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东方 美丽 健康 产业 硅谷
东 方 美 谷 The Oriental Beauty Valley ——美丽健康产业的"硅谷" "Silicon Valley" of Beauty and Health Industry 党的十八大报告中提出建设"美丽中国"的宏伟构想,习近平总书记也曾多次提到,"美丽中国"是中国梦的重要内容。美丽中国梦离不开美丽健康产业的支撑。上海是"海派文化"集大成的地方,是美丽健康理念和潮流时尚的风向标,奉贤区作为上海产业经济的重要承载区,未来将把优越的自然禀赋与坚实的美丽将康产业基础有机整合,打造一个东方美容化妆界的"硅谷" Report of the 16th CPC National Congress proposed a grand vision of building "Beauty China", and General Secretary Xi Jinping has also mentioned that "Beauty China" is an integral part of Chinese Dream. Beautiful Chinese dream is inseparable from the support of health and beauty industry. Shanghai is an agglomeration of "Shanghai-style culture" as well as a wind vane for beauty health concepts and fashion trends as a key bearing zone for industrial economy in Shanghai, and Fengxian District will organically integrate excellent natural endowments with solid beauty health industrial base, in order to build the "Silicon Valley" of oriental beauty and cosmetics industry. ——"东方美谷"。 —— "The Oriental Beauty Valley" 一、 什么是"东方美谷"? I. What is "the Oriental Beauty Valley"? 狭义概念上,"东方美谷"不是一个物理概念上的园区,而是一个以奉贤区全域为载体,以"美丽健康"概念相关的产品轴、服务轴、产业轴3大坐标系构成的"三维立体产业体系"。在产品轴坐标上,由包括研发、生产、包装、销售等环节构成;在服务轴坐标上,由包括原料采购、ODM设计、OEM生产、检验检测、营销策划、品牌推广等配套功能构成;在产业轴坐标上,通过产品展示、用户体验、美容护理、医药保健、贸易流通、互动咨询等业态实现了以美容健康产品为基础,以"产品+服务"的形式实现应用拓展和价值链延伸,构成一个多层次立体系统。 From the narrow sense, "the Oriental Beauty Valley" is not a park on the physical concept but a "3D industrial system" composed by three coordinate systems of product axis, service axis and industry axis, which are based on Fengxian District and related to "beauty and health" concept. The product axis include research and development, production, packaging, marketing and other links; the service axis include raw material procurement, ODM design, OEM production, testing, inspection, marketing planning, brand promotion and other ancillary functions; in the industry axis, product exhibition, user experience, beauty care, health care, trade flows, interactive counseling and other business activities are carried out, and the application expansion and value extension are realized in the form of "product + service" based on beauty health products, in order to form a multi-layered 3D system. 广义概念上,"东方美谷"通过"跨界以至无界"理念和方式把总部经济、文化创意、旅游休闲、电子商务、体育运动、金融服务、时尚产业、奢侈品等跨界产业整合形成一个以美丽健康产业为核心,多种产业共生共赢的"美丽健康产业联盟"。它是一个通过全区域覆盖、全功能整合、全产业配套、全要素服务来实现"都市产业生态圈"。 From the broad sense, "the Oriental Beauty Valley" integrates the HQ economy, cultural creativity, tourism and leisure, e-commerce, sports, financial services, fashion industry, luxuries and other cross-industries through the concept and method of "Cross and Beyond Boundaries", in order to establish a "beauty and health industrial alliance" focusing on the beauty and health industry and connecting with a variety of industrial branches. It is an "urban industrial ecosystem" with full regional coverage, comprehensive functional integration, all industrial facilities and full-feature service. 二、"东方美谷"的功能结构是什么? II. What are the functions of "the Oriental Beauty Valley"? "东方美谷"包括"四大功能"和"八大中心"。 "The Oriental Beauty Valley" has "Four Functions" and "Eight Centers". (一)"四大功能" (I) "Four Functions" 1、产业集群功能,美谷将吸引全球最有影响力的美丽健康行业企业入驻,形成国内规模最大的美丽健康产业集群和具有行业引领作用的发展高地; 1. Function of Industrial Cluster, the Oriental Beauty Valley will attract most influential global industrial enterprises to settle in, and form the largest beauty health industrial cluster and leading development highland. 2、研发创新功能,美谷将集中行业最丰富的技术资源和先进设备,建设能够引领全世界美丽健康产业技术变革和理论创新的策源地; 2. Function of R&D and Innovation, the Oriental Beauty Valley will integrate the richest technological resources and most advanced equipment in the industry, and build a source guiding the technological innovation and idea innovation for the global beauty and health industry. 3、服务配套功能,美谷将确保所有的美丽健康行业企业在这个生态系统中找到自己的位置并无缝融入,借助美谷完善的产业链条以及广阔的跨界空间实现企业快速成长、做大做强; 3. Function of Supporting Service, the Oriental Beauty Valley will enable all beauty and health industrial enterprises to get accommodated in Beauty Valley, seamlessly link to this alliance, and achieve rapid growth by making use of its improved industrial chain and broad cross-industry space. 4、人才集聚功能,美谷将以海纳百川的胸怀招揽各类专业人才,凭借宜居宜业的优良环境和无限可能的发展机遇让天下英才在朝阳永续的事业中实现自己的人生价值。 4. Function of Talent Custer, the Oriental Beauty Valley will recruit all types of professionals with broad minds, provide them with good livable conditions and infinite opportunities for development, and allow global excellent talents to pursue their career development in this prosperous industry. (二)八大中心 (II) "Eight Centers" 1、研发中心。依托区内华东理工大学、上海应用技术大学、上海师范大学、上海商学院等高校丰富的教育研究资源,服务于美谷内各类美丽健康产业创新型中小微企业,为其提供个性化、专业化的研发设计服务,共同领导时尚新潮流,共享合作共赢的新成果。借力上海建设具有全球影响力科技中心的改革东风,打造引领美丽健康产业变革和技术进步的创新要素集聚地。 1. R&D Center. Relying on abundant education research resources in the district such as East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai Normal University and Shanghai Business School, it ser

