D256516 ,STANDARD PRACTICE FOR XENON-ARC EXPOSURE OF PLASTICS INTENDED FOR OUTDOOR APPLICATIONS 2019 ():23.09.2019:3757-19/ASTM -,.9,119049.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D2565-16 1 D256516 ,1 D2565;,.()1.1.1 ,G151 G155.,.1.2,.,1 ASTM D20 D20.50 .15 2016.2016.1966.2008.D2565-99(2008).DOI:10.1520/D2565-16.ASTM D2565-16 2 -,.1.3 ,.,.1 ISO 4892-2 ,.2.2.1 ASTM:2 D3980 (1998.)3 D5870 E691 G113 G141 G147 2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.3 ASTM D2565-16 3 G151 ,G155 G169 2.2 ISO:4 ISO 4892- :5 SAE J2412 SAE J2527 3.3.1,G113,.4.4.1 ,.,4 (ANSI),:25 W.43-.,4-.,.-,.-10036,http:/ SAE International(SAE),:400 Commonwealth Dr.,Warrendale,.15096,http:/ ASTM D2565-16 4 ,.,.4.2 ,.,9,.,G151.2 ,G141.4.3 ,.6,7 -().,.6 Fischer,R.,Results of Round Robin Studies of Light-and Water-Exposure Standard Practices(),Accelerated and Outdoor Durability Testing of Organic Materials(),ASTM STP 1202,Warren D.Ketola Douglas Grossman,.,1993.7 Ketola,W.,Fischer,R.,Characterization and Use of Reference Materials in Accelerated Durability Tests(),30 VAMAS(),NIST(),.,.ASTM D2565-16 5 .4.4 ,G155.,.5.5.1 ,G151 G155.5.2 ,1 G155 .6.6.1 ,;.,.,.,.ASTM D2565-16 6 3 0,025 (0,64).6.2 ,.6.3 .6.3.1 .,.4 ,.6.4 G147 ,.6.5 .,-,.6.6 ,10%.5 .ASTM D2565-16 7 7.7.1 ,.7.2 G155 ,.1 .,.,1,.6 ,.ASTM D2565-16 8 1.,A C,D,F,F C,D,E G 1H 102 ,18 0,35/(2)340,41,5/2 300 400 63C 0,02/(2)2,5/2 2C J 1AH 102 ,18 0.35/(2)340 41,5/2 300 400 63C 47CI 50%0,02/(2)2,5/2 2C 2C 10%J 2H 18,102 18 0,35/(2)340 41,5/2 300 400 63C 0,02/(2)2,5/2 2C J 6 38C 95%2C +5/-10%2AH 18,102 18 0,35/(2)340 41,5/2 300 400 63C 47CI 50%K 0,02/(2)2,5/2 2C 2C 10%J 6 38C 38C 95%2C 2C+5/-10%3H 1,5 ,0,5 0,35/(2)340 41,5/2 300 400 77C 70%0,02/(2)2,5/2 2C 10%ASTM D2565-16 9 1()C,D,F,F C,D,E G 4K,L 40 0,55/(2)340 65,5/2 300 400 70C 47C 50%0,02/(2)2,5/2 2C 2C 10%20 0,55/(2)340 65,5/2 300 400 70C(158F)47C 0,02/(2)2,5/2.E 2C 60 0,55/(2)340 65,5/2 300 400 70C 47C 50%0,02/(2)2,5/2 2C 2C 10%60 38C 38C 95%.E 2C+5/10%5K,M 3,8 0,55/(2)340 65,5/2 300 400 89C 62C 50%0,02/(2)2,5/2 2C 2C 10%1,0 38C 38C 95%2C 2C+5/10%ASTM D2565-16 10 A .B ,.C ,.1,.1.,.D .1.,.,.,.,.E ,.30 ,.F -.,.,1 300 400 190/2 300 400.G ,.H 5,1 G155 .I,.,.J .K ,SAE J2527 SAE J2412,-,3 G155 -.-1 G155 .,SAE J2527 ,1 G155 .L .SAE J2527.K .SAE J2412.ASTM D2565-16 11 7.3 ,1.7 ,21 5C(70 9F).,.7.3.1 ,0,35 0,02/(2)340 41,5 2,5/2 300-400.,.7.3.2 ,50 10%.7.3.3 ,63 2C.7.3.4,.,. ,47 2C .7.4 ,G155.,ASTM D2565-16 12 .7.5 G155(9.5),G151(X2,X2.2),G155(.9.5.1- ,G151(X2,X2.1).7.6 :7.6.1 ,.,.7.6.2 ,G151.7.6.3 ,G151 .,.,.7.6.4 ,ASTM D2565-16 13 ,G151.7.7 .,.8.8.1 .8.2 ,.8.2.1 ,.,.8.2.2 ,.,.ASTM D2565-16 14 8.2.3 ,.,.,-,.8 Simms.8 G151 .8.3 ASTM.9 ,.(),.8.4 ,:8.4.1 -8 Simms,J.A.,(Journal of Coatings Technology),.50,1987.,.45-53.ASTM D2565-16 15 ,.E691 D3980 ,.8.4.2 -,./,.8.4.3 ,(). ,.,.10 Fischer ASTM D2565-16 16 .9 11 ASTM G169 ,.9.9.1 .:9.1.1 (,).9.1.2 .9.1.3 ,.,(),.9.1.4 ,/(2),/(2),./2 /2,. ,.9 Fischer,R.,Ketola,W.,ASTM (Impact of Research on Development of ASTM Durability Testing Standards),(Durability Testing of Non-Metallic Materials),ASTM STP 1294,.Robert Herling,.,1995.ASTM D2565-16 17 9.1.5,. 24,.9.1.6 .9.1.7 ().,.9.1.8 ,.,.9.1.9 ,.,.12 .9.1.10 ,. ,(,G151).9.1.11 ,.9.1.12,(,). D5870,.ASTM D2565-16 18 10.10.1 ,./,.10.2 -.11.11.1 ;D20 (D2565-99(08),.(15 2016.)(1).(2)1,.(3)1 ,.ASTM D2565-16 19 (4)7 ,.(5).ASTM International -,.,.,.-ASTM International.,.,.ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428.610-832-9585,610-832-9555 ASTM:(,222 Rosewood Drive,Danvers,MA 01923,Tel:(978)646-2600;http:/.