331592021 ,()INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION,METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION(ISC)331592021II,-1.0 .1.2 .,.,1 -(),031 ,52 3 ,(-14 2021.59 :(3166)00497 (3166)00497 AM BY KGRUTJUZ4 13 2021.1139-331592021 -1 2022.5 ASTM D89314(2018)-(Standard test method for insolubles in used lubricating oils,IDT).ASTM D02.06 -ASTM D02 .-1.5(3.6).-,-6 331592014 ()-,-.,-,.,2021 ,331592021III1 .12 .13 .24 .25 .26 .37 .58 .59 A.610 B.,.611 .712 .713 .7 ().101 331592021 Used lubricating oils.Determination of insoluble content 20220701 1 1.1 (A B)().1.2 A ,.1.3 B ,-,.,A,-,.1 .,.1.4 .1.5 ,-.,-.7 -,():2.1 ASTM1)ASTM D1193,Specification for reagent water(-)ASTM D4057,Practice for manual sampling of petroleum and petroleum products()ASTM D4177,Practice for automatic sampling of petroleum and petroleum products(-)1)ASTM ASTM -ASTM Book of ASTM Standards)ASTM.33159202123 3.1 .3.1.1 (coagulate):-.3.1.2 ,(coagulated pentane insolubles):-,-. ,-.3.1.3 ,(coagulated toluene insolubles):-,.3.1.4 (pentane insolubles):,-. .3.1.5 (toluene insolubles):,-,.3.1.6 (used oil):,(-,). ,.3.2 ,3.2.1 (insoluble resins):,. A B ,.4 4.1 A -.,.-.,.4.2 B .,.-,.,-.,.5 5.1,/.33159202135.2 ,:1);2),-;3).5.3 (),-.5.4 -.6 6.1 ,-1.,1,.1 ,20.1 ,();2 4 1 ASTM 3315920214 1 ,3 ,3,3,0 0,1.0,050,02.0,1 0,3.0,050,03.0,3 0,5.0,050,05.0,5 1,0.0,10,05.1,0 2,0.0,10,10.2,0 3,0.0,20,10.3,0 5,0.0,50,20.5,0 10,0.1,00,50.10,0 25,0.5,01,0.25,0 100,0.25,01,06.2,-rcf 600 700 g1).,-,.-.,/,(1)rcf ,g;d ,.-rcf 2.2 ,)rcf=600 g,/rcf=700 g,/48314901610508145015705331420153055913901500).6.3 ,(105 3).6.4 0,5 -100 3 ,0,1 .1),9,80665/.33159202157 7.1 .,-,1).,-.7.2 ,-IV ASTM D1193.7.3-2,2-()(-).7.4 (,-).7.5-().7.6 (-2)(,-,).7.7 (.).7.8 ,-(.7.7)(-,).7.9 1 3-()50 3-()50 3 (,).8 8.1 ASTM D4057 ASTM D4177.8.2 3/4,1/3 ,.(60 5)(30 1),.150 (100).2 ,-.1)Reagent Chemicals,American Chemical Society Specifications,American Chemical Society,Washington,D.C.(.,).,.Annual Standards for Laboratory Chemicals,BDH Ltd.,Poole,Dorset,U.K.(),the United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary,U.S.Pharmacopeial Convention,Inc.(USPC),Rockville,MD().33159202169 A.9.1 9.1.1 (105 3)(30 1),1.(10,0 0,1)75 3(). ,-,100 3.,(20 1),-6.2,rcf 600 700 g (.2).,3 3.3 ,-.9.1.3 (10 1)3.,25 3.-.,50 3.(20 1).-,.9.1.4 (105 3)(30 1), -.-.9.2 9.2.1,.9.2.2 (10 1)3 .-.,25 3.-.,50 3.(20 1).,.9.2.3 9.2.2,.9.2.4 (105 3)(60 1),1.10 B.,10.1 ,9.1.1 9.1.2 ,9.1.1 (.7.9)., ,(105 3).10.3 ,9.1.1 9.1.2 ,9.1.1 (.7.9).9.1.3 9.1.4,-, 11.1 w,%,w=10(),(2),;,.12 12.1 A(.9)-,.12.2 B(.10)-,.12.3 A B,.13 13.1 95%-.13.1.1 r ,-,3 4, A()B(-,)3.3 A()B(-,)r 0,0 1,0.0,07.1,010% A()B(-,)4.3315920218 4 A()B(-,)r)0,10,0680,20,0970,30,1200,40,1400,50,1500,60,1700,70,1800,80,190)I ,.13.1.2 R ,-,57, A()B(-,)5.5 A()B(,)r 0,0 1,0.0,10.1,015% A()6.6 A()R)0,10,140,20,200,30,240,40,280,50,310,60,340,70,370,80,390,90,421,00,44 3315920219 R)1,10,46)I . B(,)(.4)7.4 ()-B(,)-.7 (,)R)0,10,300,20,430,30,530,40,600,50,680,60,740,70,800,80,860,90,911,00,961,11,00)IB .13.2 ,.-.6 33159202110 ().1 ASTM D1193IDT 3469020201).ASTM D4057NEQ 318732012 .ASTM D4177*.-:-IDT ;-NEQ .1).33159202111 665.765:543.616.6:006.354 75.100IDT:,.14.10.2021.27.10.2021.6084.1,86.-.1,60.,117418,-,.31,