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Designation:D514902(Reapproved 2016)Standard Test Method forOzone in the Atmosphere:Continuous Measurement byEthylene Chemiluminescence1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5149;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon()indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope1.1 This test method describes the sampling and continuousanalysis of the ozone content of the atmosphere at concentra-tions of 20 to 2000 g of ozone/m3(10 ppb(v)to 1 ppm(v).1.2 This test method is limited in application by its sensi-tivity to interferences as described below.This test method isnot suitable for personal sampling because of instrument sizeand sensitivity to vibration and ambient temperature.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.Some specificprecautionary statements are presented in Section 8.2.Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D1356 Terminology Relating to Sampling and Analysis ofAtmospheresD1357 Practice for Planning the Sampling of the AmbientAtmosphereD1914 Practice for Conversion Units and Factors Relating toSampling and Analysis of AtmospheresD3249 Practice for General Ambient Air Analyzer Proce-duresD3670 Guide for Determination of Precision and Bias ofMethods of Committee D22D5011 Practices for Calibration of Ozone Monitors UsingTransfer StandardsD5110 Practice for Calibration of Ozone Monitors andCertification of Ozone Transfer Standards Using Ultravio-let PhotometryIEEE/ASTM SI-10 Practice for Use of the InternationalSystem of Units(SI)(the Modernized Metric System)2.2 U.S.Environmental Protection Agency Standards:3EPA-600/4-79-056 Transfer Standards for Calibration of AirMonitoring Analyzers for Ozone(NTIS:PB80146871)EPA-600/4-79-057 Technical Assistance Document for theCalibration of Ozone Monitors(NTIS:PB80149552)EPA-600/4-80-050 Evaluation of Ozone Calibration Tech-niques(NTIS:PB81118911)EPA-600/4-83-003 Performance Test Results and Compara-tive Data for Designated Reference and Equivalent Meth-ods for Ozone(NTIS:PB83166686)2.3 Code of Federal Regulations:340-CFR-Part 53.203.Terminology3.1 DefinitionsFor definitions of terms used in this testmethod,refer to Terminology D1356 and Practice D1914.Anexplanation of units,symbols and conversion factors may befound in Practice IEEE/ASTM SI-10.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 absolute ultra-violet photometera photometerwhose design,construction and maintenance is such that it canmeasure the absorbance caused by ozone mixtures withoutreference to external absorption standards.Given a value forthe absorption coefficient of ozone at 253.7 nm and a readingfrom the absolute ultraviolet photometer,ozone concentrationscan be calculated with accuracy.Measurements by an absoluteultraviolet photometer should be made on prepared ozonemixtures free from interferences.3.2.2 primary standarda standard directly defined andestablished by some authority,against which all secondarystandards are compared.3.2.3 secondary standarda standard used as a means ofcomparison,but checked against a primary standard.3.2.4 standardan accepted reference sample or deviceused for establishing measurement of a physical quantity.1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D22 on AirQuality and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D22.03 on AmbientAtmospheres and Source Emissions.Current edition approved Oct.1,2016.Published October 2016.Originallyapproved in 1990.Last previous edition approved in 2008 as D5149 02(2008).DOI:10.1520/D5149-02R16.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,www.astm.org,orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org.For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information,refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from National Technical Information Service(NTIS),5285 PortRoyal Rd.,Springfield,VA 22161,http:/www.ntis.gov.Copyright ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States1 3.2.5 transfer standarda type of secondary standard.It isa transportable device or apparatus which,together withoperational procedures,is capable of reproducing a sampleconcentration or producing acceptable assays of sample con-centrations.4.Significance and Use4.1 Air quality standards for ozone have been promulgatedby government authorities to protect the health and welfare ofthe public.Though ozone itself is a toxic material,it is oftencomplex organic compounds that cause the symptoms of smogsuch as tearing and burning eyes.However,ozone is thepredominant oxidant and is much more easily monitored