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TM_F_1583_ _95_2012
Designation:F158395(Reapproved 2012)Standard Practice forCommunications ProceduresPhonetics1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1583;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon()indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope1.1 Establishment of PhoneticsThis practice covers theestablishment of phonetics(including an alphabet,numerals,and punctuations),and the procedures for their use,in com-munications.1.2 Performance This practice is intended to facilitate theperformance of communications personnel and systems underadverse communications conditions.This objective is achievedby employing easily recognized and used symbols and proce-dures that are highly resistant to errors.This system may beused with speech,print,or other media.1.3 Interoperability This practice is intended to facilitatethe interoperability of communications personnel and systemsamong different organizations,especially if they use differentinternal practices.This system is also recommended for usewithin any organization for improved internal communicationsand uniformity of operations.1.4 English as Common LanguageThis practice is in-tended for use with English.English has been designated bythe International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO)andothers as a common interoperability language that is widelyused in search and rescue,emergency,and international opera-tions such as aviation,maritime,and military.2.Terminology2.1 The terminology used in this practice is derived fromreferences(1-10).2,32.2 automatic repeat-request(ARQ)a system of errorcontrol for information transmission in which the receivingstation is arranged to detect a transmission error and automati-cally transmit a repeat-request signal to the transmittingstation.The transmitting station then retransmits the messageuntil it is either correctly received or the error persists beyonda predetermined number of transmittals.2.3 error correcting codea code in which each symbolconforms to specific rules of construction so that departuresfrom this construction in the received signals can generally beautomatically detected and corrected.If the number of errors isnot greater than the maximum correctable threshold of thecode,all errors are corrected.2.4 error correcting systemin information transmission,asystem employing either forward error correction or automaticrepeat-request techniques or both,such that most transmissionerrors are automatically removed from the data prior todelivery to the user.2.5 forward error correction(FEC)a system of errorcontrol for information transmission wherein the receivingstation has the capability to detect and correct any character ormessage that contains fewer than a predetermined number ofsymbols in error.2.6 interoperabilitythe condition achieved among com-munications stations or personnel when information can beexchanged directly and satisfactorily between them or theirusers or both.It is desirable that the exchanges are error free,rapid,and automatic.2.7 phoneticsa system of symbols and procedures that isused to control errors in communications,validate selectedparts of messages,and enhance the interoperability and perfor-mance of communications personnel and systems.2.8 phonetic alphabeta selected set of phonetic symbolsthat has a one-to-one correspondence to the set of individualletters in a language.Also,any of various systems of codewords for identifying letters in voice communications.2.9 phonetic punctuationa selected set of phonetic sym-bols that has a one-to-one correspondence to the set ofindividual punctuation in a language.2.10 phonetic numeralsa selected set of phonetic symbolsthat has a one-to-one correspondence to the set of individualnumerals in a language.2.11 phonetic symbola unique word or combination ofletters that is used as a substitute for,or an addition to,aspecific letter,numeral,or punctuation in a language.It has thecharacteristics of an error correcting code.1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F32 on Search andRescue and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F32.02 on Management andOperations.Current edition approved May 1,2012.Published June 2012.Originallyapproved in 1995.Last previous edition approved in 2006 as F1583 95(2006).DOI:10.1520/F1583-95R12.2The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end ofthis practice.3This practice is based on an extensive survey of multiple organizations.Theircommunications documents were consulted to determine or verify compliance andinteroperability among their many known and accepted phonetic systems.Thesedocuments are hereby referenced.Copyright ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States1 3.Summary of Practice3.1 Interoperability and PerformanceA set

