:D1646-19 ,()STANDARD TEST METHODS FOR RUBBER VISCOSITY,STRESS RELAXATION,AND PRE-VULCANIZATION CHARACTERISTICS(MOONEY VISCOMETER)2019 ():16.09.2019:3751-19/ASTM -,.9,119049.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D1646-19 1 :D1646-19 ,()1 D1646;,.().1.1.1 ,(),.,.1.2 ,.,1 ASTM D11 ,D11.12 .1 2019.2019.1959.2017.D1646-17.DOI:10.1520/D1646-19.ASTM D1646-19 2 .1 ,.,.,.1.3 ,.().1.4 1 2 ISO 289 .,ISO 289 ,ISO 289 ,.1.5,.1.6 ,.,.1.7 ASTM D1646-19 3 -,(TT).2.2.1 ASTM:2 D1349 D1418 D1485 D3182 ,D3185 -(SBR),D3186 -(SBR),D3896 D4483 ,2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.ASTM D1646-19 4 2.2 ISO:3 ISO 289 ,1 ,2 .3.3.1 ,:3.1.1 ,;,.3.1.2 ,.3.1.3 ;,.3.1.4 ; (ANSI),25 W.43rd St.,4th Floor,New York,NY 10036.ASTM D1646-19 5 4.4.1 :4.1.1 A:.,.4.1.2 B:.,.4.1.3 C:,.,.5.5.1 ,.,-ASTM D1646-19 6 .,.,IIR ()80 100C(212F)2/,.5.2 .,.,.,.,.5.3 .,().,.ASTM D1646-19 7 6.6.1 ,.,.1.:6.1.1 ,60 HRC .,50,93 0,13 (2,005 0,005)10,59 0,03 (0,417 0,001).V-.2 . ,0,8 0,02 (0,031 0,0008)0,25 (0,010),0,38 (0,015).1,6 0,04 (0,063 0,002).,.ASTM D1646-19 8 .1 , ,V-.20,90 ,.7 (0,281)47 (1,875),12 (0,472)47 .1 0,1 (0,04 0,004).3 ,.,(.,.,ASTM D1646-19 9 ,. ;,0,5C(1F). ,.,.,.4 ,11,5 0,5 (2585 115-).10 11,5 0,5.,(0,04 (0,0015),.,.4 Decker,G.E.,ASTM,195,1954,.51.ASTM D1646-19 10 4 ,.6.1.2 ,.,60 HRC .38,10 0,03 (1,500 0,001)5,54 0,03 (0,218 0,001).,30,48 0,03 (1,200 0,001).,.,.11 (0,433).,2,54 0,10 (0,100 0,005).0,25 (0,010).,.0, .,. 0,21/(2,0/),.ASTM D1646-19 11 0,002/(0,02/). ,0, ,.,.,0,25C(0,5F).(-,0,25 30),0,5C(1F).3 5 (0,12 0,20)15 20 (0,6 0,8).6.1.4 ,100 0,5 8,30 0,02-(73,5 0,2-/).,1 6 ASTM D1646-19 12 ,3 24,6 30,12 .6.2 ,D3182 7.2 ,.7.7.1 ,D1485 D3896 ,(23 3C(73 5F).,.7.2 ,.,.,.,(,).,7.2 .1 .,ASTM D1646-19 13 ,.().1.(.),IRM 241 7.1 7.3 100 0,5 125 0,5 8,0 7.1 7.3 ,NR 7.1 7.2.1 ()100 0,5 4,0 BR CR IR NBR SBR 7.1 7.2.2 ()100 0,5 4,0 BIIR CNR IIR 7.1 7.2.3D ()100 0,5 125 0,5 8,0 EPDM EPM 7.1 7.2.4 7.2.5 ()125 0,5 4,0 ,7.1 7.2.2 ()100 0,5 4,0 7.1 7.3 100 0,5 4,0 -,;.D1418.B 100 0,5C(212 1F)125 0,5C(257 1F).C ,.D 7.2.3 .7.2.1 (NR)250 5 D3182 70 5C(158 9F)2,5 0,1 (0,1 0,005),.ASTM D1646-19 14 .,.7.2.2 NR,IRR,BIIR,CIIR,EPDM EPM,250 5 D3182 50 5C(122 9F)1,4 0,1 (0,055 0,005),.,.7.2.3 (IIR),(BIIR)(CIIR)(,),250 5 D3182 145 5C(293 9F)1,5 0,1 (0,055 0,005),.,.,.7.2.4 EPDM EPM 250 5 ASTM D1646-19 15 D3182 50 5C(122 9F)1,5 0,1 (0,055 0,005),.,3 0,1 (0,125 0,005),.7.2.5 EPDM EPM 250 5 D3182 145 5C(293 9F)1,5 0,1 (0,055 0,005),.,3 0,1 (0,125 0,005),.7.2.6 ,100-150 145 5C(293 9F),.,.7.3 ,ASTM D1646-19 16 60 150 10 (2 6 0,375),.,.7.4 ,.8.8.1 ,(23 3C(73 5F).30.8.2 25 3 3.1,5 (,1,45 ,1,67 ),.:m=v d=25 3 d(1):m-,v-3=25 3,d-/3(/3).5 /3 /3 .8.2.1 ,ASTM D1646-19 17 .45 (1,75).10 .,.0,025 (0,001).5,(100C),.,.,.,0,025 (0,001).6 .,.8.2.2 ,5 CCS 160 CCS 160P(),Corporate Consulting Service,Inc.,1145 Highbrook Ave.,Akron,OH 44301,website:www.CCSI-.,-ASTM International.1,.ASTM D1646-19 18 ,.9.9.1 ,-,.9.2 ,.,100 0,5 8,30 0,02 (73,5 0,2-/).0,083 (0,735-/).7 ASTM IRM 241,.A 10.10.1 ,.,ASTM D1646-19 19,.,.10.2 .1.0,5C(1F).10.3 ,.,(),.8 ,-.10.4 ,.,.9 .10.5 1 ,.ASTM D1646-19 20 10.6 ,.1 .,30-,.,.2.10 ,.,.10 .,.11.11.1 :11.1.1 ,11.1.2 :U=,M=.,7.2 7.3,.11.1.3 ,.0,1 .ASTM D1646-19 21 ,.,.,.11.1.4 (L=,S=),11.1.5,11.1.6,11.1.7 ,11.1.8 ,0,20/(2,0/),11.1.9 ,11.1.10 .11 :50 UML 1+4(100C)Monsanto MV2000 50 ,U ,M ,L (S ),1 ,4 ,100C .ASTM D1646-19 22 B 12.12.1 ,10.12.2 0,1 , 1 .,.2.2 ,12 -,()ASTM D1646-19 23 .,.12.3 :12.3.1 ()(1)()(),.3,(2),(2):M=k(t)a(2):M-(),t-(),k-,1 ,a-,.12.3.2 2,(3):log M=a(log t)+log k(3),a ,log k ,log M log t ,.log M log t,.3,(log M/log t)a.r .ASTM D1646-19 24 .3 12.3.3 ,(to)(tf)(4):(4):A-,(to)(tf)(-),to-,tf -,. a=-1,000,(4):A=k1n(tf/to)(a=1000)(5),k ASTM D1646-19 25 13.13.1 :13.1.1 ,13.1.2 ,13.1.3 : ()x%,tx, -,Xy%, a,k r,. A,(M-),1 tf,.13 :50=ML 1+4(100C)+120 SR t80=16,0 80%X30=86,1%-30 :k=48,0 a=-0,5805 r=0,9946 A=738 M-ASTM D1646-19 26 C 14.14.1 .D1349 70C(158F).10 20.14.2 .()(.8).14.3 ,.,(.9).14.4 1 ,.,(.4).:14.4.1 .14.4.2,ASTM D1646-19 27 .3 ,t3.5 ,t5.TIME(mins.).4 ,14.4.3,.18 ,t18.35 ,