ASTM D2414-19 (OAN)STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR CARBON BLACK OIL ABSORPTION NUMBER(OAN)2019 ():19.09.2019:3756-19/ASTM -,.9,119049.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D2414-19 1 D2414-19 (OAN)1 D2414;,.().1.1.1 .1.2,.1.3 ,.,1 ASTM D24 D24.11 .1 2019.2019.1965.2018.D2414-18.DOI:10.1520/D2414-19.ASTM D2414-19 2 ,.1.4 -,().2.2.1 ASTM:2 D445 ()D1218 D1765 ,D1799 -D1900 -D4052 ,API()D4483 ,D4821 D5554 2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.ASTM D2414-19 3 2.2 DIN:3 DIN 16945 ,DIN EN ISO 660 3.3.1 ,.,.,.c .3.2 DBP,(EFA),N D1765.OAN EFA OAN DBP.EFA ;3 Deutsches Institut fur Normung e.V.(DIN),Burggrafenstrasse 6,10787 Berlin,Germany,http:/ D2414-19 4 FDA.,8 12(,).DBP ,.4.4.1 ,.5.4 5.1 0,01.5.2 ,125 5C.5.3,100-.5.4,4 0,024 3/.5.5 .6.6.1 .,4 .ASTM D2414-19 5 .5 ,.6.2-1,042 1,047 M/3 25C 1,045 1,050 25C.6.3 10 34 2/(c)40C.1 :Marcol 82 Exxon,80/90 Conoco-Phillips,LC1 Lab Chemicals,.,/.6.4 (EFA),4.7-30C.,12.6.5 ASTM D24,SRB.6 7.7.1 D1799 D1900.5 ,DC.,.Analar Standards for Laboratory Chemicals,BDH Ltd.,Poole,Dorset,United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary,U.S.Pharmacopeial Convention,Inc.(USPC),Rockville,MD.6 ASTM,Laboratory Standards and Technologies,227 Somerset,Borger,TX 79007,http:/ International.1,.ASTM D2414-19 6 8.,8.1:8.1.1 :(1)(A B),(2),(E7),(3),(H C,E7).A,B E7 ,(A).,(H C,E7),OAN .8.1.2 ,.,SRB.,7 E .ASTM D2414-19 7 .2 ,(Ra)2,5 0,4 (100 15)8.3,6 (140)1,5 (60).,16,.(.A3).8.2 :,(),.,.8.2.1 ,(A B),(E,C H)125/.125/,250/.8.2.2 4 3/.A1.8.2.3 (A B),SRB F 70%.,ASTM D2414-19 8 .3 E,C H ,;.,., A .B 3 0,5;.,.,.8.2.5 ,.,A3.8.3 :8.3.1 (TLS),TLS,: A:ASTM D2414-19 9 ,;B .,B E TLS ,SRB F ,D4821.E,C H,TLS SRB F ;TLS 3500 DBP 4000 . :70%-.70%.TLS ,.9.(SRB)9.1 ,TLS, (SRB)ASTM ,.(,ASTM D2414-19 10 ).,SRB,.9.3 SRB.9.4 ,SRB ,SRB,(,9).,SRB,D4821,8.2,SRB,.4 ,(A,B,C)(D,E,F).9.5 ,(y)(x).9.6 ,:=()+(1)9.7 SRB,-,D4821,8.9.8 -ASTM D2414-19 11 9.9.9 ,SRB -,D4821,.X1.10.10.1 1 ,125C.30.10.2 0,01.:,N630,N642 N700,N765 25 N800 N900,SRB D-7 D-8 40 20 10.3 23 5C,.-30C,.5 6.5 15,-,10-.5 .6 ,.ASTM,.ASTM D2414-19 12 10.4 .,.10.5 ,().10.6 .,:1),;2),(B).7 ,(TLS)TLS,B ,.,.-,.10.7 B E,.C H,OAN .:ASTM D2414-19 13 */A /B *OAN (SRB),.10.8 ,.10.9 ,().8 ,.11.11.1 0,1105 3/(3/100):,105 3/=(2):A-,3,-,C-(.9),D-y-(.9).12.12.1 :12.1.1 ,ASTM D2414-19 14 12.1.2 (DBP,EFA),12.1.3 (A,B C 8.2),12.1.4 ,10.2,12.1.5,0,1105 3/(3/100).13.13.1 D4483-99.13.2 (ITP).1.,().,().,.r R.13.3 ,13.2.,.1.ASTM D2414-19 15 1.D2414,N/A(1)105 3/(3/100)-(M/H/L)B Sr r(r)SR R(R)SRB-9A 2013 77(0/1/1)71,5 0,47 1,33 1,9 1,55 4,38 6,1 SRB-9B 2016 87(0/2/0)98,9 0,40 1,14 1,1 1,11 3,14 3,2 SRB-9C /2014 71(1/0/0)125,4 0,47 1,33 1,1 1,12 3,17 2,5 SRB-9D 2018 75(2/2/1)34,5 0,25 0,72 2,1 0,72 2,03 5,9 SRB-9E 2016 81(1/3/0)89,2 0,44 1,24 1,4 0,89 2,53 2,8 SRB-9F 2015 74(1/0/0)134,5 0,53 1,51 1,1 1,59 4,51 3,3 SRB-9G 2017 74(0/2/1)38,6 0,23 0,64 1,7 1,76 4,98 12,9 84,7 0,41 1,17 1,4 1,30 3,68 4,3 A .B M=;H=;L=.13.4 ,r,1,17 105 3/(3/100).1 .(),20 .1,.9 ,.,.ASTM D2414-19 16 13.5 ,R,3,68 105 3/(3/100).1 .,20 .,.1,/.13.6 ().,.14.13.1 ;(EFA);-;ASTM D2414-19 17 ()A1.A1.1 A1.1.1 .,.(),.A1.2 A1.2.1.A1.2.2 150 3.A1.3 A1.3.1 ,.A1.3.2 .,.A1.3.3 ,.A1.3.4 .ASTM D2414-19 18 A1.3.5 150-3.A1.3.6 .A1.3.7 2 .A1.3.8 .A1.3.9 .A1.3.10 A1.3.3-A1.3.9,4 8.A1.4 A1.4.1 (A1.3.8):,3=(A1.1)A1.5 A1.5.1 :,3,3 2 8 0,05 4 16 0,10 8 32 0,20 A1.6 A1.6.1 ,A1.4.DBP,.A1.1.EFA .ASTM D2414-19 19 A1.1 .A1.1 ,OAN,D24.A1.6.2 .DBP 23C 1,044 1,050/3,Marcol 82 23C 0,843 0,846/3.D24,.A1.1,.A1.1.,C DBP Marcol 82.1/3.2/3 /3.1/3.2/3 /3 20,0 1,052 1,047 1,049 0,845 0,848 0,846 21,0 1,051 1,046 1,049 0,844 0,847 0,846 22,0 1,050 1,045 1,048 0,844 0,846 0,845 23,0 1,050 1,044 1,047 0,843 0,846 0,844 24,0 1,049 1,043 1,046 0,842 0,845 0,844 25,0 1,048 1,043 1,045 0,841 0,844 0,843 26,0 1,047 1,042 1,044 0,841 0,844 0,842 27,0 1,046 1,041 1,044 0,840 0,843 0,842 28,0 1,046 1,040 1,043 0,839 0,842 0,841 29,0 1,045 1,039 1,042 0,839 0,842 0,840 30,0 1,044 1,038 1,041 0,838 0,841 0,840 A1.6.3 .A1.1 .A1.4.A1.6.4 ,Conoco-Phillips 80/90 0,855/3 15,6C(60F),LC1 850/3(0,85/3)15C(59F).ASTM D2414-19 20 A1.6.5 0,900 0,910/3 20C.:0,9033/3 20,0C,0,8998/3 25,0C 0,8933/3