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TM_D_3064_ _97_2013
Designation:D306497(Reapproved 2013)Standard Terminology Relating ToAerosol Products1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D3064;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon()indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope1.1 The terms found in this terminology relate to thenomenclature used in the aerosol industry.2.Terminologyactive ingredientcomponent of an aerosol formulation thatproduces the specific effect for which the formulation isdesigned.aerosol can side seamcans which are formed from rectan-gular sheets have a soldered,bonded or welded strip whichjoins two corresponding or matching side gilt edges to forma cylinder.aerosol packagingpressurizing sealed containers with liq-uefied or compressed gases,enabling the product to self-dispense.The term“aerosol”as used here is not confined tothe scientific definition(that is,a suspension of fine solid orliquid particles in air or gas).aspirator valvea valve in which the propellant vapor isaspirated through an orifice in the valve chamber,causing asuction effect that draws the product up the dip tube and intothe valve.auxiliary solventliquid material used in addition to theprimary solvent.It is generally used to replace part of theprimary solvent to produce a specific effect,or,as a matter ofeconomics.chemical attackchemical reaction or solvent effect,causingfailure or deterioration of plastic and rubber parts,organiccoating,metals,or lithography involved in the completedpackage.co-dispensing valvean arrangement whereby two compo-nents of a product are separated inside the container andmixed at the time of use,when ejected through dual channelsinto the valve.cold fillingthe pressurizing of a container by cooling thepropellant(and sometimes the product)below its boilingpoint and transferring it into the container before the valve isput in place.The operation is usually carried out at atmo-spheric pressure(that is,high pressure equipment is notneeded).compatibilitythe ability of various components or an aero-sol formulation to be used together without undesirablephysical or chemical results.concentratethe product mix to which the propellant isadded.cosolventsolvent used to improve the mutual solubility ofother ingredients.crimpan operation that mechanically seals the valve to thecontainer.densitymass of a given volume of material at a specifiedtemperature.delivery ratemass of mixture discharged from the dispenserper unit of time at a specified temperature,usually expressedin g/s at 80F(26C).dip tubetubing connecting the lower portion of the containeror dispenser with the valve.head spacevolume in the upper portion of the dispenser notfilled with liquid contents usually expressed as percent oftotal volume of dispenser at a specified temperature.inert(inactive)ingredientcomponent of an aerosol formu-lation that does not contribute to the specific effect of theformulation.In some cases,it may be quite arbitrarilydefined(for example with insecticides,only the propellantsare considered as inert ingredients).metering valvea valve that delivers a definite limitedamount of aerosol formulation each time the valve mecha-nism is operated.nonvolatile ingredientcomponent of an aerosol formulationwith a vapor pressure less than atmospheric pressure(14.7psia(101 kPa)at 105F(40.6C).1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D10 onPackaging and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D10.33 on MechanicalDispensers.Originally developed by the Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Assn.Current edition approved April 1,2013.Published April 2013.Originallyapproved in 1972.Last previous edition approved in 2008 as D3064 97(2008).DOI:10.1520/D3064-97R13.Copyright ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States1 official test aerosol,OTAa standard insecticide dispenserand formulation prepared by the Chemical SpecialtiesManufacturers Association(CSMA)for use in aerosol testmethods for flying insects.overrunthe relation between the liquid volume of the creammix,and that of the dispensed aerated product.particle sizethe diameter of solid or liquid particles,ex-pressed in micrometres.pressurethe internal force per unit area exerted by anymaterial.Since the pressure is directly dependent on thetemperature,the latter must be specified.The pressure maybe reported in either of two ways:(1)absolute pressurethe total pressure with zero as areference point,usually expressed as pounds-force persquare inch absolute(psia).(2)gage pressurethe pressure in excess of atmosphericpressure.Under standard conditions at sea level,the numeri-cal value of the absolute pressure is 14.7 higher than that ofthe gage pressure,which is usually e

