D 4974-04(2016.)STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR HOT AIR THERMAL SHRINKAGE OF YARN AND CORD USING A THERMAL SHRINKAGE OVEN ():3004-16/ASTM :17.10.2016 2016 (ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.-,.9,-49,-1,119991.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ D 4974-04(2016)D 4974-04(2016.)1 D 4974;,.().1.1.1 (),.1.2 ,20 700 (180 6300),.1.2.1 .1.3 ,-.1 ASTM D13 ,D13.19 .1 2016.2016.1999.2011.D 4974-04(2011).DOI:10.1520/D4974-04R16.1ASTM D 4974-04(2016),-,.,.,;,.1.4 ,.,. ASTM:2 D 123,D 885 ,D 1776 D 6477,2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.2ASTM D 4974-04(2016)3.3.1:3.2 ,.D 6477.3.2.1 :,.3.3 ,.D :.4.4.1 .,.5.5.1 -(),.1 ,(,),3ASTM D 4974-04(2016),().,(),.,.,.,.95 100%.5.1.1 ,.,.t-(),.,.4ASTM D 4974-04(2016)5.2 (),.5.3 ,.5.4 ,.5.5 ,D 885 .,D885 ,-,.6.6.1 .,-.,.6.2 .5ASTM D 4974-04(2016)./,.6.3 (,).,.(),.6.4 /.,.,10,.6.5 ,.6.6 .6.7,(,)6ASTM D 4974-04(2016),.6.8 ,.7.7.1 3,250C(480F),2(4F),0,1%.1 .7.2 .7.3 ().7.4 ,.8.8.1 200C(390F),.8.2 .9.9.1 ,.3 .().7ASTM D 4974-04(2016),.1 9.2 -:9.2.1 ,D2258.9.2.2 ,1 (1)(),.9.3 :9.3.1 15 (16),.15 (16),8ASTM D 4974-04(2016).600 (24).,.9.3.2 600 (24)75 (3).,(,)600 (24),75 (3).,. 9.3.2 ,.,(.10.1).,.10.10.1 :10.1.1 D 1776,9ASTM D 4974-04(2016),(.3).,/.10.1.2 12- ,16-28,5-20 .-(.12).10.2 :10.2.1 , (.3).10.2.3 177 2(350 4 F)(.6.2).10.2.4 .11.11.1 (.1):11.1.1 ,1,0 0,2/(0010 0002/).11.2 .10ASTM D 4974-04(2016)1 ,400 (3600)400 (3600)177 2C(350 4F)5,0 1,0/(0,05 0,01/)120 10 240 10 11.3 .11.4 .11.5 (),.,11.1.2 ,.2 ,(7,5),.11.6 (),.3 (,)(),.,11.4,.(12),.11ASTM D 4974-04(2016)2 A,B A.d,e ,235 210 10 940 840 42 1100 1000 50 1170 1050 53 1400 1260 63 1440 1300 65 1870 1680 84 2100 1890 95 B.,940 2 840 2 84 1100 2 1000 2 100 1400 2 1260 2 126 1440 2 1300 2 130 1870 2 1680 2 168 2100 2 1890 2 189 A ,.2,d()0,50,d(),0,05-(,),0,090 0,01 ,.B ,(),().,12.1.2,(,/).,10 000 100 12.1.2 100,(0,01 /).11.7 .11.8 .11.9 120 10 (240 10 ,400 3600)0,1%,.11.10 .12.12.1 ,12ASTM D 4974-04(2016)13 D 4974.(),.:12.1.1 ,.12.1.2 ,.12.1.3 -,(.10.1.2 10.1.3).12.1.4 ,.12.1.5 ,(.3).13.13.1 2000.Lawson-Hemphill,Lenzing Testrite.,(),(,).1%7%.,().3.ASTM D 4974-04(2016)3 -,-s -s-s 1400,d,5,2 0,043665 0,015556 0,00076 0,003951 0,010685 0,073097 0,029432 0,10 0,17 0,27 930 d,7,6 0,40272 0,002372 0,001638 0,010809 0,019147 0,436686 0,033966 0,14 0,18 0,66 1880 d,6,5 0,167416 0,009564 0,001451 0,004993 0,014463 0,197887 0,030471 0,12 0,17 0,44 1400/1/2 0,94 0,004404 0,000046 0,00011 0,002657 0,002752 0,009749 0,005345 0,05 0,07 0,10 930/1/2 7,7 0,580907 0,00434 0,001816 0,030175 0,016896 0,625454 0,044547 0,13 0,21 0,79 1800/1/2 5,4 0,126382 0,006947 0,000544 0,010189 0,018177 0,162239 0,035857 0,13 0,19 0,40 14 ASTM D 4974-04(2016)13.2 ,.,.(),(ILS).,(),(ILS).,.,.,.-.,.4,15ASTM D 4974-04(2016),(),().(95%-),.4 1400,d,0,287 0,476 0,749 1 2 0,203 0,336 0,530 0,143 0,238 0,375 4 0,101 0,168 0,265 8 0,072 16 0,119 0,187 930,d,0,384 0,511 1,832 1 2 0,271 0,361 1,295 0,192 0,255 0,916 4 0,136 0,181 0,648 8 0,096 16 0,128 0,458 1880,d,0,333 0,484 1,233 1 2 0,236 0,342 0,872 0,167 0,242 0,617 4 0,118 0,171 0,436 8 0,083 16 0,121 0,308 1400/1/2 0,145 0,203 0,274 1 2 0,103 0,143 0,194 0,073 0,101 0,137 4 0,051 0,072 0,097 8 0,036 16 0,051 0,068 930/1/2 0,360 0,585 2,192 1 2 0,255 0,414 1,550 0,180 0,293 1,096 4 0,127 0,207 0,775 8 0,090 16 0,146 0,548 1880/1/210.0,374 0,525 1,116 1 2 0,264 0,371 0,789 0,187 0,262 0,558 4 0,132 8 0,186 0,395 16 0,093 0,131 0,279 16ASTM D 4974-04(2016)13.3 -,.14.14.1;.17ASTM D 4974-04(2016)18ASTM International -,.,.,.-ASTM International.,.,.ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428.610-832-9585,610-832-9555 ASTM:(,222 Rosewood Drive,Danvers,MA 01923,Tel:(978)646-2600;http:/.