Manual on Maintenance Coatings for Nuclear Power Plants Compiled by ASTM SUBCGMMIHEE D33.10 ON PROTECTIVE COATINGS MAINTENANCE WORK FOR POWER GENERATION FACILITIES ASTM Manual Series:MNL 8#1916 Race Street Philadelphia,PA 19103 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicatlon Data Manual on maintenance coatings for nuclear power plants/compiled by ASTM Subcommittee D33.10 on Protective Coatings Maintenance Work for Power Generation Facilities.(ASTM manual series;MNL 8)ASTM publication code number(PCN)28-008090-14T.p.verso.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 0-8031-1404-4 1.Nuclear power plantsMaintenance and repairHandbooks,manuals,etc.2.Nuclear power plantsPainting-Handbooks,manuals,etc.3.Nuclear reactorsContainmentPaintingHandbooks,manuals,etc.I.ASTM Subcommittee D33.10 on Protective Coatings Maintenance Work for Power Generation Facilities.II.Series.TK1078.M254 1990 90-15589 621.4830288dc20 CIP 1990 by American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM Publication Code Number(PCN):28-008090-14 NOTE:The Society is not responsible,as a body,for statements and opinions advanced in this publication.Printed in Baltimore/December 1990 Dedication Mendel A.Puschel 1932-1990 MENDEL A.PUSCHEL was one of a small but active group in the early history of ASTM Committee D33 on Protective Coating and Lining Work for Power Generation Facilities,known in the early years as ASTM Subcommittee D01.43.Mendel served in a variety of roles,giving input to various task groups from quality assurance of coating application to the advisory aspects of the power utilities.However,his main goal was to establish maintenance coating procedures for nuclear power plants,for which this manual is intended.He gained first hand experience in his work interests at Consumers Power Company of Jackson,Michigan.There he served,at the time of his early retirement,as staff engineer of projects.Engineering and Construction.Mendel graduated in 1957 from Michigan Technical Institute with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and began working for Consumers Power Co.two years later.In 1989 he received the Engineer of the Year Award from the Jackson Chapter of the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers.At the time of Mendels death he was the chairman of Subcommittee D33.10 on Protective Coatings Maintenance Work for Power Generation Facilities.We of ASTM D33 dedicate this manual to his memory.He was our friend,associate,and fellow engineer.Contributors John B.Adrian,Southern Co.Services,Inc.Thomas I.Aldinger,Bechtel Corp.Gerald E.Arnold,Carboline/Imperial Willis C.Bates,Jr.,J.L.Manta,Inc.Chub D.Beckman,Sargent&Lundy Engineers John L.Belko,Detroit Edison Co.Dean M.Berger,Retired Duane Bloemke,Desco Manufacturing Co.,Inc.Roberta P.Body,Palmer International,Inc.Jon R.Cavallo,S.G.Finney&Associates,Inc.Bryant W.Chandler,O.B.Cannon&Son,Inc.Oliver B.Coggin,Retired Victor G.Cusumano,Belzona Molecular,Inc.Mario R.Diaz,U.S.Department of Energy Arnold H.Fero,Westinghouse Nuclear Energy Jerome Firtel,Ebasco Services,Inc.Anthony L.Franchetti,Hammonton,NJ Roger L.Gossett,Midway Industrial,Inc.Scott W.Gray,Stone and Webster Engineering Robert B.Green,Virginia Power Gary R.Hall,Sauereisen Cements Co.Steven J,Harrison,Carboline Co.Douglas Hays,N.Charleston,SC Curtis L.Hickcox,Keeler&Long,Inc.Don A.Hill,Keeler&Long,Inc.N.Aaron Hoijman,Enace Sa Robert W.Hummel,Cook Paint&Varnish William L.Hurst,Arizona Nuclear Power Project Thomas A.Jones,Sherwin Williams Co.Jitendra H.Kapasi,Dudick Corrosion/Proof,Inc.Harlan H.Kline,Ameron James B.Le Bleu,Florida Power&Light Co.Ernest P.Liporto,Online Repair Systems Henry L.Lomasney,Isotron Corp.David J.Long,Keeler&Long,Inc.John F.Mainieri,American Electric Power Service Remo Martinella,Cise Spa Michael J.Masciale,The Valspar Corp.Ivano Mazza,Transerimento di Tecnologie Anne McKlindon,ASTM William L.Miller,CIBA-Geigy Corp.Loren B.Odell,Tech Construction Coatings S.John Oechsle,Jr.,S.G.Pinney&Associates,Inc.Stephen G.Pinney,S.G.Pinney&Associates,Inc.Richard R.Richardson,Southern California Edison William W.Roberts,Jr.,Washington Public Power Dr.A.H.Roebuck,Fullerton,CA Theodore Rudaitis,S.G.Pinney and Associates Arthur W.Sauerborn,ENCO Marc C.Schroeder,East Haddam,CT Emil Senkowski,Jr.,Philadelphia Electric Co.Timothy B.Shugart,Iowa Electric Light&Power John Strasser,Consolidated Edison Charlie Stuart,S.G.Pinney&Associates,Inc.Kenneth B.Tator,KTA-Tator Inc.Ralph A.Trallo,Oliver B.Cannon&Sons,Inc.Alan C.Trojan,Wisconsin Electric&Power Co.Bala Viswanath,Pacific Gas&Electric Co.Alfred C.Von Nyvenheim,Warrenville,SC Larry M.Waggoner,Duke Power Co.Patrick A.Walker,U.S.Tennessee Valley Authority Chris Wenzler,Elcometer,Inc.Frank J.Witt,U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Foreword THIS PUBLICATION WAS sponsored by ASTM Committee D33 on Protective Coating and Lining Work for Power Generation Facilities.Its creation and maintenance is the responsibility of Subcommittee D33.10 on Protective Coatings Maintenance Work for Power Generation Fa