D5293-17a 10 C 35 C ,STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR APPARENT VISCOSITY OF ENGINE OILS AND BASE STOCKS BETWEEN 10 C AND 35 C USING THE COLD-CRANKING SIMULATOR 2018 ():04.04.2018:3393-18/ASTM -,.9,119049.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D5293-17 1 D5293-17a 10 C 35 C ,1 D5293;,.().1.*1.1 (CCS)10 35 50 000 100 000 105 104 1 900 25000.1 ASTM D02 ,D02.07 .1 2017.2017.1991.2017.D5293-171.DOI:10.1520/D5293-17A.*ASTM D5293-17 2 ,.1.2 .2.1.3 .1.4,.1.5 ,.,.8.1.6 -,(TBT).2.2.1 ASTM:2 D2162 2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.ASTM D5293-17 3 D2602 ,(1993.)3 D4057 2.2 ISO:ISO 17025 4 3.3.1:3.1.1 ,.3.1.2 ,.3.1.3,:=(1):-,-. .,.3 (ANSI),25 W.43rd St.,4th Floor,New York,NY 10036,http:/ D5293-17 4-;(-).-=1 ().3.2 ,:3.2.1 ,. ,.3.2.2 /,.3.2.3 ,.3.2.4 ,.3.2.5 ,.4.4.1 ,.,.ASTM D5293-17 5 5 5.1 ,CCS,.CCS .(CRC)L-495 ,600 8400 ()17,8C 2000 20000 ()28,9C.CCS 1 2 1967 D26026 CRC 4095.CRC L-49 ,CCS,CCS .,CCS CRC L-49.5.2 CCS 1 40 17 (SAE:5W,10W,15W 20W).ASTM STP 621.7 5 CRC 409“Evaluation of Laboratory Viscometers for Predicting Cranking Characteristics of Engine Oils at-0F and-20F,”1968.,5755 North Point Pkwy,Suite 265,Alpharetta,GA 30022.6 -ASTM International RR:D02-1402.ASTM Customer Service Stewart R.M.“Engine Pumpability and Crankability Tests on Commercial“W”Grade Engine Oils Compared to Bench Test Results,”ASTM STP 621 ASTM 1967,1968,1969 ASTM,17(SAE Paper 780369 SAE Publication SP-429).ASTM D5293-17 6 5.3 ,CCS.10 1990 5 40 6 (SAE 0W,5W,10W,15W,20W 25W).8 5.4 ,.,.6.6.1 :(.1)CCS(.6.2 6.3).6.2 CCS9,(dc),;,;,0,05 ;,.8 -ASTM International RR:D02-1442.ASTM Customer Service ,Cannon Instrument Co,P.O.Box 16,State College,PA 16804.Website:.,-ASTM International.1,.ASTM D5293-17 7 6.3 CCS9,6.2,.6.4 9,.6.4.1 ;.6.5 :6.5.1 ,10 .30C,.CCS (1).,.6.5.2 ,(),5,.,10%.ASTM D5293-17 8 6.6 ,()25 60 100,(),.,.7.7.1 ,ISO 17025 .,D2162.1 ,.5,.8.8.1 .8.2 ,.ASTM D5293-17 9 1.35C 30C 25C 20C 15C 10C CL080 A.CL090 A.CL100 A A.CL110 B A.CL120 B A A.CL130 B B A.CL140 B B A A.CL150 B B B A.CL160 B B B A.CL170 B B B B A.CL190 B B B B A.CL200 B B B B A A CL220 C B B B B A CL240 C B B B B A CL250 C B B B B B CL260.B B B B B CL280.C B B B B CL300.C B B B B CL320.C C B B B CL340.C B B B CL380.C B B B CL420.C B B CL480.C B B CL530.C C B CL600.C C CL680.C C A ().35C 25C;800 1500 20C 10C;800 1400 B 3.35C 20C;1000 15 000 15C;1000 13 000 10C;1000 9000 C .35C 20C;13500 15C;11 500 10C;9000 ASTM D5293-17 10 9.9.1 ,(.D4057),.,.,5 .9.2 ,(.6.6)() ,-(,.),.(10.3),0,005,.1 -.X4.10.2 (),.(ASTM D5293-17 11 .)10.2.1 .10.2.2 ,Service CCS Temperature Verification Service ,.10.2.3 .10.2.4 0,06C.,.10.3 (Set Motor Current)CL250(3500).,20,0C ,. ,20 ,0,240 KRPM 0,001 KRPM(SPEED()CURRENT ADJUST DIAL().50-75 ., ,55-60.0,005 KRPM 0,240 KRPM,.,0,240 KRPM .ASTM D5293-17 12 .,11., ,0,240 KRPM 0,005 KRPM,0,240 KRPM . ,.1 ,11.2 CCS 4/5 DOS,.VISDISK,.,CCS.10.4.1 ,.1 :A,B C.B ,.,10.5.,.,.,35C CL090,CL120,CL150,CL170,CL190,CL240,CL090,CL120,CL150,CL170,CL190,CL240.ASTM D5293-17 13 10.5 ,:=rB0+1+2(r)(2):-,B0,B1,B2 -,r -KRPM.10.6 ,:10.6.1 ,0,99 .10.6.2 ,1,6%.,1%.10.6.3 ,-,.,.,.10.6.4 .,.,.ASTM D5293-17 14 ,.10.6.5 ,10 ,.11.CCS 11.1 55 60-.3 -.X3,11.1-11.3.4 ,.11.2 ().11.3 11.1 11.2 .5 .11.4 ,.180.,55-60.6 .ASTM D5293-17 15 CCS .11.4.1 ,.,CL 250 -20.0,005 KRPM 0,240 KRPM,.12.12.1 .13.13.1 10,11 c S-4/5(),4.CCS-2050/2100()ViscPro CCS 2100,20 35 2700 15 000,.3,1%7,3%1,5%6,0%10 -ASTM International RR:D02-1459.ASTM Customer Service -ASTM International RR:D02-1653.ASTM Customer Service D5293-17 16 13.1.1 ,13.1 .13.1.2 ,13.1 .13.2 10 ,2700 15000 20 35.4.x ViscPro CCS .,.13.3 ,.ASTM D5293-17 17 14.14.1 ;()1.CCS 1.1 1.1.1 CCS9,(dc),;,;,0,05 ;.1.1.2 .1.1.3 10,.,.CCS ,.1.1.4 ;ASTM D5293-17 18.10 .1.1.5,.1.1.6 9,(CCS).1.2 1.2.1 (.)1.2.2 (.)1.2.3 (.)1.2.4 ,.1,.1.3 1.3.1 ,.1.3.2 ,.ASTM D5293-17 19 1.4 CCS 1.4.1 ,-(,-.),.(1.4.2),0,020,.1.4.2 CAL,.-20 ,3500 -20,11.,0,240 0,010 .,240 0,010 3500 20, ,.1, ,.1.4.4 .(log-log).,;ASTM D5293-17 20 .