D 4541091 STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR PULL-OFF STRENGTH OF COATINGS USING PORTABLE ADHESION TESTERS 2013 ():2203-13/ASTM :02.12.2013 -,.9,-49,-1,119991.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D 4541-091 1 D 4541091 1 D 4541;,.()1 D 3980 2 2010.1.1.1 ().D 7234.(),(/).1 ASTM D01 ,D01.46 .1 2009.2009.1993.2002.D 4541-02.DOI:10.1520/D4541-09E01.ASTM D 4541-091 2 ,.,.1 ,.,.1.2 ,.,.,.2 A,(.D 7234).1.3 ,.2 ,.,.1.4 2 “”,.ASTM D 4541-091 3.1.5,(-),.1.6 ,.,.2.2.1 ASTM:3 D 2651 D 3933 ()D 7234 E 691 2.2 ANSI:N512 ()4 2.3 ISO:ISO 4624 .4 3 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.4 (ANSI):25 W.43-.,4-.,-,NY 10036,http:/ D 4541-091 43.3.1 ,()().,.,.,.,.,.,(.X1).4.4.1 ,.,.,.4.2 ,ASTM D 4541-091 5 (.10).,.4.3 (.,).5.5.1,A1 A5.5.1.1 ,.5.1.2 (),.5.1.3,.,.5.1.4 ,(,).5.1.5,1/(150 ./)20-,100 .,ASTM D 4541-091 6 . ,.5.2,.,.5.3 ,.,(400 ),.5.4 5,.5.5 ,.5.6 ,.,(.6.7),.5.7 (),.5 “Scotch Weld 420”,3M,3M,St.Paul,MN 55144.ASTM D 4541-091 76.6.1 ,.,.:6.1.1 ,.,.,.6.1.2 ,.,.6.2 ,.3,2 (1/4)6,4 (1/8).ASTM D 4541-091 86.3 .6.1,.,.,.,.,.6.4 .,ASTM .3.D 2651 D 3933 .6.5 .(),.,.(,.)4 1%5 .6.6 ,ASTM D 4541-091 9 .,;,.6.7 ,.,.,.,.500 (20),.,.5 .6.8 .ASTM D 4541-091 107.7.1 :7.1.1 A().7.1.2 II : A1.7.1.3 III: A2.7.1.4 IV: A3.7.1.5 V: A4.7.1.6 VI: A5.7.2 ,.,.7.3 (5.1.3),.,.7.4 ,.ASTM D 4541-091 11,.7.5 ,.6 ,.X1.,.7.6 1/(150 ./)20-,100 .7.7 ,.7.8 , ,.8.8.1 ,.8.2 ,:(1):X-,ASTM D 4541-091 12.(.),F-,8.1,d-,().8.3 ,.,8.3.1 8.3.3.(.ISO 4624.)7 ISO 4624 .8.3.1 A,.,Y,Z .8.3.2 ,A,.,.8.3.3 ,A/,/,/,.,.8.4,.,.,.,.ASTM D 4541-091 13 :,.,.8.5 ,50%.,“.8.6 X1.9.9.1 :9.1.1 ,.,.9.1.2 .9.1.3 ,:,.9.1.4 ,8.3,:ASTM D 4541-091 14,(,.),.9.1.5 .,. /,/,-(.8.3 ANSI N512). ,8.2,8.3,. ,. ,.10.6,7 10.1 D 4541,2006.6 ASTM :RR:D01-1094.7 ASTM :RR:D01-1147.ASTM D 4541-091 15,1/4,.“”.,.,50%,.,().E 691;D01-1147.8 ,.10.1.1 ,“r”,“r”,. .1 5.ASTM D 4541-091 16 1.,(.)x sr sR r R 1195 278 330 777 925 549 109 117 305 326 1212 412 483 1155 1351 1385 192 276 537 774 x r%R%1195 777 69,1 925 77,4 549 305 55,6 326 59,0 1212 1155 95,3 1351 111,5 1385 537 38,8 774 55,9 64,7 76,0 2.,(.)x sr sR r R 1974 261 324 732 907 1221 136 548 382 1535 2110 252 316 706 886 2012 239 359 669 1004 x r%R%1974 732 37,1 907 45,9 1221 382 31,3 1535 125,7 2110 706 33,5 886 42,0 2012 669 33,3 1004 49,9 30,4 70,5 ASTM D 4541-091 17 3.,(.)x sr sR r R 2458 146 270 408 755 1232 31 116 87 324 2707 155 233 434 651 2354 163 273 456 764 x r%R%2458 408 16,6 755 30,7 1232 87 7,1 324 26,3 2707 434 16,0 651 24,0 2354 456 19,4 764 32,5 14,8 28,4 4.,(.)x sr sR r R 2210 173 215 483 601 1120 115 155 321 433 2481 361 422 1011 1181 2449 173 198 485 555 x r%R%2210 483 21,9 601 27,2 1120 321 28,7 433 38,7 2481 1011 40,7 1181 47,6 2449 485 19,8 555 22,7 27,8 34,1 ASTM D 4541-091 18 5.,(.)x sr sR r R 2070 102 125 287 351 1106 60 108 169 304 2368 124 160 347 449 2327 217 237 609 664 x r%R%2070 287 13,9 351 17,0 1106 169 15,3 304 27,5 2368 347 14,7 449 19,0 2327 609 26,2 664 28,5 17,5 23,0 10.1.2 ,“R”,“R”,. .1 95%.10.2 ,.10.3 394,.ASTM D 4541-091 19 ,.10.3.1,.6.,.6.6.(),%,%64,7 76,0 33,8 65,9 14,8 28,4 27,8 34,1 17,5 23,0 11.11.1;.ASTM D 4541-091 20()A1.II ()A1.1:A1.1.1 .A1.1.8,9 A1.1 II,.6,.A1.1.A1.1.2 :-,20 (0,8)-;-,();-,(),.A1.1.3 .,.8 “Elcometer”106,“Elcometer Instruments,Ltd.”,:Edge Lane,Droylston,M35 6UB,.9 ,ASTM.,1 .ASTM D 4541-091 21A1.1.4 :3,5,7,0,14 28 (0 500,0 1000,0 2000 0 4000 .).A1.2 :A1.2.1 .,.A1.2.2 ,.A1.2.3 (),.A1.2.4 ,.150 ./(1/),7/7 (7/1000 .).14 28 (2000 4000 .),.,.100.A1.2.5 ,.,.ASTM D 4541-091 22 ,.(a)().A1.1 (a)()II ASTM D 4541-091 23A1.2.6 ,.A2.III()A2.1:A2.1.1 .A2.1.10,9 A2.1 III,.6,.A2.1.A2.1.2 .,.,.A2.1.3 :-19 (0,75)3 (0,125);-,;-;-;-;-.A2.1.4 ,.10 “Hate Mark VII”,“Hydraulic Adhesion Test Equipment,Ltd.”,:629 Inlet Rd.,North Palm Beach,FL 33408.ASTM D 4541-091 24A2.1.5 :0 10 (0 1500 .),0 15 (0 2250 .)0 20 (0 3000 .).,.A2.2 :A2.2.1 ,.6 7.A2.2.2 ,.10 .A2.2.3 ,.,.A2.2.4 ,.,.A2.2.5 ,.ASTM D 4541-091 25(a)().A2.1 (a)()III /ASTM D 4541-091 26A3.IV()A3.1:A3.1.1 ,.A3.1.A3.1 IV,.6,.A3.1.A3.1.2 :(1),(2),(3),(4).A3.1.3 (3 75).12,5 (0,5).,.A3.1.4 .,.A3.1.5