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TM_D_1163_ _53_1968_scan
900927b 0022556 2Tb Designation:D 11 63-53(Reapproved 1968)Standard Test Method for LINT OF PAPER TOWELS1 This Standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1163;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.1.Scope 1.1 This method covers the determination of the amount of lint removed from paper towels by the defined procedure.2.Apparatus 2.1 The apparatus,illustrated schematically in Fig.I,shall conform to the requirements as to the materials and dimensions shown therein.3.Test Specimens 3.1 The test specimens shall be rectangular sheets of paper towels,4%to 5 by 8%to 9 in.(108 to 127 by 210 to 228 mm)in dimensions.3.2 The test specimens shall be taken from samples obtained in accordance with ASTM Method D 585,Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot of Paper,Paperboard,Fiber-board,or Related Product2 and shall be condi-tioned in accordance with ASTM Method D 685,Conditioning Paper and Paper Products for Testing.4.Procedure 4.1 Make the test in an atmosphere condi-tioned in accordance with Method D 685.NOTE I-The abrading operations should be conducted in still air so that lint is not carried away by constant or transient air currents.4.2 Be sure that the entire apparatus is clean and dry.4.3 Place two specimens,edges coinciding,evenly on the screen under the bottom rubber of the rubber assembly,with an approxi-mately even specimen margin%to 1 in.(6.4 to 25.4 mm)wide around the edge of the rubber.Paper specimens only,never rubber,should be in contact with the screen.It is seldom necessary to fasten the paper specimen in place,but if the specimen does show any tendency to slip out of alignment under the rubber,it may be held in place by common pins through the specimen margin into the side of the rubber.4.4 Turn the crank five full turns,at the rate of one turn per 0.9 to 1.1 s.This moves the weighted rubber and specimen back and forth across the screen.4.5 Remove the specimen and present a fresh paper surface to the screen(either the other side of the first specimen or a fresh specimen).Repeat the procedure in Repeat the procedure in 4.4 and 4.5 until a total of 32 paper surfaces have been subjected to the prescribed rubbing against the screen.4.7 Upon completion of the test(32 sur-faces treated)remove the entire apparatus from the glass plate,collect any lint deposited on the glass plate by spatula and camel-hair brush,then weigh the collected lint to the nearest O.1 mg.NOTE 2-Extreme care must be exercised in the collection of lint so that none is missed or lost.4.8 Make as many lint determinations(32 surfaces)as the pertinent specifications for the material or the purchase order requires.5.Report 5.1 The report shall include the following:5.1.1 Number of complete(32 surfaces)5.I.2 Weight of lint from each test,and 5.1.3 Average of the lint weights.tests made,This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-Current edition accepted Sept.15,1953.Originally is-Annual Book of ASTM Slandordr,Part 20.mittee D-6 on Paper and Paper Products.sued 1951.Replaces D i163-SI T.332 NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest information.H 900927b 0022557 I132$b D 1163 Branre Screen.-_ _ .No.12(Sponqt Rubber Sheel,Metal Cylinder Io Brinq TOtOl Wiiqhl of Assernbly.rorn Clwicer in,6 ib ik oz A TO101 Weight in Use Position ICiwisea und Rods Bitochadl is 6ib 9k oz 4 by 8by!Cernented to Meto!I Merk Equivalents H in.3.4 mm 4 in.102 mm 14 in.355 mm%ir h.8 mm 5%in.143 mrn 14%in.362 mm Y 4 in.6.4 mrn 5%in.146 mm 15 in.381 mm Y4 in.19 mm 6%in.165 mm 20 in.508 mrn 1 in.25.4 mm 8 in.203 mm 6 Ib IHoz 3 kg 95 mm 1 I in.219 mm 6 Ib 9%oz 3 kg 3%in.FIG.1 Paper Towel Lint Tester.The American Society for Tesrin and Materials takes no position res ecting the validity of an arcnr righis asserted in connection with any item menrionea?in rhis standard.Users of this siadrd are expressly adviseitla1 determination o f the validiry ofany nich patent rights,and the risk ofinfringement o f such rights,i s entirely their own responsibility.This srandard is subject IO revision at any iime by the responsible technical cornmirtee and must be reviewed every/ive years and f nor revised,eirher reapproved or withdrawn.Your commenrs are invired either for revision of rhis standard or for addirional standards and should be addressed IO ASTM Headquarters.Your cornmenis will receive careful consideration at a meeting of rhe responsible technical committee.which you may artend.If you feel rhat vour comments have nor received a fair hearing.vou should make your views known to rhe ASTM Cummitree on Standards.1916 Race SI.,Philadelphia.Pa.19/03,which will schedule a further hearing regarding your comments.Failing sarisfaciion there,you may appeal to the ASTM Board of Directors.333

