:D1266-18:107/86 ()STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR SULFUR IN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS(LAMP METHOD)2018 ():30.07.2018:3499-18/ASTM -,.9,119049.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D1266-18 1 :D1266-18 :107/86 ()1 D1266;,.().1.1.1 0,01%0,4%(.1).,5/,1.1 D2784.,.1 ASTM D02 ,D02.03 .1 2018.2018.1969.2013.D1266-13.DOI:10.1520/D1266-18.ASTM D1266-18 2 (D129),(IP 63)(D1552).1.2 (9),.(10),.1.3 ,.,.,.1.4,.1.5 ,.,.1.6 -,ASTM D1266-18 3 ,(TBT).2.2.1 ASTM:2 D129 ()D1193 D1552 (IR)(TCD)D2784 (-)(2016.)3 D4057 D4177 D6299 D6300 D6792 ,2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.3 D1266-18 4 11 2.2 :4 IP 63 3.3.1 ,(.1),70%30%,.,.,(.2).1.4 ,61 New Cavendish St.,London,WIG 7AR,U.K,http:/ D1266-18 5 3.2 ,(.2).2 ,.3.3 0,01%(.1).4.4.1 .,.,.5.5.1,(.1),3.(.3.1).(.3.1);.ASTM D1266-18 6 5.2 5,6 .,.6,7 5.3 ,.(.2)(),70%(2)30%(2).,3/,40 .,1 2 ,20 .2 3,.2.1 2.5 ,4-(2-3/),Kochler Instrument Co.,1595 Sycamore Ave.,Bohemia,NY 11716.13/14,.6 ,-ASTM International.1,.7 ,Thomas Scientific,P.O.Box 99,Swedesboro,NJ 08085-0099.ASTM D1266-18 7 .2 2-2 6.6.1 .,.8 ,.6.2 ,II III D1193.8 ,DC.,.Analar Standards for Laboratory Chemicals,BDH Ltd.,Poole,Dorset,United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary,U.S.Pharmacopeial Convention,Inc.(USPC),Rockville,MD.ASTM D1266-18 8 6.3 (2)(2)99,5%. 0,001%,.,(.9).6.5 (1+10)1 (HCl,1,19)10 .6.6 (1+19)1 (H22,30%)19 .6.7 ,0,1%9().6.8 (100/)100 (NaOH)1.6.9 ,(0,05)2,8 NaOH 1 (.3),.,.2 .3 ,NaOH 0,0624 0,0001.1 NaOH 0,0010 .16,03 (.12.1)1,000.9 (),2416619 Harry Fleisher Chemical Co.,Benjamin Franklin Station,Washington,DC 20044,.ASTM D1266-18 9 6.10 (QC),.(QC)12.QC .QC .7.7.1 ,D4057 D4177.7.2 ,30 2 .,3 ,40 .2,.4 300-400 22(1+19).,22(1+19).,.7.3 22(1+19).30 ,30,ASTM D1266-18 10.1 100 22 0,05 NaOH ,-.7.4 30 2 22(1+19).,.,.7.5 40 2 2.(,2,2 .),2-2,1 2 .(.5).5 .7.6 30.,(.8);,15 ASTM D1266-18 11.,.,.8.8.1 ,.,2-2.8.2 ,.8.3 ,.,8 4 ;.8.4 ,.,ASTM D1266-18 12 .,.,.8.5 (1-2),.,.8.6 .2 40%.8.7 ,;,.,3 4.,();.,.,.,ASTM D1266-18 13 ,.9.(.2)9.1 .1.0,005.6 ,.1.,%0,05 10 15 20 0,05 0,4 5 10 10 9.2 .,.,(,),.,.,.,(.7).,ASTM D1266-18 14,2-2 ,.7 ,.9.3 ,-,2-2 .,.,2 2,;.5,2 ,.8 ,.,.,2.9.4 ,10 .,.11.9.5 ASTM D1266-18 15 (.7.3)2-2 ,.,(.9.3).11.,0,1 0,05 NaOH, 6 .0,005.,.2;.9 ,40%-,9.2.,%0,4 3 4 5 10.2 9.2.-,.2 ,.,10 .10 10 ;0,1 0,05 NaOH.ASTM D1266-18 16 10.3 ,2-2,5 .,10, 3 4 .,0,05 NaOH .10,10.11 ,.12.12.1 :,%=16,03 (/10 W)(1):A-NaOH,-NaOH(.3),W-.ASTM D1266-18 17 12.2 (.12),:,%=S LF(2):F=0,0015,0,0035,L-,/,S-,.12 ,-.-.13 /,0,8326.3,7853 .13.13.1 0,01%0,05%.14.14.1 ,QC(6.10),.QC,.ASTM D1266-18 18 ()()QC 10 .QC ASTM .D6299 D6792.15.15.1 (,D6300).15.1.1 ,:0,005 15.1.2 ,:0,010+0,025S 10 ASTM Manual 7,Manual on Presentation of Data and Control Chart Analysis.6th edition,ASTM International,W.Conshohocken,.ASTM D1266-18 19:S-,.15.2 D1266 ,.16.16.1;()1.1.1 1.1.1 ,5 ppm(.1.1).300/,. .,.ASTM D1266-18 20 1.2 1.2.1 9.-.,.1.3 1.3.1 ,50 ,450,450.1.3.2 ,5.,.1.1 5-0,100 0,1 50 .,.1.3.3 ,0,30 0,01 ,32,.1.3.5 ,3.,.ASTM D1266-18 21 1.4 1.4.1 2 ,3 ,(95%).1.4.2 (BaCl22H2O),20-ASTM 11 BS 18-30-ASTM E11 BS 30-(.11).1.2 BaCl22H2O ,.1.4.3 (1+12)77 (HCl,1,19)1-.1.4.4 (1+215)60 HCl,1+12 1-.1.4.5 (1 =0,100 )6,24 0,01 1 (2SO4)1.NaOH ,0,100 .1.4.6,-.1.3 ,.1.4 . 50-0,25,0,50,0,75,1,00,1,50,2,00,3,00 5,00 H2SO4(1 =ASTM D1266-18 22 0,100 S).3,0 HCl(1+12);.H2SO4.1.5.2 100-,10 0,1 3 .,.1.5.3 0,30 0,01 BaCl22H2O .3.4,.1.5.5 ,1.5.2 1.5.4,()BaCl22H2O.0, ,1.5.4.,50 ,.1.5.7 ,.ASTM D1266-18 23 1.6 1.6.1 5 30 (.1.6.).,7 9 .22(.7.3)(.9.3 10.3).,.,.,(.9.4)250,10-. ,0,15 2,5 .,1.6.3 1.7,1/5 .15/,30 .,25-.,18 15,7.6.,50 30,7.3.ASTM D1266-18 24 1.6.2 20 .50-,.3 HCl(1+12),.1.6.3 ,0,5,.,0,5,10-50-HCl(1+215).,0,05 ,.,. 1.7.1 50-,100-1.5.2 1.5.4.BaCl22H2O.1.5 0,020,.,.30 22(1,5%)50-,HCl(1+215),010,.1.7.2 ASTM D1266-18 25 ,BaCl22H2O.1.7.3 .1.8 1.8.1 :,/=(A/WF)1000(1.1):-,W-,F-,.1.9 1.9.1 (95%): ,:,/5 80 0,116 /S 80 280(0,01 /S)+8,5 ,:,/5 125 0,145 /S 125 280(0,508 /S)45,4 1.6 .D2785.ASTM D1266-18 26 1.9.2 D1266,1 ,.2.,2.1 2.1.1 ,.2.1 2.2 2.2.1 ,5.3,.2-2 ,.2.1.ASTM D1266-18 27 2.3 2.3.1 (100/)100 (BaCl22H2O)1.