D 1971 02(2006.)-,-,-STANDARD PRACTICES FOR DIGESTION OF WATER SAMPLES FOR DETERMINATION OF METALS BY FLAME ATOMIC ABSORPTION,GRAPHITE FURNACE ATOMIC ABSORPTION,PLASMA EMISSION SPECTROSCOPY,OR PLASMA MASS SPECTROMETRY 2007.:0839-07/ASTM :18.12.2007 NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.Pleasecontact ASTM International( the latest information.-,.9,-49,-1,119991.:(495)236-54-49,236-43-83:(495)230-13-72 ()(ASTM)100 Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM ,ASTM,.,ASTM ().This translation has been made by Federal agency on technical regulating and metrology(Interstandard)under license from the American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM),100 Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM has neither approved nor endorsed this translation,and in all cases only the English edition as published and copyrighted by ASTM shall be considered as the official version.Reproduction of this translation by parties other then Federal agency on technical regulating and metrology of Russia(Interstandard)or ASTM is strictly forbidden under U.S.and international copyright laws.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.Pleasecontact ASTM International( the latest information.ASTM D 1971-02(2006)1 D 1971 02(2006.)-,-,-1 D 1971;,.()1 1.1 -,.,.:1 ASTM D19 D19.05 .15 2006.2007.1991.1995 D 1971-95.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.Pleasecontact ASTM International( the latest information.ASTM D 1971-02(2006)2 A c 8 13 B 14 19 C 20 25 1.2 ,.1.3 ,.,.1.4 ,D 3856.1.5 ,.1.6,.,.1.7 ,.,.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.Pleasecontact ASTM International( the latest information.ASTM D 1971-02(2006)3 ASTM:2 D 511 D 857 D 858 D 1068 D 1129,D 1192 3 D 1193 D 1687 D 1688 D 1691 D 1886 D 1976 -D 3370 D 3372 D 3557 D 3558 D 3559 D 3645 D 3856 2 ASTM,-ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.3.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.Pleasecontact ASTM International( the latest information.ASTM D 1971-02(2006)4D 3866 D 3919 -D 4190 -D 4191 -D 4192 -D 4309 -D 4691 -D 5673 -2.2 U.S.EPA:EPA-600/4-79-020 4 EPA-600/R-94/111 14 :1)U.S.EPA=2.3 U.S.Geological Survey:,96-225:5 4 1983.,United States Environmental Protection Agency.,U.S.Government Printing Office,Washington,DC 20402.5 ,USGS National Center,12201 Sunrise Valley Dr.,Reston,VA 20192,USA.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.Pleasecontact ASTM International( the latest information.ASTM D 1971-02(2006)5:1)U.S.Geological Survey=3.3.1:,D 1129.3.2 :3.2.1 ,.3.2.2 ,-,-,.A,B,C .4.4.1 (),().,.4.2 -(.D 1976,D 3919,D 4691 D 4190)-(.D 5673)NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.Pleasecontact ASTM International( the latest information.ASTM D 1971-02(2006)6:;,;.,:,.4.2.1 -.4.3 ,.4.4 .,.D 4309.5.5.1 .,.6 ,6 ,American Chemical Society,Washington,DC.,(Analar Standards for Laboratory Chemicals,BDH Ltd.,Poole,Dorset,U.K.)(United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary,U.S.Pharmacopeial Convention,Inc.(USPC),Rockville,MD).NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.Pleasecontact ASTM International( the latest information.ASTM D 1971-02(2006)7.5.2 ,I,D 1193.-,.6.6.1 .,.7.7.1 ,.7.2 .7.3 D 1192 D 3370.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.Pleasecontact ASTM International( the latest information.ASTM D 1971-02(2006)8 A 8.8.1 ,.,.9.9.1 121C 15 psig(-103)30.-,-.9.2 ,.10.10.1 50 125 .,NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.Pleasecontact ASTM International( the latest information.ASTM D 1971-02(2006)9 ()().10.2 ,.10.3 ,121 C 15 psig(-103)30.,.,.1 .,-.,.11.11.1 ,.11.2 ,.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.Pleasecontact ASTM International( the latest information.ASTM D 1971-02(2006)1011.3 -,.12.12.1 (.1,19)(HCl).12.2 (.1,42)(HNO3).13.13.1 :(.13.2)(.13.3).13.2 :13.2.1 40 100,:100 5 HCl(.1,19)1 HNO3(.1,42).13.2.2,.13.2.3 .2 ,.13.2.4 30 121C 15 psig(-103).NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.Pleasecontact ASTM International( the latest information.ASTM D 1971-02(2006)1113.2.5 .13.2.6 .3 ,.13.2.1,1%.,.,.,.,.4 ,.13.3 :13.3.1 ,1 .,.13.3.2 10 ,5 HCl(.1,19)1 HNO3(.1,42).(.2).13.3.3 .30 121C 15 psig(-103).13.3.4 .NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.Pleasecontact ASTM Intern