D 5236-18 ()STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR DISTILLATION OF HEAVY HYDROCARBON MIXTURES(VACUUM POTSTILL METHOD)2018 ():19.07.2018:3490-18/ASTM -,.9,119049.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D5236-18 1 D5236-18 ()1 D5236;,.().1.*1.1 ,150(300F),.(),.,.1.2 ,.1 ASTM D02 ,D02.08 .1 2018.2018.1992.2017.D5236-17.DOI:10.1520/D5236-18.ASTM D5236-18 2 ,.1.3 ().565(1050F).(,).1.4 400(752F)D2892.150(302F).,.1.5 :1.5.1 1 ,1.5.2 2 ,1.5.3 3 ,1.5.4 4 (),1.5.5 5 .1.6,.,.1.7 ,.,ASTM D5236-18 3 ,.,,6.9.3,9.5,9.7 ,.,.(MSDS)EPA http:/,/.1.9 ,(TBT).2.2.1 ASTM:2 D941 ()(1993.)3 D1217 ()D1250 2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.3 D5236-18 4 D1298 ,API D1480 ()D2892 (15 )D4057 D4177 D5002 3.3.1 ,:3.1.1 ,(). ,.3.1.2 ,.3.1.3 (),. .3.1.4 (),.ASTM D5236-18 5 3.1.5 (),.3.1.6 ().3.1.7 .3.1.8 ,. ,(.).3.1.9 (),.3.1.10 (),. ,.3.1.11 ,(). ,.ASTM D5236-18 6 4 4.1 6,6 0,013 (50 0,1 .).,.4.2 .4.3 .,15(59F).4.4 ,4.2 ,.5.2,.5.3 (),.,.ASTM D5236-18 7 1 ,.5.4 .A B C D E F G H I 25 85 75 64 .47 .40 4-5 35/25 28/15 35 36 90 75 64 .68 .57 5-6 65/40 35/25 35 50 110 100 75 .94 .79 7-9 75/50 35/25 45 70 140 100 100 .131 .111 10-11 102/75 50/30 70 .1.5.5 ,.,15 3 1 ,.2 ASTM D5236-18 8 1 2 6.5.3 .1.6 6.1 4 (25,36,50 70).4 .2 ,.,().,.6.2 :6.2.1,50%,.200 400 .1 ,.6.2.2 ,10,.4 Cooke,Industrial and engineering Chemistry,55,1963,.36.ASTM D5236-18 9 .2.1.,2,25 5 1-2 2-3 36 10 2-4 3-6 50 20 4-8 6-12 70 40 8-16 12-24 6.2.3 ,6 ,.,.3 .()ASTM D5236-18 10 A B 25 35/25 3 36 64/40 6 50 75/50 12 70 102/75 24 .3.6.3 3 20 ,6 50 .,.6.4 :6.4.1 ,150/2 .10 ASTM D5236-18 11 0,5/ ,.6.4.3 ,.0,2/2.6.5 :6.5.1 .1.,0,0001 (0,00075 .).6.5.2 ,5 .,.6.5.3 ,3 1 .,.,.,.6.5.4 ,ASTM D5236-18 12 6.5.4 0,5 0,1 . 2.2.2.,.,.(). . ,.4,6.5.3 .6.5.6 .0,00133 (0,01 .),.,1 ,ASTM D5236-18 13 .4.(,).,. ,.,. ,15 15 30 51 .80 .GL-20 62 .GL-20 35 .70 ASTM D5236-18 14.2.3.A B C D 25 51 28 300 35/25 36 75 45 300 65/40 50 80 54 400 75/50 70 120 80 400 102/72 . .,2.3 .()ASTM D5236-18 15 .)6.6 ,(.5).,70,.6.7 :6.7.1 ., .6.7.3 .6.7.4 ,.5,.,.6.8 ,.6.9 :ASTM D5236-18 16 6.9.1 ,.6.A B C 25 45 120 35/25 36 51 120 35/25 50 64 150 50/30 70 75 150 50/30 . ,10 ASTM D5236-18 17 .,.6.9.3 ,.1%.(.,.,).7.7.1 D4057 D4177.D2892.7.2 .7.3 ,.7.4 , ,.2.,ASTM D5236-18 18 .-(Vitron-A)5 .8.2 0,1%.8.3 ,0,05 (0,4 .).1 0,01 (0,075 .),.0,01 (0,075 .)1,.8.4 :D941,D1217,D1480,D5002 D1298.15.D1250.9.2 .9.3 .1 ,.9.4 0,1%.,(),90 95 .,.5 Vitron-A DuPont E.I.De Nemours and Co.,Washington,DE 19898.ASTM D5236-18 19 9.5 ().(.)9.6 ,.(),(),.(),(,).9.7 ,300/(540F/).400(750F).(400 -.)9.8 40 .9.9 .2 ,.7.0,133 (1,0 .),ASTM D5236-18 20 343(650F),D 2892.2 .,.7.ASTM D5236-18 21 2.(.)/(2),/25 36 50 70 6,67(50)90150 450750 9001500 18003000 36006000 1,33(10)75125 375625 7501250 15002500 30005000 0,133(1)4575 225375 450750 9001500 18003000 0,0400(0,3)3050 150250 300500 6001000 12002000 0,0133(0,1)1020 50100 100200 200400 400800 9.10 ,.2(.2).,5,.3 ,80%.9.11 ,150(302F),.,.,.9.12 .,ASTM D5236-18 22 (.9.18).,.,.2 .,.2,2 .,0,133 25%30%.,.,/(.9.18).9.13 ,.9.13.1 .,.9.13.2 .ASTM D5236-18 23 9.14 :9.14.1 ,9.14.2 ,9.14.3 0,5,9.14.4 ,9.14.5 1%,9.14.6 4.9.15 ,(.9.9).,290(554F).9.17 ,320(608F),.2 10 .,.5 6 .9.18 90%(.2).,2.9.16 9.17,320(608F).ASTM D5236-18 24 9.19 ,.1 ,310(590F).9.20 ,(.4).4 ;,.5 (,10%).9.21 90%,.6 90%.9.22 ,.9.23 150(302F),.10 .ASTM D5236-18 25 9.24 0,1%.9.25 15(59F),D1250,.9.26 (),.,.,.,5.,.10.10.1 .99,6%100,1%.10.2 .ASTM D5236-18 26 11.11.1 :11.1.1 ,11.1.2 15 4 ,.8.ASTM D5236-18 27 . 15,11.1.4 0,1%.ASTM D5236-18 28 11.1.5 ,11.1.6 .11.2,9.14,.8 .9.11.3 (),.12.12.1 ,:6 7 ,1986.(,),1988.(,)(,).RR:D02-1007,.12.1.1 ,:6 -ASTM International RR:D02-1288.ASTM Customer Service D5236-18 29 (LV),%,10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 6,1 4,5 6,1 4,9 5,7 4,1 4,8 4,9 4,4 12.1.2 ,:(LV),%,10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 16,9 12,8 13,5 11,2 14,2 8,4 11,4 5,1 4,4 12.2 ,.14.14.1 ;.ASTM D5236-18 30 ()1.1.1 1.1.1 ,.1.2 1.2.1 ,.1.2.2 ,.1.3 1.3.1 1-.,.80 5(175F 9F).1.3.2 ,0,1.,0,1(0