,()INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION,METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION(ISC)335812015,-1.02015 .1.22015 .-,.,1 -(),160 ,52 (-)3 ,(272015.81-):(3166)00497 (3166)00497 AMBYKZKGMDRUTJ -4 18 2016.181-335812015-12017.5 ASTMD128711StandardtestmethodforpHofenginecoolants and antirusts(-).D15.04 D15-(ASTM).(en).-1.52001(3.6).ASTM,-,ASTM,-.ASTM-.(IDT)6 II 335812015 -,-.().,-(,2016-,III 3358120151 .12 .13 .14 .25.26 .27 .38 .39 .410 .411 .512 .5 1().6 ()ASTM.7IV 335812015 Cooling liquids and antirusts.Determination of 1 1.1 -.1 .2 .ASTM E 70.1.2-,.,.2 .-(-)1).ASTM D 1176 Standard practice for sampling and preparing aqueous solutions of engine coolants orantirusts for testing purposes()ASTM 70 Standard test method for pH of aqueous solutions with the glass electrode(pH )3 3.1 ,-.1)ASTM ASTM website, ASTM,ASTM(Website standards Document Summary).1 335812015 20170701 3 -,.4 4.1 ,.4.2 014.07.7 14 .7,.4.3 .,.4.4 .5 5.1-,-.4 -()()(4,7 10),NIST (1,68,4,01,6,86,9,18 12,46)/,.6 6.1 .,-2).,.6.2 ,.,-,;.25 C 6,27,2.6.3 -,.1110 C,.9,5 -.,.5 .2)Reagent Chemicals,American Chemical Society Specifications,American Chemical Society,Washigton,D.C.(.,).-,.AnalarStandards for Laboratory Chemicals,BDH Ltd.,Poole,Dorset,U.K.(),the United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary,U.S.Pharmacopeial Convention,Inc.(USPC),Rockville,MD.().2 3358120156.4 1,68 1,68 Fisher Scientific(13-620-836).6.5 (0,05,4,01 25 C)10,21 (KHC8H4O4)1.4,0 Red(),4,01 Fisher Scientific(SB 101-500;NIST-SRM 185 g)-.6.6 (0,025,6,8625 C)3,40 (KH2PO4)3,55 (Na2HPO4)1.6,86(6,86Fisher Scientific NIST-SRM186le/lle).6.7 7,0 7,0(Yello,7,00)Fisher Scientific(SB107-500).6.8 (0,01,9,18 25 C)3,81 (Na2B4O7?10H2O)1.;,.()9,18 Fisher Scientific NIST-SRM 187c.6.9 10,00 10,00(Blue,10,00Fisher Scientific,SB115-500).6.10 (-0,01,11,7225 C)1,42 (Na2HPO4)100 ,0,11.6.11 12 12,46(12,46 Fisher Scientific,13-620-837).6.12(KCl).7 7.1 ASTMD1176.8 8.1 ().KCl.,.3 3358120158.1.1 .8.2 .-.2.-.9 9.1.,.-.9.1.1 ,-.-.-,.9.1.2 .-?0,05 .9.1.3 -,.-.9.2 ,.-,-.NIST,NIST .10 10.1:1)();2);3).50%.33%.;-,-4 335812015.ASTM D 1176.10.1.1-.100 ,-, 250.6 -().100 ().10.2 8.7,EDTA,.8 -,30.,30,0,2,24 0,30,5 .11 .12 12.1 ,?0,1.12.2 ,?0,2.5 335812015 1()A1.1 A1.1.1?0,005?0,002-?0,5 ,1.2 1.3,0,220.-,.-,-5?1012 1000 ,.A1.2 A1.2.1 125 180,8 14.1 3.,3)7,-.,100 1000 25 C.,.-().-,50000.A1.3 A1.3.1 125 180,8 14.,-.()8 25 ,2 20.-()1.-,.KCl .-10.A1.4 A1.4.1 ,.-,.-.-,(KCl 4,AgCl,KCl 4,AgCl)().-,-.0 14.3)015.6 335812015A1.5 A1.5.1 (.A1.1),.6,3045.-,-.1.1 .()ASTM .1 ASTM ASTM D 117608 -*ASTM 7007 pH *.-ASTM.ASTM -.7 335812015 665.767:543.554.4:006.354 75.100IDT:,335812015.08.04.2016.18.04.2016.60?8418.1,40.-.1,05.36.1096.,123995,.,