D 138405(2012.)STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR CORROSION TEST FOR ENGINE COOLERS IN GLASSWARE 2013.():1889-13/ASTM :21.02.2013 -,.9,-49,-1,119991.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D 1384-05(2012)1 D 138405(2012.)1 D 1384;,.().1.1.1 (.X1).1 .(1-8).2 1.2,.1.3 ,.1 ASTM D15 D 15.06 .1 2005.2012.1955.2005.D1384-04(2005).DOI:10.1520/D1384-05R12.2 ,.ASTM D 1384-05(2012)2 ,., ASTM:3 32 36/B 36M ,D 1176 E 1 ASTM E 178 E 230 G 31 2.2 ASTM:(2)4 3.3.1 ,3 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.4 -ASTM International.ADJD1384.1980.ASTM D 1384-05(2012)3 ,336 88C(190F).(.11.2).1 336 Corning,12-(,1000 ASTM D 1384-05(2012)4 4.4.1 ,.,.,.5.5.1 1000,.15 ,.1.4 5.2 .400 (16).5.3 12-C5.5.4 ().ASTM.-20 150C(0 302F).E1 E 230 .5 ,Corning Glass Works.,39533(),Corning Glass Works,44-5 Crystal St.,Corning,NY.0,28 (7)11,2 (280).7815-19()Corning Glass Works,Corning,NY 14830.,-ASTM International.1,.ASTM D 1384-05(2012)5 5.5 (.2),.6 ,.6.2 .,.,.6.1 ,7 :6.1.1,UNS G10200(SAE 1020),8 1,59 (1/16),50,8 25,4 (2 1).:0,17 0,23%,0,30 0,60%,0,040%,0,050%.6.1.2,UNS C11000(SAE CA110)8 UNS C11300(SAE CA113)8,1,59 (1/16)50,8 25,4 (2 1).6.1.3,UNS C26000(SAE CA 260).9,1,59 (1/16)50,8 25,4 (2 1).6.1.4 ,.6.1.3,6 ,.7 :()Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association,Inc.,Suite 1120,1001 Connecticut Ave.,N.W.,Washington,DC 20036;()Astro-Mechanics,Inc.,8500 Research Blvd.,Austin,TX 78766;()The Metaspec Company,P.O.Box 27707,San Antonio,TX 78227;()Metal Specimens Co.Inc.,P.O.Box 8,Munford,AL 36268.8 SAE-ASTM,1995.ASTM D 1384-05(2012)6 30A(SAE 3A)B 32.9 A1.1,59 (1/16),30A(SAE 3A),50,8 25,4 (2 1),. ,30A 30B.,30A 30B,.3 ,A1.1.5,.6.1.5 ,UNS A23190(SAE 329).8 50,8 25,4 3,18 (2 1 1/8).6.1.6,UNS F10007(SAE G3500).7 50,8 25,4 3,18 (2 1 1/8).6.2 (.2):6.2.1 ,(,.).6,75 (17/64)10-24 50,8 (2).(,-9 ,ASTM.RR:D15-0132.ASTM D 1384-05(2012)7 6,35 (1/4),1,59 (1/16)0,4 (1/64).1,59 (1/16)50,825,4 (21).6,35 (1/4).6,35 (1/4)12,7 (1/2).:,.4,76 (3/16).6,75 (17/64),11,11 (7/16).-,.,.,.2 ASTM D 1384-05(2012)8 6.2.2 (,L501139,97%,2,5%0,3%,30A 30B).:30A 30B .7.7.1 25,4 50,8 (1 2)1.,.7.2 ,1.100C 1 ,.4 ,.ASTM D 1384-05(2012)9 8.8.1 :8.1.1 EG PG .331/3%.8.1.2 (.4),100.8.2 ,D1176.,.,.5 .148 165 138 1 20C.,1 .1:9 .ASTM D 1384-05(2012)10 9.9.1 .1.,.9.2 88 2C(190 5F).9.3 100 10/.12,7 (1/2).9.4 2 (336).10.10.1 :10.1.1 ,.10.1.2 6.2 . 1000 750 .10.1.4 .100/.10.1.5 88C(190F).,ASTM D 1384-05(2012) (,).10.1.7 ,.: . 1+1 HCl(1,19)15 ,.(HCl .) 10 ,4 (HNO3,70%)25C(76F).,.10 100C 1.,.(HNO3 10 ASTM.RR:D15-1018.ASTM D 1384-05(2012)12 ,.,.) 5 1%.,.(.)10.1.8 ,10.1.7,.10.1.9 ,:,.1.,.10.1.10 .,.11.11.1 ,.,().405.398.ASTM D 1384-05(2012)13 406.404.:()()=(405 398)(406 404)=5 ()11.1.1 1.11.2 .,E 1.1,.X1.,X1,.13.13.1 ;ASTM D 1384-05(2012)14 ()A1.A1.1 A1.1.1 50,8 25,4 (2 1)1,59 (1/16),8 B 36/B 36M,UNS C26000(SAE CA 260).A1.1.2 6,9 (0,272)(I).A1.1.3 .A1.1.4 ,.A1.1.5 ,30A,25%-.:40%,3%,1,5%55,5%.-25%11.A1.1.5.1 .,11 L501138(97%,2,5%,0,5%).A1.1.6 6 .11 Industrial Chemical Co.(-).Industrial Chemical Co.,Detroit,MI,.REZ 55-F.,-ASTM International.1,.ASTM D 1384-05(2012)15 .10.(.)A1.1.7 .Sn30A 343 5C(649 9F).,.5-10.,.A1.1.8 .,.A1.1.9 ,.,.A1.1.5 .A1.1.10 .A1.1.11 ASTM D 1384-05(2012)16 6,7 (0,266).A1.1.12 ,.,D1384 ASTM.A1.2 A1.2.1 .,.,A1.1.5-A1.1.10.A1.2.2 .()X1.X1.1 X1.1.1 ,.,.,ASTM D 1384-05(2012)17 ,.D15 1955.X1.1.2 .1957 1960.,100 ,.2 ,3 .,12 .,.1961.X1.1.3 ,1967.71C(160F)88C(190F).165 750.12 Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper()1299(1952),1,2%()100 .ASTM D 1384-05(2012)18 X1.1.4 1979.D15 E11 .,.-.X1.2 X1.2.1,.,.,.-.X1.2.2 .:,.,.X1.2.3 ,ASTM D 1384-05(2012)19 .,(,).,.X1.2.4 .,.,.X1.3 X1.3.1 -,.,.2,.,.2 .X1.3.2 .X1.1 ,.,ASTM D 1384-05(2012)20 .2.,.,.,.X1.1 ,A A 1 12 3 3 1 1 111 2 8 1 3 1 0 104 3 7 1 2 4 0 115 1 5 0 16 6 4 5 2 6 1 15 2 6 2 3 5 2 14 4 2 2 A .X1.3.3 .X1.2 .,.,.,.ASTM D 1384-05(2012)21 X1.2 ,A A 1 11 5 5 3 4 146 2 4 4 3 2 7 112 3 9 1 3 2 0 110 4 5 5 4 1 0 92 5 17 2 2+1 0 155 6 3 1 2 0 0 114 1 8 5 13 3 6 26 2 6 2 13 4 11 4 3 5 1 15 4 4 3 4 3 2 12 2 0 2 5 7 2 14 2+1 12 6 3 1 18 4 5 14 A .X1.4 X1.4.1 ,.,.,.,.,ASTM D 1384-05(2012)22 .()X2.X2.1 D1384 ,.1 G 31.D1384 .X2.2 ,.X