Identify Materia