D6045-12(2017.)STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR COLOR OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS BY THE AUTOMATIC TRISTMULUS METHOD 2017 ():11.09.2017:3264-17/ASTM -,.9,-49,119049.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D6045-12(2017)1 D6045-12(2017.)1 D6045;,.().1.1.1 ,-,.D156 D1500 .1 ,.1 ASTM D02 ,D02.05 ,.1 2017.2017.1996.2012.D6045-12.DOI:10.1520/D6045-12R17.ASTM D6045-12(2017)2 1.2 D156 D1500.1.3 -ASTM D1500 0 +30 D156.1.4 ,.1.5 .,.1.6,.1.7 ,.,.1.8 -,(TBT).ASTM D6045-12(2017)3 2.2.1 ASTM:2 D156 ()D1500 ASTM(ASTM)D2500 D4057 284 308 CIE 2.2 :IP 17 (Lovibond)3 3.3.1:3.1.1 ASTM ,0,5()8,0.()D1500.3.1.2 CIE ()Commission Internationale de lEclairage.284 3.1.3 CIE ,2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.3 Methods for Analysis Testing,61,New Cavendish St.,London,WIG 7AR,UK.ASTM D6045-12(2017)4 6774,CIE .284 3.1.4 CIE 1931 ,(),y()z(),2;2.284 3.1.5 ,16()+30()D156.3.1.6 ,. CIE X,Y,Z.284 4.4.1 ,.,CIE(CIE 1931 CIE C).ASTM.4.2 D156,D1500,.5.5.1 ,ASTM D6045-12(2017)5 .,.6.6.1 ,6.1.1 ,: 380 780. 10 2 5 0,5%.0,2%. .,5 .0 2 . (CIE XYZ)CIE C CIE 1931.,ASTM D6045-12(2017)6,,.6.1.2 ,.(/)(CIE XYZ)CIE C CIE 1931 308.D1500 D156 ASTM/,.ASTM ,(.12).6.1.3 ,.33 ASTM,100 .6.2 ,(),(),.7.7.1 .,ASTM D6045-12(2017)7 4.,.7.2 (.),+21 ,D156 1,5 ,IP 17.ASTM.,100 ,7.2,.8.8.1 D4057.8.2 ,(.6.2)() ,6 C(10 F)(.D2500)4 Reagent Chemicals Society Specifications,American Chemical Society,Washington,DC.,.Analar Standards for Laboratory Chemicals,BDH Ltd,Poole,Dorset,U.K.,and United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary,U.S.Pharmaceutical Convention,Inc.(USPC),Rockville,MD.ASTM D6045-12(2017)8.,8 ASTM,15 85 .10.10.1 .10.1.1 D1500 D156,. 2.10.2 ,.10.3 ASTM ,.11.11.1 :11.1.1 ,ASTM :(1),1 ,4 L ,5(,3,1 3,4 ASTM L3,5 3,5 ASTM);(2),5 (,3,5 ASTM 3,5);(3),6 ,9 L ASTM D6045-12(2017)9 (,3,6 3,9 ASTM L4 8 ASTM.11.1.2 7.2,Dil(.),L7,5 Dil ASTM 7,5 Dil ASTM(.2).2 ,11.1.2.,.11.1.3 ,.12.12.1 D156 D1500 ASTM ,5,10.1993.,-ASTM.5,12.2 ,:12.2.1 ,5.-ASTM International RR:D02-1356.ASTM Customer Service D6045-12(2017)10 ,. r=0,14 (D156). r=0,10 ASTM(D1500).12.2.2 ,. R=1,24(D156). R=0,48(D1500).12.3 :12.3.1 D1500.12.3.2 D156 0 +30.0 ASTM;ASTM D6045-12(2017)11 ()1.,RR:D02-13565.,(.10.1.1).1.1 1.1.1 ASTM.1.2 1.2.1 :IEC 867 6 1.2.2 :JIS 0510 7 1.3 1.3.1 ,6.1 (ANSI),25 West 43rd St.,4th Floor,New York,NY 10036,http:/ (JSA),Mita MT Bldg.,3-13-12 Mita,Minato-ku,Tokyo 108-0073,Japan,http:/ D6045-12(2017)12 10,33 0,1 . 200 50.1.4 1.4.1: 3-1-4-()-5-(5GS-EX).CAS RN()4314-14- 1-()-2-(),CAS RN 842-07- 1,4()-9,10-(SB).CAS RN 17354-14-2.X1.4.1.4 1-4-()-2-(5B-SP).CAS RN 1320-06- 1,5(1,8)-(4)-9,10-(3R).CAS RN 8005-40-1.X1.4.1.6 1-4-(4-)-9,10-(-2R).CAS RN 81-48- 1,4-(4-)-5,8-9,10-(SG).CAS RN 28198-05- IEC 867,0,9865-0,9877/3 15.ASTM D6045-12(2017)13 1.4.3 JIS K0510 ,,XYZ (5)380 780 (:5,:100).308 X,Y Z,CIE C CIE 1931. (:%):0,2 99,5 0,2 :90,00 Y 92,00 Z 105,00 1.5 1.5.1 :(1),(2),(3). :(1)0,2500 0,0005 5GS-EX 50-.20 ,250-,ASTM D6045-12(2017)14.5GS-EX.(2)SB.SB.(3):2 5GS-EX 200-.SB.(:5,:10),.1.1.,.1.3 ()5GS-EX 395 0,8810,935 EX 465 0,5190,541 SB 600 0,4120,438 645 0,4650,494 5 B-SP 515 0,6730,715 3R 545 0,3370,358 B-2R 585 0,3320,353 635 0,4000,424 SG 680 0,4670,498 :(1),100-:5GS-EX 30,000 0,010 10,000 0,005 SB 1,000 0,001 ASTM D6045-12(2017)15 5,000 0,001 ,100-.45,000 0,0001 . :(1).1.2 50-.20 .250-.(2)380 780 (:5,:100).1.5 ()S+30 0,200 0,001 S+25 0,472 0,002 S+19 1,087 0,002 S+15 1,724 0,003 S+12 2,083 0,004 S0 4,545 0,005 S15 8,772 0,010 (3)Y XYZ x,y,z (5),CIE C CIE 1931 308.Y,x,y,z .1.3,S+30,S+25,S+19,S+15,S+12,S0 S15.+30,+25,+19,+15,+12,0 15.ASTM D6045-12(2017)16 Y,x,y,z .1.3,.1.6 Y x y z+30 S+30 93,099,0 0,3110,316 0,3210,326 0,3580,368+25 S+25 92,098,0 0,3160,322 0,3270,335 0,3430,357+19 S+19 91,097,0 0,3250,332 0,3420,350 0,3180,333+15 S+15 89,096,0 0,3370,342 0,3580,365 0,2980,305+12 S+1