,()INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION,METROLOGY(ISC)31740 2012 ,2013 317402012 II ,-1.092 -.1.22009 .,-.,-1 -(),160 ,4 2 -3 ,(51-1 2012.):(3166)00497 (3166)00497 AZ AM BY -KG MD-RU TJ UZ 4 ASTM D 293903 Standard test methods for emulsified bitumens used as protective coatings (-,).D08.05 -D08 -(ASTM).ASTM,317402012 III ,ASTM,-,.1.52001(3.6).ASTM-.(en).(IDT)5 -15 2012.888-317402012 -1 2014.6 ().-,-.-,2013 ,317402012 _ 1 ,Bitumen and bituminous binders.Test methods for emulsified bitumens used as protective coatings 20140701 1 1.1 -,-,.1.2 -,.,5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ,-17 18 19 20 21 317402012 2 ,22 (-)23 24 1)25 26 -27 ()28 1.3,.,.1.4 ,-.-,-.2 2.1 -ASTM2).ASTM().ASTM 672011 Test methods for sampling and testing brick and structural clay tile()ASTM 6702010 Practice for preparing precision and bias statements for test methods for construction materials(-)ASTM D 486(2010)Test method for bitumen content(-)ASTM D 932011 Test methods for flash point by pensky-martens closed cup tester(-)1),.2)ASTM ASTM website, ASTM,ASTM(Website standards Document Summary).317402012 3 ASTM D 952005(2010)Test method for water in petroleum products and bitumi-nous materials by distillation(-)ASTM D 140/140M2009 Practice for sampling bituminous materials(-)ASTM D 6092000(2006)Practice for preparation of cold-rolled steel panels for testing paint,varnish,conversion coatings,and related coating products(-,)ASTM D 36992008 Specification for kerosine(-)ASTM D 4798/D4798M2011 Practice for accelerated weathering test conditions and procedures for bituminous materials(xenon-arc method)()ASTM D 47992008 Practice for accelerated weathering test conditions and proce-dures for bituminous materials(fluorescent UV,water spray,and condensation method)(-,)ASTM E 1451994(2006)Specification for gravity-convection and forced-ventilation oven(-)3 3.1,()-.4 4.1 ,ASTM D 140.4.2 ,-.,-,.-317402012 4 ,-.4.3 ,-,.-.5 5.1 1 (1),48.5.2 ,-,.6 6.1 -18 (0 F)24,-37,7 (100F),.6.2 ,.7 7.1 7.1.1 3),83,2 (25 0,5)(77 1)F.7.1.2 0, ,(25,0 0,5)(77 1)F.3),Paul N.Gardner Company,Inc.,316 NE First Street,Pompano Beach,FL 33060.-ASTM.ASTM D08 ,.317402012 5 7.2 7.2.1 -25 (77 F)2,(25,0 0,5)(77 1)F.7.2.2 0,01 .(25,0 0,5)(77 1)F .7.2.3 ,.7.2.4 -,.,.7.2.5 ,-.7.2.6 ,0,01 .7.3 7.3.1 10ABD,(1)D ,/;B ,;,.7.3.2 33,8DSG,(2)SG ;D ,7.3.1;8,33 (25,0 0,5)(77 1)F.317402012 6 7.4 7.4.1 0,1 25 (77 F).7.4.2 0,01 25 (77 F).8 8.1 8.1.1 65 (2,5)10 ().8.1.2 ,-ASTM 145,II B.8.1.3,50 0,01.8.2 (10,00 0,25)-0,01.(105 2)(221 4)F ,-(4),0,05,.8.3 ,R1,-1001SRR,(3)R ,;S ,.8.4 4).4),ASTM D 490,.,.317402012 7 9 9.1 100%-(.8).9.2 =100 R1.9.3 -.10 10.1 10.1.1 30 3 .10.1.2,50 0, ,(600 5)(1100 10)F).10.2 (.8)(-),-(3,0 0,5)0,01 .600 (1110 F)5).10.3 r,100100SAAr,(4),;S ,.10.4 5).r.317402012 8 11 11.1 ASTM D 95.11.2 .12 12.1 ASTM D 93.12.2 ,60 (140 F).13 13.1 13.1.1 150 (6),0,300,40 (28 30).13.1.2 6)150 (6),1,6 (161),100 (4).13.1.3 ASTM D 609.,.00 00 -.13.2 .,25 (1)-,-.,-,.13.3 6),.317402012 9 ,,(23,0 1,8)(73,4 3,6)F 50%.24 (8).,.13.4 ,.14 14.1 -300300300 (121212),-(100 3)(212 5)F.14.2 (23,0 1,8)(73,4 3,6)F.14.3 25 (1,0),-,.-,-(100 3)(212 9)F 2.-,.14.3.1 -(80 3)(176 5).14.4 .15 15.1 A 15.1.1 ,8.1.2 ,13.1 10 15.1.2 24 -(60 3)(140 5)F.24 -24 -(24 3)(75 5)F.15.1.4 ,.-.15.2 B()15.2.1 , -.-,24 (27 5)(8 10)F.24 ,-.-.,.15.2.3 ,-:317402012 11 1 ,-2 ,3 ,.4 ,-,-,.16 16.1 150150 (66),0,0100,025.150150 (66)(61)100100 (44).1,6/2(4/100 ).16.2 :-,13.2.,.2 -.16.3 48 -(23 1,8)(73,4 3,6)F -50%.(60 5)(140 10)F (23 1,8)(73,4 3,6)F 1.,51 (2),317402012 12 (0 0,5)(32 1)F,-.16.3.2 (23,0 1,8)(73,4 3,6)F 1.-,12,7 (),(23,0 1,8)(73,4 3,6)F,.1-2 180 .16.4 16.4.1 .:1 .,-2 ,-3 ,4 /.5 ,.-16.4.2 ,-,.17 17.1 17.1.1 1,6 (16),300300 (1212).17.2 (23,0 1,8)(73,4 3,6)F.-75 (3),1,0/2(0,26 )10%.317402012 13 -.-.17.3 ,-.18 18.1 18.1.1 , (23,0 1,8)(73,4 3,6)F.-50%(6/).-1,0/2(0,26 )10%.-.18.3 ,-.19 19.1 , ,13.2,.-(23,0)1,8)(73,4 3,6)F (50 2)%.19.3 30 .317402012 14 20 20.1 14,-.,10.10 .20.2 ,-.,.21 21.1 ,-(.8)ASTM D 4.21.2 ,.22 22.1 66,7/2(18).-.22.2 .317402012 15 23 ()23.1 (.8)30 (270 4)(518 4)F.23.2 100dvrRRV,(5)Vr ,%;Rv ,;Rd ,8,.23.3 .24 24.1 ,-,(.8)ASTM D 4.24.2 ,-.25 25.1 25.1.1 ,10%18%(ASTM 67),150150 (66),9,5 13 (83 21)-,.25.1.2 150 (6)1,6 (161)(-317402012 16)3,2 (81)(-)100 (4).25.1.3 50 (2),5 (1).25.2 .-10 ,-.25.3 25.3.1 .1,6 (161),25 (1),.,.25.3.2 ,3,2 ().,-.25.3.3 96 (23,0 1,8)(73,4 3,6)F (50 10)%.25.4 .7)-.ASTM D 3699.24.,.,.7),-1372 High Temperature Form-A-Gasket#1372,Permatex,.317402012 17 25.5 ,.26 26.1 ,,1501553 (66).,1,6 (161),25.1.2, ,0,9 (2),2,4 (8).(23,0 1,8)(73,4 3,6)F.26.3 -,.27 -27.1 ,26.-1000 ()-ASTM D 4799,B UV-340,1000 ASTM D 4798,B,0,35/2/340,-(21 3)oC(70 5)F8).8)ASTM D 4798 ASTM D 4799 ,.,.,.317402012 18 27.2 - -,.28 ()28.1 28.1.1 20 ,0,01, 600,-.28.1.4 .28.1.5 ,.28.1.6 ,155 oC.28.1.7 ,-800 oC.28.1.8 ,-,.,.28.2 .28.3 30 .