:D 635711 ,-,-STANDARD TEST METHODS FOR DETERMINATION OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN COAL,COKE,AND COMBUSTION RESIDUES FROM COAL UTILIZATION PROCESSES BY INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA ATOMIC EMISSION SPECTROMETRY,INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA MASS SPECTROMETRY,AND GRAPHITE FURNACE ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY ():2016-13/ASTM :25.06.2013 2013 -,.9,-49,-1,119991.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ (ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D 6357-11 1 :D 635711 ,-,-1 D 6357;,.()1.1.1 ,.,.1 .1 ASTM D05 ,D05.29 .01 2011.2011.1996.2004.D 6357-04.DOI:10.1520/D6357-11.ASTM D 6357-11 2 1.2,.1.3 ,.,.2.2.1 ASTM:2 D 121,D 346 D 1193 D 2013 D 3173 D 3180 D 7448 ,ASTM D 7582 -E 691 2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.ASTM D 6357-11 3 2.2 :EPA/600/4-91/010 3 3.3.1 ,D ,1%-.-(ICPAES),-(ICPMS).,IC-PAES,-(GFAA).5.5.1 ,0,01%,.5.2,3 ,DC 20402.ASTM D 6357-11 4,.1.1,.6.6.1-(ICPAES),.6.1.1 (99,99%).6.1.2 ,.6.2-(ICPMS).6.2.1 (99,99%).6.2.2 ,.6.3-(GFAA),.6.3.1 .6.3.2 .ASTM D 6357-11 5 6.3.3 .6.3.4 (99,99%).6.3.5 ,.6.4 . 0,1.6.6 100 200.6.7 90 150.6.8 100 10.6.9 HDPE 100.6.10 50 .7.7.1 ,.7.2 ,II ASTM(.D 1193).7.3 (HNO3)1,42,(HCl)1,9.7.4 (HF)1,15.7.5 ICP IC-ASTM D 6357-11 6 PAES-ICPMS-,1%-HNO3,.7.5.1 GFAA-(1000),.7.5.2 GFAA-(1000)-0,1 (.7.5.1)1 100,.7.6 (106/Mg(NO3)26H2O)(10000).7.6.1 GFAA-,.,. :,.7.7.1 1%-.GFAA-.7.7.2 ASTM D 6357-11 7 ,.8.8.1 D 2013 D 346.8.2 .,.8.3 D 3173 D 7582 ,.9.9.1 0,1 (0,5 )50 ().,1 300,2 500.500 2,.,.100()150 ,500 1.ASTM D 6357-11 8 .,.2 .9.1 (.9.2),.,.11.2.3,12.3,().9.2 0,2000 0,5000 ,.9.1,100 200,20 20 ,130 150.,.,.,1 20 .90-100 ,.1 ,.100 .,HDPE-.(.7.7.2).3 (1:1)HNO3,-(1:1)l,.ASTM D 6357-11 9 10.10.1-.,.,.11.A -11.1 1 ,.1.1 ,-(IC-PAES).,. (1%-).(.4).D 7448.ASTM D 6357-11 10 1 IC-PAES-,/A AsB 189,042,228,812,193,759 53 Be 313,042 0,3 CdB 226,502 4 Co 228,616 7 Cr 267,716,205,552 7 Cu 324,754 6 Mn 257,610 30 Mo 202,030,203,844 8 Ni 231,604 15 Pb 220,353 42 SbB 217,581,206,833 32 V 292,402,292,464 8 Zn 213,856 2 ,.,.(3),EPA/600/4-91/010(5.4(1994),200.7.B As,Cd Sb ,ICPAES-.4 :1.(,),2.,.:(i)(),(ii),(iii),(iv).ASTM D 6357-11 11 11.2.1 ,-,NIST.,;.11.2.2 (,NIST)D 7448.,10%;,.11.2.3 (1):-,df-,A-(),W-().12.-12.2 .11.2 ,1%-ASTM D 6357-11 12 HNO3,0 .,.:10,50 250 .12.2.1 ICPMS-,.,.,.1.1,Li,Ge,In Bi.-7Li 6Li.,Ge,In Bi.12.2.2 ,-,NIST.,;.ASTM D 6357-11 13 2 ,ICPMS-,/As 75 100 40Ar,35Cl+0,9 Be 9 100 0,1 Cd 114 28,8 96Mo,16O+0,1 Co 59 100 0,03 Cr 52 83,8 0,07 Cu 63 69,1 47Ti,16O+0,03 Mn 55 100 0,1 Mo 98 23,8 0,1 Ni 60 26,1 0,2 Pb 206 52,4 0,08 Sb 121 57,3 0,08 V 51 99,8 35Cl,16O+0,02 Zn 68 18,6 36S,16O,16O+0,2 ,.,.(3),EPA/600/4-91/010(5.4(1994), D 7448.,10%;,.12.3 ,:(2):ASTM D 6357-11 14 -,df-,A-(),W-().13.-13.1 :13.1.1 (.7.5.2),.1%HNO3.2 (.7.6).13.1.2 (.9.2),10.(.9.2).,ICPAES-,GFAA-.13.1.3 1%-.2 (.7.6).13.1.4 .10.1,-ASTM D 6357-11 15 (,.). .13.1.4.,. .,. ,100 C.(),Cd,Pb,As Sb.(). . .13.1-13.3.4 ASTM D 6357-11 16 . ,-,NIST.,;.5 !,.1.1.,. (,NIST)D 7448.,10%;,. :(3):-,df-,A-(),W-().ASTM D 6357-11 17 14.14.1 :(4):-(),A-(),-%.14.2 .D 3180.15.15.1 ,3.,(Sr,r)(SR,R), (r),95%.ASTM D 6357-11 18 3 ,/,r ,R Sb 0,17 5,71 0,06+0,29 Ax 0,08+0,44Ax As 0,56 138,79 0,42+0,13Ax 1,73+0,23Ax Be 0,42 13,11 0,08+0,08Ax 0,14+0,30Ax Cd 0,02 0,84 0,03+0,16Ax 0,04+0,43Ax Co 0,76 47,18 0,28+0,11Ax 1,26+0,18Ax Cr 2,37 221 1,03+0,09Ax 1,50+0,18Ax Cu 3,43 107,06 0,62+0,10Ax 0,31+0,28Ax Mn 11,69 419,61 0,98+0,10Ax 8,12+0,15Ax Mo 0,40 20,52 0,23+0,11Ax 0,80+0,18Ax Ni 2,00 113,32 0,35+0,13Ax 1,26+0,19Ax Pb 1,57 66,99 0,26+0,16Ax 0,13+0,30Ax Zn 3,76 202,31 0,70+0,10Ax 2,98+0,18Ax V 4,50 293,17 0,75+0,13Ax 2,02+0,21Ax A x-.4 NBS 1632b ,ASTM NIST-,%(95%-)As 3,64 0,21 3,72 0,09 2,15 Cd 0,065 0,01 0,057 0,0027 14,04 Co 2,18 0,15 2,29 0,17 4,80 Cu 6,31 0,36 6,28 0,30 0,48 Mn 11,7 0,64 12,4 1,0 5,65 Ni 6,20 0,37 6,10 0,27 1,64 Pb 3,74 0,33 3,67 0,26 1,91 Zn 11,30 0,52 11,89 0,78 4,96 ASTM D 6357-11 19 5 NBS 1635 ,ASTM NIST-,%(95%-)As 0,56 0,11 0,42 0,15 33,3 Cd 0,03 0,01 0,03 0,01 0,0 Cr 2,4 0,2 2,5 0,3 4,00 Cu 3,4 0,3 3,6 0,3 5,56 Mn 20,4 1,2 21,4 1,5 4,67 Ni 2,00 0,28 1,74 0,10 14,94 Pb 1,6 0,1 1,9 0,2 15,79 V 4,5 0,2 5,2 0,5 13,46 Zn 5