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_STP_1018 1989
STP 1018 Oil Dispersants:New Ecological Approaches L.Michael Flaherty,editor IITI-1916 Race Street Philadelphia,PA 19103 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Oil dispersants:new ecological approaches/L.Michael Flaherty,editor.(STP;1018)Papers from a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee F-20 on Hazardous Substances and Oil Spill Response,held in Williamsburg,Va.,Oct.12-14,1987.ASTM publication code number(PCN)04-010180-48-T.p.verso.Includes bibliographies and index.ISBN 0-8031-1194-0 1.Oil spills-Environmental aspects-Congresses.2.Marine ecology-Congresses.3.Dispersing agents-Congresses.I.Flaherty,L.Michael.II.ASTM Committee F-20 on Hazardous Substances and Oil Spill Response.technical publication:1018.TD427.P40375 1989 628.16833-dc19 III.Series:ASTM special 88-35988 CIP Copyright?9 by AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS 1989 NOTE The Society is not responsible,as a body,for the statements and opinions advanced in this publication.Peer Review Policy Each paper published in this volume was evaluated by three peer reviewers.The authors addressed all of the reviewers comments to the satisfaction of both the technical editor(s)and the ASTM Committee on Publications.The quality of the papers in this publication reflects not only the obvious efforts of the authors and the technical editor(s),but also the work of these peer reviewers.The ASTM Committee on Publications acknowledges with appreciation their dedication and contri-bution of time and effort on behalf of ASTM.Printed in Baltimore April 1989 Foreword ASTM Committee F-20 on Hazardous Substances and Oil Spill Response sponsored a state-of-the-art review ofDispersants:New Ecological Approach through the 90s at its symposium held in Williamsburg,VA,12-14 Oct.1987.Over 145 people from 7 countries attended to learn of the latest technological advances in spill countermeasures.L.Michael Flaherty,formerly with the Environmental Protection Agency and now an independent consultant,was chairman of the symposium and served as editor of this book.William B.Katz,Illinois Chemical Corp.,and Stephan Kaufmann,Sunshine Technology Corp.,served as cochairmen of the symposium.A Note of Appreciation to Reviewers Many new and exciting things have been happening in the field of environmental response activities,and these formed the cornerstone of our Williamsburg symposium.The successful transfer of information,however,is dependent not only on those who con-tributed documentation but also on those who reviewed this documentation for clarity,comprehensiveness,and completeness.Without them,we could not adequately get our message to the public and,without them,we could not be assured that our publication would meet the highest professional standards.Our appreciation is heartfelt.Contents Overview Effects of Chemical Dispersant Agents on the Behavior and Retention of Spilled Crude Oil in a Simulated Streambed Channel-JOHN R.CLAYTON,JR.,GARRY H.FARMER,JAMES R.PAYNE,G.DAN McNABB,JR.,PAUL C.HARKINS,JOHN S.EVANS,NICHOLAS P.ROTTUNDA,CHARLES R.PHILLIPS,AND MARK L.EVANS Dispersant Use Guidelines for Freshwater and Other Inland Environments-L.MICHAEL FLAHERTY,WILLIAM B.KATZ,AND STEPHAN KAUFMANN Dispersants in the Freshwater Environment-H.M.BROWN AND R.H.GOODMAN Economic Evaluation of Dispersants to Combat Oil Spills-ALBERT H.LASDAY The Use of Chemical Dispersants to Control Oil Spills in Shallow Nearshore Waters-CLAYTON D.McAULIEFE Field Experience with Dispersants for Oil Spills on Land-ARNOLD PADDOCK The Effect of Elastomers on the Efficiency of Oil Spill Dispersants-PAUL F.WATERS,ALBERT F.HADERMANN AND LISA LAMBRECHT Use of a Computerized Spill Response Tool for Emergency Response,Personnel Training,and Contingency Planning-L.MICHAEL FLAHERTY,ALLEN G.HANSEN AND ANN DALSIMER The Crisis in Response Training-STEPHAN KAUFMANN A Computer-Assisted Planning System for Oil Spill Response Chemical Applications-RICHARD v.SHAFER Approaches to Planning for Dispersant Use in Oil Spill Response-JUNE LINDSTEDT-SIVA Planning for Dispersant Use-JOHN P.FRASER Dispersant Use ConsiderationS-MARK L.LAVACHE 25 31 41 49 73 78 84 91 98 104 114 135 Oil Dispersant Guidelines:Alaska-CAROL-ANN MANEN,PAUL S.OBR1EN,BRAD HAHN,HOWARD METSKER,LYLE B.FOX,JR.,DAVID KENNEDY,CHARLES GETTER,LYNN TOMICH,MICHAEL CONWAY,JOHN WHITNEY AND LORI HARRlS 144 Letters of Agreement for the Use of Dispersants-TONY E.HART 152 Field Measurement of Effectiveness:Historical Review and Examination of Analytical Methods-MERVIN F.F1NGAS 157 A New Pair of Eyes II.Looking at Dispersants from a Different Point of View-WILLIAM B.KATZ 179 Measurements on Natural Dispersion-GERARD A.L.DELVIGNE 194 Laboratory Studies on Oil Spill DispersantS-MERVlN E.FINGAS,VINCENT M.DUFORT,KATHY A.HUGHES,MARK A.BOBRA AND LAURA V.DUGGAN 207 Design and Evaluation of a Large Boat-Mounted Dispersant Spraying System and Its Integration with Other Application Equipment-L.A.ONSTAD AND GORDON P.LINDBLOM 220 Tropical Oil Pollution Investigations in Coasta

