STP 1259 Steel Forgings:Second Volume Edward G.Nisbett and Albert S.Melilli,editors ASTM Publication Code Number(PCN):04-012590-02 ASTM 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959 Printed in the U.S.A.Copyright by ASTM Intl(all rights reserved);Wed Dec 23 19:29:15 EST 2015Downloaded/printed byUniversity of Washington(University of Washington)pursuant to License Agreement.No further reproductions authorized.Library of Congress Cataoglng-ln-Pubticat|on Data Steel forglngs.Second voume/edlted by Edward G.Nlsbett and Albert S.Heii.p,cm,Contains papers presented at the Second Symposium on Stee Forgings hed in.New Orears,Loulslana,on November 20-21,1996.sponsored by ASTM Committee A-1 on Steel,Stainless Stee,and Related Aloys-P.iii.STP 1259.ASTM publication code number(PCN)04-012530-02.Incudes bibiographlca references and lndex.ISBN 0-8031-2423-6 1.Steel forgings-Congresses.I.Nlsbett,Edward G.II.Mell,Albert S.III.Amerlcan Soclety for Testing and Haterials.Committee A-1 on Stee,Stalness Steel,and Related Aloys.TS320.$744 1997 672.332-dc21 97-22639 CIP Copyright?9 1997 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS,West Conshohocken,PA.All rights reserved.This material may not be reproduced or copied,in whole or in part,in any printed,mechanical,electronic,film,or other distribution and storage media,without the written consent of the publisher.Photocopy Rights Authorization to photocopy items for internal,personal,or educational classroom use,or the internal,personal,or educational classroom use of specific clients,is granted by the American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM)provided that the appropriate fee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center,222 Rosewood Drive,Danv-ers,MA 01923;Tel:(508)750-8400;online:http:/ Review Policy Each paper published in this volume was evaluated by two peer reviewers and at least one of the editors.The authors addressed all of the reviewers comments to the satisfaction of both the technical editor(s)and the ASTM Committee on Publications.To make technical information available as quickly as possible,the peer-reviewed papers in this publication were prepared camera-ready as submitted by the authors.The quality of the papers in this publication reflects not only the obvious efforts of the authors and the technical editor(s),but also the work of these peer reviewers.The ASTM Committee on Publications acknowledges with appreciation their dedication and contribution of time and effort on behalf of ASTM.Printed in Fredericksburg,VA 1997 Copyright by ASTM Intl(all rights reserved);Wed Dec 23 19:29:15 EST 2015Downloaded/printed byUniversity of Washington(University of Washington)pursuant to License Agreement.No further reproductions authorized.Foreword This publication,Steel Forgings:Second Volume,contains papers presented at the Second Symposium on Steel Forgings in Hyatt Regency New Orleans,New Orleans,Louisiana,on November 20-2 I,1996.The symposium was sponsored by ASTM Committee A-1 on Steel,Stainless Steel,and Related Alloys.The symposium was chaired by E.G.Nisbett,National Forge Company;A.S.Melilli,Consultant,Winchester.They also served as editors of this publication.Copyright by ASTM Intl(all rights reserved);Wed Dec 23 19:29:15 EST 2015Downloaded/printed byUniversity of Washington(University of Washington)pursuant to License Agreement.No further reproductions authorized.Contents Overview vii PRESSURE VESSEL AND NUCLEAR FORGINGS New Materials and Forgings Used for Pressure Vessels Operating in Hydrogen Environment-P.BOCQUET,A.CHEVIET,L.COUDREUSE.AND R.DUMONT Improved Mechanical Properties of the A 508 Class 3 Steel for Nuclear Pressure Vessel Through Steelmaking-JEONG-TAE KIM,HEE-KYUNG KWON,KOOK-CHUL KIM,AND JOONG-MYOUNG KIM Effects of Composition and Heat Treatment on the Toughness of ASTM A508 Grade 3 Class 1 Material for Pressure VesselsmMINFA LIN,STEVEN S.HANSEN,TODD D.NELSON,AND ROBERT B.FOCHT Current Forgings and Their Properties for Steam Generator of Nuclear PlantHISASHI TSUKADA,KOMEI SUZUKI,MIKIO KUSUHASHI,AND IKUO SATO Forging Technology Adapted to the Manufacture of Nuclear PWR Austenitic Primary Piping-FRANCOISE MORIN,PIERRE BOCQUET,AND ALAIN CHEVIET The Optimization of Mechanical Properties for Nuclear Transportation Casks in ASTM A350 LF5STEPHEN PRICE AND GRAHAM A.HONEYMAN 18 33 56 65 79 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL FORGINGS Developments in Forging Ingot Production at Bethforge Inc.q JOHN E.FIELDING,ROBERT B.FOCHT,KENNETH F.REPPERT,AND EUGENE L.TIHANSKY Application of Nitrogen-Alloyed Martensdc Stainless Steels in the Aviation Industry-GERALD STEIN,WALTER KIRSCHNER,AND JOACHIM LUEG Process Model Development for Optimization of Forged Disk Manufacturing Processes-CHRISTIAN E.FISCHER,JAY S.GUNASEKERA,AND JAMES C.MALAS Manufacturing and Properties of Continuous Grain Flow Crankshafts for Locomotive and Power Generation Diesel EngineSqDANiEL J.ANTOS AND EDWARD G.NISBETF Reducing Stress Related Problems in Steel Forgings Using Sub-Harmonic Vibrational Energy-THOMAS E.HEB