D 52314 STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR SPECULAR GLOSS ():2332-14/ASTM :09.04.2014 2014 -,.9,-49,-1,119991.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D 523-14 10 D 52314 1 D 523;,.().1.1.1 60,20 85(1-7)2.1.2,-,.,.1.3 ,.1 ASTM 12 12.03 .1 2014.2014.1939.2008.D523-08.DOI:10.1520/D0523-14.D 523-851.2,.ASTM D 523-14 2 ,.2.2.1 ASTM:3 D 823 ,D 3964 D 3980 (1998.)4 D 4039 97 45 0 (1991.)4 430 3.3.1:3.1.1 ,.3 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.4 D 523-14 3 .3.1.2 ().4 4.1 60,20 85(8,9).,:4.1.1 60 , 20 ,60, 85 .,60, ,.,.5.1.1 .,.,ASTM D 523-14 4 ,.5.2 ,(1),(6),(7).430 .D 4039 .5.3 .,(10).5.4 ,.6 6.1 ,;,.,.6.2 .0,1 ,.ASTM D 523-14 5 ,().1/3 .1.,.1,.2.1 .2 .,(5).,60 receptor(=1,0000)1.,2 tan/2 ,2 tan/2 0,75 0,0131 0,171 2,5 0,0436 0,568 0,25 0,0044 0,057 0,5 0,0087 0,114 60 4,4 0,0768 1,000 11,7 0,2049 2,668 0,1 0,0018 0,023 0,2 0,0035 0,046 20 1,8 0,0314 0,409 3,6 0,0629 0,819 0,05 0,0009 0,012 0,1 0,0018 0,023 85 4,0 0,0698 0,909 6,0 0,1048 1,365 0,3 0,0052 0,068 0,3 0,0052 0,068 6.2.1 : ,60,20 85.ASTM D 523-14 ().1 ,.1.,.2.,2 (11).,.ASTM D 523-14 7 ,.6.3 ,.1.6.4 ,(CIE).,.6.5 ,1%.7.7.1 1,567 D 100 .(5).,.0,001 0,27,0,16 0,016 ,20,60 85.,ASTM D 523-14 8 1,527 89,2,93,6 99,4 .7.2 ,.7.3 ,.,.,.,.,.(,).(150F(65),.().8.8.1 .,D823.ASTM D 523-14 9 3 ,D 823.8.2 D3964.9.9.1 .9.2 .0,1 ,.9.3 ,.,.,.-,.-,.10.10.1 ().,ASTM D 523-14 10 ,.10.2 3 6 (75 150).2 ,D3980.(,).11.11.1 .,.,6.2 .,45,0,97,.,:,60 2,5 20 1,2 85 0,03 ASTM D 523-14 1112.12.1 :12.1.1 .12.1.2 ,5%.12.1.3 ,.12.1.4 .12.1.5 .13.13.1 ,.3.95%:2.,20 1,1 1,7 3,5 6,4 60 0,9 0,9 3,4 3,5 85 0,6 0,8 2,0 7,2 .ASTM D 523-14 1213.1.1 ,. ,.2.,.4 ,.2.3.,.20 4 40 34 0,4 1,2 60 4 40 34 0,3 1,2 85 2 16 6 0,2 0,6 ,.20 8 80 72 0,6 2,2 60 22 220 136 0,3 1,2 85 6 48 18 0,3 2,4 .14.14.1 ;.ASTM D 523-14 13 (1)Hunter,R.S.,Methods of Determining Gloss,Proceedings,ASTM,Vol 36,1936,Part II,p.783.Also,Journal of Research,Nat.Bureau Standards,Vol 18,No.1,January 1937,p.19(Research Paper RP958).Six somewhat different appearance attributes are shown to be variously associated with gloss.Therefore,as many as six different photometric scales may be required to handle all gloss measurement problems.(This paper is out of print).(2)Hunter,R.S.,and Judd,D.B.,Development of a Method of Classifying Paint According to Gloss,ASTM Bulletin,No.97,March 1939,p.11.A comparison is made of several geometrically different photometric scales for separating paint finishes for gloss.The geometric conditions of test later incorporated in Test Method D 523 are recommended.(3)Wetlaufer,L.A.,and Scott,W.R,The Measurement of Gloss,Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,Analytical Edition,Vol 12,November 1940,p.647.A goniophotometric study of a number of paint finishes illuminated at 45;a study of gloss readings affected by variation of aperture for 45 and 60 incidence.(4)Hunter,R.S.,The Gloss Measurement of Paint Finishes,ASTM Bulletin,No.150,January 1948,p.72.History of Test Method D 523.(5)Hammond,H.K.,Ill,and Nimerroff,I.,Measurement of Sixty-Degree Specular Gloss,Journal of Research,Nat.Bureau Standards.A study of the effect of aperture variation on glossmeter readings,including definitions of terms used in connection with specular gloss measurement,the Fresnel equation in a form readily usable for computation,and the deviation of diffuse correction formulas.(6)Hunter,R.S.,Gloss Evaluation of Materials,ASTM Bulletin,No.186,December 1952,p.48.A study of the history of gloss methods in ASTM and other societies,describing the background in the choice of geometry of these ASTM D 523-14 14methods.Contains photographs depicting gloss characteristics of a variety of methods.(7)Hunter,R.S.,The Measurement of Appearance,Wiley-Interscience,New York,1975,Chapter 6,Scales for Gloss and Other Geometric Attributes,and Chapter 13,Instruments for the Geometric Attributes of Object Appearance.(8)Horning,S.C.,and Morse,M.P.,Measurement of the Gloss of Paint Panels,Official Digest,Federation of Paint and Varnish Production Clubs,March 1947,p.153.A study of the effect of geometric conditions on results of gloss tests with special atte