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2023 经济 责任 审计 联席会议 讲话 要点
在市经济责任审计联席会议上讲话要点   在市经济责任审计联席会议上的讲话要点  在市经济责责任审计联席会议上的讲话话 一、明确目标,,突出重点,狠抓落实,经经济责任审计工作取得新成成效 ,我市的经济济责任审计工作,坚持以科科学开展观为统领,以构建建和谐社会为目的,按照““积极稳妥、量力而行、提提高质量、防范风险〞的工工作原那么,紧紧围绕构建““湖州特色〞的经济责任审审计工作要求,各部门协调调配合,齐抓共管,审计工工作的认识进一步提高,目目标进一步明确,合力进一一步增强,体系进一步完善善,重点进一步突出,质量量进一步提高,成效进一步步显现。今年1-12月,,全市共对57名领导干部部进行经济责任审计,其中中市本级13名。共4207万元,管管理不标准金额242311万元,审计提交经济责任任审计结果报告57篇。实实践充分证明,开展领导干干部经济责任审计,对进一一步增强领导干部责任意识识,依法行政意识、自律意意识,健全干部选拔任用和和监督管理机制,促进党风风廉政建设和地方经济健康康有序开展具有重要作用。。   以组织领导、建建章立制、齐抓共管为保障障,推进经济责任审计工作作深化完善。一是加强领导导,部门协作是经济责任审审计工作深入开展的组织保保障。经济责任审计工作是是在党委、政府领导下的一一项系统工程,市政府很重重视经济责任审计工作,政政府常务会议专门听取了近 以经经济,对其经济责责任作出实事求是评价,促促进经济管理能力提高。三三是把领导干部贯彻执行国国家财经政策,遵守财经法法纪和廉政规定作为经济责责任审计的根本内容,在加加强真实 以以创新开展、求真务实、落落实措施为基点,推动各项项工作的全面贯彻落实。一一是探索以全部政府性资金金审计为主线,积极开展““五审五评〞县市长经济责责任审计新尝试,运用绩效效审计的理念和方法,正确确评价领导干部的经济责任任和工作绩效,得到省审计计厅的充分肯定,审计成果果的研究获得省审计厅评优优二等奖。二是探索乡镇领领导干部经济责任审计新路路子,认真贯 二、加快推进,,求实创新,进一步提高经经济责任审计工作质量和水水平   进一步统一思思想,提高认识。党中央、、国务院从党的执政能力建建设,惩治和预防腐败的高高度,对加强领导干部的监监督,建立 进一一步突出重点,加大绩效审审计的力度。要紧紧围绕党党委、政府工作中心,结合合干部管理和监督的需要,,确定审计重点。要按照建建设节约型社会和高效政府府的要求,围绕“把 进一步提升质量,,充分利用好审计成果。要要围绕党委政府加强宏观管管理、推进经济社会又好又又快开展和构建社会主义和和谐社会的要求,创新审计计思路、审计理念,发挥审审计成果在对领导干部权力力的制约监督和干部管理监监督中的积极作用。要进一一步以需求为导向,面向成成果使用者开展审计,提升升审计成果的运用。联席会会议各成员单位要充分发挥挥职能优势,健全完善协调调机制,充分利用好审计成成果。要切实把审计监督手手段 进一步强化责任,协作作配合,形成合力。   领导干部经济责任审计计是一项系统工程,纪检、、监察、组织、人事、审计计等职能部门只有加强协作作,齐抓共管,才能形成整整体合力,确保工作实效。。要进一步充实完善市经济济责任审计联席会议成员单单位,充分发挥联席会议的的作用,定期召开会议,听听取审计情况汇报,科学安安排方案,加强领导指导,,支持审计工作,解决审计计工作中的困难和问题,切切实为经济责任审计工作的的顺利开展创造有利的条件件。要进一步明确职责,发发挥各职能部门的优势,形形成各司其职、各负其责,,齐抓共管的工作局面。需需要强调的是  service in the search for the main body of the site.Third: discipline style rectification analysis of materialsIn the whole city discipline style rectification activities, I seriously study the important speech, secretary in the city discipline law style rectification activities, learn the new style of cadres of discipline regulations, 52 are not allowed, learning the discipline and style of the municipal living activities to rectify the reader, learn the five ban and six discipline in the study and take note, while accepting the leadership and colleagues about their education, and has done a detailed study notes, in the learning activities, through deep reflection and take seriously listen to the opinions of others, aware of their ideological work, serious problems, discipline and style of construction and so on. Are these The problem of self analysis is as follows:One, the existing problems1, in the rectification of style discipline activities, one-sided self satisfaction, since that is good work, good performance, not what problems need to be self correction. This activity and one-sided understanding of bias, and the attitude is not correct.2, the theoretical level is not high. The policy policy of the party's line, line, policy understanding only stay in the general level, no research and grasp deeply. The advanced culture understanding is not deep enough, the law, to promote publicity and ideological work in terms of laws and regulations, the master policy is relatively small few are quite superficial.3, the strict requirements of the construction itself. Not strictly in accordance with the rectification work style of cadres of discipline in the living standards of their own, and do not have a strong sense of personal integrity and self-discipline. The main doctrine, hedonism, thought by comparison often exist in the mind, thoughts of hard struggle and tight day fighting style of desalination.4, the responsibility of the work is not strong enough. In the work, not strict requirements of their own.Two, the main reason for the existence of problemsSome of these problems exist, although there are some objective factors, but more important is the subjective factors caused by. During this time, since the combination of theoretical study, the main problems and deficiencies exist on their own also many times to carefully reflect on the causes and hazards, profound analysis of producing these problems from the subjective reasons, summed up in the following aspects:1, the lack of study, raise political Susu is not high. The Deng Xiaoping theory, "Three Represents" important thought of lack of systematic learning, no deep understanding of Scientific Outlook on Development outlook, research is not enough, not enough to practice, to make their own understanding of theoretical knowledge and actual decoupling hook, without a guide the theory of learning, only to learn, to make learning become formal, dogmatic, and therefore can not accurately grasp the situation.2, studying business knowledge is not enough, not deeply aware of the level of low business efficiency and quality play a decisive role, to improve the level of business, need for business, study, and have been in business depended, since he had yet to have a whole set of learning business knowledge plan therefore, in carrying out the work sometimes blindly, lack of self confidence.3, the method is simple, and only at the surface, within their own copies of what things can be, tr

