D 109212 STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR MEASURING APPARENT VISCOSITY OF LUBRICATING GREASES 2014 ():2464-14/ASTM:26.09.2014 -,.9,-49,-1,119991.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D 10925-12 1 D 109212 1 D 1092;,.()1.1.1 ()54 +38 C(65 +100 F).25 100000 0,1-1,1 100 15000-1.1 ,.10-1.1 D02 ASTM ,D02.G0.02 .01 2012.2013.1950.2011 D109211.DOI:10.1520/D1092-12.ASTM D 10925-12 21.2 -,.,-,.,1.1 1.2 ,.1.3 ,.(MSDS),(http:/,/.1.3.1 ,49C ASTM.1.4 ,.,.ASTM D 10925-12 32.2.1 ASTM:2 D 88 D 217 D 3244 3.3.1:3.1.1 (),(.10.1).3.1.2 40 ,;,.4.4.1 ,.,.2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.ASTM D 10925-12 4.,.5.5.1 .6.6.1 ,(1),.2 ,.178 (7)508 (20).,.,0,25 (0,5 F).7.7.1 0,223 ASTM D 10925-12 5(1/2),.2 ,16 ,.7.2 .3 ,.,D 217,.4 8 .,2000 (2000 2/).690 (.D 88).60 (./),1 1.500,1000,1500 .(3,45,6,89,10,4)1500 .,3 .ASTM D 10925-12 6 ,-.2 1 ASTM D 10925-12 7 8.2 .,.9.9.1 ,.;.,.,.0,25 (0,5 F),.,.().9.2.1,.54 C(65 F)2,8.ASTM D 10925-12 8 54 C(65 F)74F ASTM.25,4.3 5 ,E20.09.9.3 1 40-().64-,.1 .6 16,.7 E20. :,.ASTM D 10925-12 9()=F/S(1)F-,S-.:(2):p-,/2,L-,P-,.(68 944 /2),R-,v/t-,3/.10.2 16 -(.1).,1 40-:(3):(4)10.3 :(5)3.16 .,.10.4 (.4).8 .()ASTM D 10925-12 10 ,-,-.(Rein)-(McGahey).3 1 ().2 .25C .1 1948 .RS.,P,.K=68944 R4/(8Lv/t),n,=PK ,S,c1=(4v/t)/R3 ,/2=n S 1 2 3 4A 5B 6A 7C 1 40 25,5 28,10 716 15 10740 2 40 38,3 6,83 267 61 16300 3 40 48,8 3,61 176 120 21100 4 40 63,5 1,90 120 230 27800 5 40 96,5 0,89 86 480 41300 6 40 125 0,58 72,6 755 54800 7 40 286 0,139 39,8 3140 125000 8 40 546 0,0464 25,3 9320 235500 1 64 29,5 17,60 520 24 12470 2 64 45,8 4,27 195 98 19100 3 64 60 2,26 135,5 195 26400 4 64 82,3 1,19 97,9 370 36250 5 64 130 0,556 72,4 770 55800 6 64 165 0,363 59,9 1220 73200 7 64 384 0,087 33,4 5020 167500 8 64 720 0,029 20,9 14900 311000 A .B ,3 4.C ,5 6.3 Rein,McGahey,NLGI Spokesman,1965.ASTM D 10925-12 11 4 11.11.1-,RR:D02-1007,ASTM,.,:11.2,.11.2.1 11.2.2,(95%-),D 3244.11.2.1 ,(-1)()(-1)2 25 ()ASTM D 10925-12 12,2,.2 ,F%,NLGI 2,NLGI 2,SAE 20 ,NLGI 1,SAE 20,NLGI 1,SAE 90 -65 77 77 77 7 6 6 7 12 19 23 30 11.2.2 ,2,.11.2.3 5 8%.11.3 -,D 1092,.11.4 D 1092,.ASTM D 10925-12 1312.12.1 1 ;()A1.A1.1 :,(.1 2 ,.A1.2 A1.6),.A1.2 1/3.,1750/,200 1.40 64 .A1.3 ,42,50.(.1).A1.4 ,.,:0 60(0,41),0 100 ASTM D 10925-12 14(0,689),0 600(4,14)0 4000(27,58).().,(.1).A1.5 ,(),1.1.,4000 .(27,5).A1.6 ,A1.2,.,1.2,40 .,.A1.6.1 (.XI).,(.,40 0002),-,.,.A1.6.2 ,.,.ASTM D 10925-12 15 1/16 1,59 7/32 5,56 1/2 12,70 3/4 19,05 11/8 28,58 11/4 31,75 1,7640 44,806 1,7645 44,818 1,7650 44,831 1,7665 44,869 17/8 47,63 21/8 53,98 21/2 63,50 97/8 250,83 11 279,40 1 .A1.1 ASTM D 10925-12 16 40()=()0,002 A(),()1 0,380 2 0,240 3 0,185 4 0,150 5 0,120 6 0,100 7 0,065 8 0,045 3/4 19,05 1/2 12,07 1 .A1.2 3/4 SAE X 1112 1/2 20 SAE ASTM D 10925-12 17()XI.X1.1 ,.,.A1.6.1.2 ,(),9.R X1.1.,.,.A1.6.1.2 ,(),9.R :(1.1):L-,-,v/t-,/,ASTM D 10925-12 18P-,.2.X2.1 X2.1.1 .A1.1 1.A1.5.X2.1.2 ,.X2.1.3 .0 15 .(0,10)0 30 .(0,21).X2.1.4 ,25 C(77 F).X2.1.5,10,().X2.1.6 ,.X2.1.7 ,.X2.2 X2.2.1 ,.X2.2.2 ,.X2.2.3 2 .ASTM D 10925-12 19X2.2.4 .(,).,(./).().(./).X2.3 X2.3.1 .X2.4 X2.4.1 6 .(0)(.2.1),1-1.,.X2.1 0:9,525 0,025 (0,375 0,001)381,000 0,025 (15,000 0,001)ASTM D 10925-12 20X2.5 X2.5.1 .9.1 9.2.X2.5.2 1-1 ,1-1 0,1-1.X2.6 X2.6.1 .D02.G0.02 ,(D 1092-11),.(1)5 .ASTM D 10925-12 21ASTM International -,.,.,.-ASTM International.,.,.ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States.610-832-9585,610-832-9555 ASTM:(