D 767811 (TPH)-STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS(TPH)IN WATER AND WASTEWATER WITH SOLVENT EXTRACTION USING MID-IR LASER SPECTROSCOPY 2013 ():2101-13/ASTM:03.09.2013 -,.9,-49,-1,119991.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D 7678-11 1 D 767811 (TPH)-1 D 7678;,.()1.1.1 ,(,)-1370 1380 1(7,25 7,30).Florisil.1.2 ,1 ASTM D19 ,.1 2011.2011.DOI:10.1520/D7678-11 ASTM D 7678-11 2,-,.,.1.3 ,-1370 1380 1(7,25 7,30).1.4 (TPH)0,5 1000/,().1.5,.1.6 ,.,.ASTM D 7678-11 32.2.1 ASTM:2 D 1129,D 1141 D 1193 D 1192 (2003)3 D 2777 ,D19 D 3370 D 3921 ,D 5847 D 7575 -E 168 -2.2 ISO:4 ISO 9377-2 2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.3 (ISO),1,ch.dela Voie-Creuse,Case postale 56,CH-1211,20,http:/ D 7678-11 43.3.1 ,.D 1129 E 168.3.2 ,:3.2.1 (TPH),Na2SO4 Florisil.4.4.1 900 50 ,Florisil ,(TPH)-.5.5.1 ,-.5.2 ,.6.6.1 ,-ASTM D 7678-11 5 .,.,.6.2 ,Florisil TPH(,).7.7.1 ,130 C.7.2 (),./.2-3 ,.7.3 ,-20 7,25 7,30.-,7,25 7.30,7,14 7,30.5 7.4 ASTM D 7678-11 6250 (1),.7.5 (.,XI.1).7.6 (.,XI.2).7.7 50-100,(PTFE).7.8 ,.7.9 -50,100 200.7.10 ,.7.11 -20,30 40.7.12 .7.13 (,Hamilton),5 25.7.14 ().7.15 ().7.16 1,00 0,01,5,00 0,1 -().8.8.1 .,5,ERA CHECK Eralytics GmbH.ASTM D 7678-11 7 ,.,.8.2 ,D 1193 II.8.3 99,0%().8.4 ,.8.5 A()(),Fluka(A:91975;B:78473).,1:1()(,010,).8.6 Florisil 150 250 (60 100),16 140 C .Florisil diatomaceous,anhydrous magnesium silicate,Sigma Aldrich(Product Number 03286).Florisil 10 Florisil 25 .ASTM D 7678-11 8 -.0,5/25.8.7 (Na2SO4),.8.8 Acid(1+1)1 (H2SO4,1,84)1 ,.8.9 ,ACS,(1+1)HCl .8.10 (99,5%)(98,5%)9.9.1 .,.(MSDS),.,.10.10.1 ,D 3370,(.7.4).,.(),.10.2 900.ASTM D 7678-11 9 .,.,.,.,-.,.,300 ,15,50 (.13.2).10.3 (.8.8)(.8.9)2,1 6 C .,.().,.commercial carrier,ASTM D 7678-11 10 1.15(H2SO4,.3 II 136 40CFR),1.96 HCl(.172 CFR).10.4 .6 7 10 C.11.11.1 A (1+1),(LCS),matrix spike-500 A 500 2 10 ,1 6 C (),.1 ,with very similar figures of merit .2 ,.(,ASTM D 3921),ASTM D 7678-11 11 ,(,).,.,.(,),.,.,.(),(TPH),.12.4.6 12.2.1 S:100 ,1,800 ,().,./.12.2.2 G 50,0 100 .G=9000/.12.2.3 F 10,0 ASTM D 7678-11 12 100 .F=1800/.12.2.4 E 10,0 G 100 .E=900/.12.2.5 D 10,0 F 100 .D=180/.12.2.6 C 10,0 E 100 .=90/.12.2.7 B 10,0 D 100 .=18/.12.2.8 A 10,0 100 .A=9/.12.3 (LCS):12.3.1 900 .12.3.2 9,0 A (1+1)10,0/.12.3.3 ,.12.4 .3 ,(0,5%)ASTM D 7678-11 13.,().,.4 .,.,.,()1370 1380 1(7,25 7,30).,(),().1370 1380 1(,1400 1;7,14)1370 1400 1(7,30 7,14)-.12.4.1 6 .,1370 1380 1(7,25 7,30),(Io Ix).(1)10 )0,5 103 (ASTM D 7678-11 14,).,.(Io),-Ix(1370 1380 1)Io(1400 1(7,14),.12.4.3 9 18000/(0,5 1000/,18,900 50 )A-G S:,.12.4.2 Ix;.(Io),.12.4.4 1370 1380 1(7,25 7,30).(Ax):ASTM D 7678-11 15(1)5 -.12.4.4,.12.4.5 ,.12.4.4 5 (/).-.12.4.6 (.2),.12.2 12.4.(kDT kOil)f :(2)kTD-;kOil-,.ASTM D 7678-11 1612.5 12.5.1 ,.,.900/.900 12/.12.5.2 ,.12.6 12.6.1 -,-,.,.12.6.2 ,9.00 (.8.5)900 .,.12.6.3 ASTM D 7678-11 17 ,.12,5 13,9/,7,3%.=0,01.6 LCS-,ISO 9377-2 .12.6.4 ,.12.7 (LCS)12.7.1 ,LCS-,10/1:1()(.8.5)20.LCS-D 5847 .,LCS-50.LCS-,.LCS-12,2 14,1/,.12.7.2 ,ASTM D 7678-11 18,.12.8 12.8.1 .,0,5/;(),.12.9 (MS)12.9.1 -MS-.12.9.2 MS-()1000/.MS-,2 5 ,10 50 -(,).(P):(3):A-,(/),-,(/),ASTM D 7678-11 19-,(),V-().12.9.4 70 130%,(),.,spiking.:;,.13.13.1:13.1.1 ,.,2 .13.1.2 22 3 C.13.1.3 50 ,30.,.,.13.1.4 -ASTM D 7678-11 20 MgSO47H2O(5 10).13.1.5 (.XI.1).13.1.6 .13.1.7 ,.13.1.8 (.13.2 X1.2),.,(.XI.1).13.2 :13.2.1 (.XI.2),2 Florisil(.8.6)2 (.8.7).13.2.2 (.7.3).7 (Florisil),Florisil .2 Florisil 2 50 30 .,2 Florisil 2 50 ASTM D 7678-11 21 .6 13.3 :13.3.1 -,.,(,).13.2 .14.14.1 (TPH)(.12.4.5)-.14.2 (0,1/):,/(4)R-,/;D-,.13.3 D-/;E-,;E-V/,;V-,.10.2.,l/.6 ,QuantaRed Technologies,Austria,(Na2SO4/Florisil,2000/2000,6).ASTM D 7678-11 2214.3 ,(,.2),(,cOil):,/=coil f(5):coil-,/f-,(2)15.15.1 ,12 .1 .,2016.15.2 ,2 D 1192 (D 1141).,.2 3 ,.16.16.1 (TPH);ASTM D 7678-11 23 1 ,(TD)-),/A 1-A.U.2-A.U.3-A.U.,%A 9 0,5 0,90 0,78 0,85 0,84 7,15 18 1 1,46 1,52 1,43 1,47 3,12 90 5 4,51 4,28 4,34 4,38 2,66 D 180 10 8,16 7,80 7,97 7,98 2,26 E 900 50 36,82 36,03 34,45 36,43 1,08 F 1800 100 72,02 71,23 71,67 71,64 0,55 G 9000 500 360,45 362,15 361,12 361,24 0,24 S 18000 1000 739,12 793,63 740,80 739,85 0,12 ,(TD)(CH).-18 ,.2