D3338/D3338M-09(2014.)2 STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR ESTIMATION OF NET HEAT OF COMBUSTION OF AVIATION FUELS ():2738-15/ASTM :14.10.2015 2015 (ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.-,.9,-49,-1,119991.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2 D3338/D3338M-09(2014.)2 1 D 3338/D 3338;,.().1 3 2014.2 2015.1.1.1 (Btu ,1 Btu=0,252 ),40,19 44,73 17 280 19 230 Btu .1 D02 ,D02.05 ,.1 2014.2014.1974.2009.D3338/D3338M-09.DOI:10.1520/D3338_D3338M-09R14E02.1ASTM D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2 .1.2 ,Jet A,Jet A-1,Jet B,JP-4,JP-5,JP-7 JP-8 .1 ,D3338,D4809.2 ,.,.,:100/130 115/145(1,2)2,WADC(3),(4),(5)3 ,:0 100 API 25,7 81,2API 160F 540F,1.3,-,.,.2 .2ASTM D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2 .1.3.1 ,-,.1.3.2 -D 1405 D 4529.D 1405 ,.D 1405 D 4529,D 3338/D3338M .1.4 ,.,.2.2.1 ASTM:3 D 86 D 240 D 1266 ()D 1298 ,API 3 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.3ASTM D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2 D 1319 D 1405 D 1552 D 2622 D 2887 D 3120 D 4052 ,API()D 4294 D 4529 D 4809 ()D 5453 ,-D 6379 4ASTM D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2 2.2 IP:4 IP 436 3.3.1:3.1.1 ,Qg(/),.3.1.2 ,Qn(/),.4.4.1 (6)-,.:,Qp1=16,24(G)3,007(A)+0,01714(G V)0,2983(A G)+0,00053(A G V)+17685(1):Qp2=5528,73 92,6499A+10,1601T(2)4 ,61 New Cavendish St.,London,WIG 7AR,U.K.,http:/ D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2+0,314169AT/D+0,0791707A 0,00944893T 0,000292178AT+35,9936:Qp1-,Btu/lb,Qp2-,/,A-,%G-,API,V-:D 86 D 2887 10%,50%90%,F,D-,/3 15C T-:D86 D2887 10%,50%90%,C.4.2 ,:Q=Qp 1 0,01(S1)+C(S1)(3):Q-,/Btu/lb,S1,Qp-Qp1-Qp2(),S1-,%,-0,10166()43,7(-)=,.4.3 ,241 ,.6ASTM D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2 5.5.1 ,.1 ,.,.,779,3/3 721,4 837,1/3,.,.;.4 D240 D4809.1.,%13,5 23,9,/3 API 779,3 50,0 58,0 13,5,C F 171,11 340 57,2 103 ,/Btu/lb 43,421 18668 0,862 371 5.2 ,.4,.7ASTM D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2 ,.,.6.6.1 0,1%,D 1319.6.1.1 D 6379 IP 436 D 1319 .6.1.2 D 6379 IP436,%,25/26,5(=0,9434),D 1319 2.6.2 15C API 0,1/3 0,1 API,D1298 D4052.6.3 10%,50%90%1C 1F,D 86.,T(C)V F,4.1.T V .6.3.1 D 2887 D 86 .10%,50%90%,D 2887,8ASTM D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2 D 86.6.4 0,02%,D 1266,D 1552,D 2622,D 3120,D 4294 D 5453,.7.7.1 :7.1.1 2,4.1.:,A=12,5%,D=805,0/3 T10=203C T50=233C T90=245C T=(203+233+245)/3=227C(4):A T=2837,5(5)2 4.1:Qp2=5528,73 92,6499(12,5)+10,1601(227)+0,314169(2837,5)/805,0+0,0791707(12,5)0,00944893(227)0,000292178(2837,5)+35,9936(6)Qp2=43,411015=43,411/,(7)7.1.2 3 4.2 ,.9ASTM D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2:Qp2=43,411/:,S1=0,10%3 .4.2:Q=43,4111 0,01(0,1)+0,10166(0,1)(8)Q=43,3778=43,378/(9)7.2 -:7.2.1 1,4.1.:,A=12,5%,G=44,2 API T10=398F T50=451F T90=473F T=(398+451+473)/3=440,7F(10):G V=19 478,.9(11)A G=552,5(12)A G V=243 486,8(13)1 .4.1:Qp1=16,24(44,2)3,007(12,5)+0,01714(19 478,9)0,2983(552,5)+0,00053(243 486,8)+17 685(14)Qp1=18663,3=18663 Btu/lb,(15)7.2.2 ,.:Qp1=18663 Btu/lb 10ASTM D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2 :,S1=0,10%Q=18 6631 0,01(0,1)+43,7(0,1)(16)Q=18 648,7=18 649 Btu/lb(17)8.8.1 7.1 ,7.2 Btu .8.2 ,.9.5 9.1 (95%):9.1.1 ,(,),().=0,021/9 Btu/9.1.2 ,5 -ASTM International RR:D02-1183.11ASTM D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2.=0,046/20 Btu/5 ,.,1 2.,.9.2 ,D4809,.1.-,D4809 .10.10.1 ;,(1)Armstrong,G.T.,et al,Net Heat of Combustion of Aviation Gasoline and its Correlation with Composition and Aniline-Gravity Product,WADC Technical Report 56-504,July 1956 .WADC 56-504,1956.(2)Petroleum Products Survey No.23,Aviation Fuels 1963,U.S.Bureau of Mines,April 1964.23,1963.,1964.12ASTM D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2(3)Armstrong,G.T.,et al,Net Heat of Combustion and Other Properties of Kerosene and Related Fuels,NBS Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,Vol 7,No.1,January 1962,plus Test Method D 86 data on these fuels.,NBS,7,1,1962.,D 86 .(4)Rossini,F.D.,et al,Selected Values of Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds,Carnegie Press,1953.,1953.(5)Fuel Inspection Data,Coordinating Research Council Report No.LD-132,Sept.1,1963.,LD-132,01.09.63(6)Bert,J.A.,and Painter,L.J.,A Broadly Applicable Method for Calculating Heat of Combustion,Chevron Research Co.,Richmond,CA,Jan.12,1973.,.,CA, D 3338/D 3338M-09(2014)2 14ASTM International -,.,.,.-ASTM International.,.,.ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States.610-832-9585,610-83