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Designation:D 4264-90 AMERICAN SGC,ETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS 1916 Race St.,Phlladelphla.Pa.19103 Reprinted from the Annual Book 01 ASTM Slandards.CoPyriQhl ASTM I(“01 listed in the currenl combined index,will appear in the next edilion Standard Test Method for Pressure Testing of Assemblies of Rubber-Lined Fire Hose and Rubber Booster Hose in Service on Interior Standpipes This stnndard is issued under the fixed designation D 4264:the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(f)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope 1.1 This test method covers the pressure testing of 38 mm or 1.50 in.rubber-lined fire hose and textile-braided or spiralled reinforced rubber booster hose assemblies used on fire standpipes,sizes ranging from 16 to 32 mm oi0.63 to 1.25 in.1.2 This standard may involve hazardous materials,oper-ations,and equipment.This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this staridard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.2.Significance and Use 2.1 The purpose of this test method is to provide for an acceptable level of in-service performance of standpipe hose when used under expected pressure conditions.3.Apparatus 3.1 Test Area-The hose shall be tested in a suitable space sufficient to accommodate the full length of the hose assembly,as shown in Fig.1:3.2 Pump(hand or power driven)or Accumulator System,capable of increasing hydrostatic pressure in the hose at a uniform rate of increase of not less than 35 kPa/s(300 psi/min)and not more than 115 kPa/s(1000 psi/min)(see Fig.1).3.3 Water Supply Connection,provided at the inlet end of the hose assembly.3.4 Pressure Gage,properly calibrated,installed in the pressure line.A slight incline upward from the inlet end is desired to facilitate in removing air when filling the hose.3.5 Valve or Petcock on the outlet end,which will.be This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-l 1 on Rubber and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee DI I.31 on Rubber Hose.Current edition approved April 27,1990.Published June 1990.Originally published as D 4264-83.Last previous edition D 4264-83.closed after all the air has been expelled.4.Procedure 4.1 Connect one end of the hose assembly to the supply.connection and fill with water.Elevate the opposite end to allow all the air to escape through the valve or petcock.Turn off the valve or petcock.Mark the hose at the end of the coupling to show any mdvetient of the coupling after completion of the test.Apply pressure at a uniform rate of not less than 35 kPa/s(300 psi/min)and not more than 115 kPa/s(1000 psi/min)until test pressure has been attained and hold for 5 min+30 s.During the hold period,observe for leakage or hose failure due to rupture.After the pressure is released,measure and record the distance of coupling movement.4.2 The service test pressure shall be as required by the applicable standard,specification,or regulation.4.3 Reject all hose that ruptures or shows signs of bal-looning or leakage,remove from service,and tag with a rejection tag.Coupling movement shall be as required by the applicable standard,specification,or regulation,All hose which passed the test shall be tagged,indicating the date tested,who did the testing,and the date specified for repeat of testing.4.4 All hose covered by this test method shall be tested at intervals as required by the applicable standard,specifica-tion,or regulation.5.Report 5.1 The test results and findings shall be reported to the client.The report shall state:(a)name of laboratory or organization performing the test,(b)date test performed,(c)identify assemblies that passed,(d)identify assemblies that failed,and(e)date for repeat of testing.6.Precision 6.1 This test method describes a pass-fail performance test;precision as ordinarily applied to test methods that produce quantitative,continuous,numerical data is not applicable.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest information.D 4264-ra 4avxc oc micssus VRLVE OK P&;rCOCK/-CERTlFMP L/)UGE-7 FIG.1 Apparatus for Hydrostatic Test The Am&an Soclaty for Rattng-mcfMaterlaf6 takes RQ pssMm re.spWng the validity of aiy patent itghts as&In ccnnactkm with eny item mentioned In this standard.Users of this standard are expressly aovfsed that determitWcn o(tlpe vafMy of any sqch patent rights,imd the risk of lnfrlngement of such rights,are enttrely the own responsltMty.This standard Is subject to nvlslon et any time by the respnslble technloet commIttee and&st be reviewed every f/v+?years and If not nvlssd,either reapproved o