FRACTOGRAPHY OF CERAMIC AND METAL FAILURES A symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-24 on Fracture Testing Philadelphia,Pa,29-30 April 1982 ASTM SPECIAL TECHNICAL PUBLICATION 827 J.J.Mecholsky,Jr.,Sandia National Labora-tories,and S.R.Powell,Jr.,Bell Helicopter Company,editors ASTM Publication Code Number(PCN)04-827000-30#1916 Race Street,Philadelphia,Pa.19103 Copyright by AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS 1984 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:83-71813 NOTE The Society is not responsible,as a body,for the statements and opinions advanced in this publication.Printed in Baltimore,Md.(b)March 1984 Foreword The Symposium on Fractography in Failure Analysis of Ceramics and Metals,sponsored by ASTM Committee E-24 on Fracture Testing,was held at ASTM Headquarters,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,on 29-30 April 1982.J.J.Mecholsky,Jr.,Sandia National Laboratories,and S.R.Powell,Jr.,Bell Helicopter Company,served as symposium chairmen.This volume,Fractography of Ceramic and Metal Failures,has been edited by Messrs.Mecholsky and Powell.Related ASTM Publications Fracture Mechanics:Fifteenth Symposium,STP 833(1984),04-833000-30 Fatigue Mechanisms:Advances in Quantitative Measurement of Physical Damage,STP 811(1983),04-811000-30 Elastic-Plastic Fracture:Second Symposium,Volume 1Inelastic Crack Analysis,STP 803(1983),04-803001-30 Elastic-Plastic Fracture:Second Symposium,Volume 2Fracture Resistance Curves and Engineering Applications,STP 803(1983),04-803002-30 Corrosion Fatigue:Mechanics,Metallurgy,Electrochemistry,and Engineer-ing,STP 801(1983),04-801000-30 Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue Methods:Applications for Structural Design and Maintenance,STP 798(1983),04-798000-30 Fracture Mechanics:Fourteenth SymposiumVolume I:Theory and Analy-sis,STP 791(1983),04-791001-30 Fracture Mechanics:Fourteenth SymposiumVolume II:Testing and Ap-plications,STP 791(1983),04-791002-30 Residual Stress Effects in Fatigue,STP 776(1982),04-776000-30 Low-Cycle Fatigue and Life Prediction,STP 770(1982),04-770000-30 A Note of Appreciation to Reviewers The quality of the papers that appear in this publication reflects not only the obvious efforts of the authors but also the unheralded,though essential,work of the reviewers.On behalf of ASTM we acknowledge with appreciation their dedication to high professional standards and their sacrifice of time and effort.ASTM Committee on Publications ASTM Editorial Staff Janet R.Schroeder Kathleen A.Greene Rosemary Horstman Helen M.Hoersch Helen P.Mahy Allan S.Kleinberg Contents Introduction 1 CERAMICS Fracture Analysis Techniques Ceramic Fracture Features,Observations,Mechanisms,and Uses R.W.RICE 5 Discussion i02 Markings on Cracli Surfaces of Brittle Materials:A Suggested Unified Nomenclaturev.D.FRECHETTE 104 Discussion 107 Fracture Mist Region in a Soda-Dme-Silica Float GlassM.J.BALL,D.J.LANDINI,AND R.C.BRADT 110 Discussion 120 Fractography of Slow Fracture in GlassT.A.MICHALSKE 121 Surface Analysis Techniques Chemical Analysis of Fracture Surfacesc.G.PANTANO AND I.F.KELSO 139 Discussion 155 Scanning Electron Microscopy Techniques and Thefa-Application to Failure Analysis of Brittle Materialsi.T.HEALEY AND J.J.MECHOLSKY,JR.157 Applied Fractography Fractogriqhic Analysis of Biaxial Failure in Ceramics J.J.MECHOLSKY,JR.,AND R.W.RICE 185 Fractogrhy of Metalized Ceramic SubstratesG.C.PHILLIPS 194 METALS Failure Analysis Techniques Analysis of Failmes Associated with Intergranular Fracture I.V.PELLEGRINO AND R.F.McCARTNEY 209 Topographic Examination of Fracture Surfaces In Fibrous-Cleavage Transition BehaviorT.KOBAYASHI,G.R.IRVHN,AND X.J.ZHANG 234 Some New Fractogrhlc Features in the Fatigue of High-Strength Aerospace AlloysB.CINA,I.ELDROR,AND T.KAATZ 252 An Examination of Cleaning Techniques for Post-Failure Analysis R.S.VECCHIO AND R.W.HERTZBERG 267 Applied Fractography Use of Marker Blocks As An Aid in Quantitative Fractography in Full-Scale Abxraft Fatigue Testing:A Case Study R.V.DAINTY 285 Fractogrhic Observations of Fatigue Crack Growth fai a High-Strength SteelN.s.CHERUvu 309 Fractographic Analysis of the Primary Oil Pump Shaft Fracture from a Steam Turbinev.p.SWAMINATHAN 328 Fractognqphic Analysis of a Steam Turbine Disk Failure H.C.BURGHARD AND D.R.McCANN 346 Failure Analysis of a Hydraulic Turbine Shaftp.NGUYEN-DUY 368 Fractography of Metal Matrix CompositesD.FINELLO,Y.H.PARK,M.SCHMERLING,AND H.L.MARCUS 387 PANEL REPORTS Ceramic Fractography Resesux;h NeedsED BEAUCHAMP 399 Suggestions for Research in Fractography and Failure Analysis of CeramicsH.P.KIRCHNER 400 Futuie Research Needs in Ceramic Fractography and Failure AnalysisR.W.RICE 401 SUMMARY Sununaiy 409 Index 413 STP827-EB/Mar.1984 Introduction This volume,a result of the ASTM Symposium on the Fractography in Failure Analysis of Ceramics and Metals,is a reference text on the frac-tography of ceramics and the state-of-the-art techniques for failure analysis of both ceramics and metals.Previous volumes on fractography hav