D709616 STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF THE BOILING RANGE DISTRIBUTION OF GASOLINE BY WIDE-BORE CAPILLARY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY 2017 ():23.10.2017:3305-17/ASTM -,.9,119049.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D7096-16 1 D709616 1 D7096;,.()1.1.1 .280 C(536 F),.1.2 .1.3 ,1 ASTM D02 ,D02.04.0H .1 2016.2016.2005.2010.D7096-10.DOI:10.1520/D7096-16.ASTM D7096-16 2.,.1.4 -.1.5,.1.5.1 -.1.6 ,.,.2.2.1 ASTM:2 D86 D2421 C5 -,-D3700 2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.ASTM D7096-16 3 D4057 D4307 D4626 D4814 D4815 ,1 4 D5191 (-)D5599 -D6300 E594 -,E1510 3.3.1:3.1.1 .3.1.2 (),99,5%.ASTM D7096-16 4 3.1.3 (),0,5%.3.1.4 ()(.3.1.8)i -.3.1.5 .3.1.6 (1 ),.,.3.1.7 ().3.1.8 ,.4.4.1 -.,-.,-.,.ASTM D7096-16 5 .5.5.1 .5.2 D86.,.,(15 ).6.6.1 ,.,.6.2 -.,.ASTM D7096-16 6 6.3 ,.,.7.7.1 (),(0,53),11,. 40 C 280 C 25 C/.7.1.2 ./,.,.7.1.3-,E594.7.1.4 -,.7.1.5 (ASTM D7096-16 7 ).(),.1 ()30 15 ()0,53 0,53 100%100%()5 5-(/)20 15 (/)10 10 (C)40 40 ()1 1 (C/)25 20 (C)265 230 ()4,00 2,50 -(C)250 250 (C)280 300 (/)45 30 (/)450 300 ()0,1 0,2 0,2 ()0,5 0,2 0,5 0,2 ()2 5 2 5 ASTM D7096-16 8 2 ()30 ()0,53 100%()5 -()-(/)5/(0,5)20/60/(C)40 ()1 (C/)25 (C)245 ()4 (C)250 (C)250 (/)30 (/)300 ()1 1:50 5 7.2 -.,.7.2.1 ()16 ,D5191 ,.12 16 (),ASTM D7096-16 9 .16 -. (0,53),(100%),.11.3.15 30 5,0.7.4 ,.,2 5.,.,.7.5 ,(.9.1.1);.8.8.1 ASTM D7096-16 10,.,-.3.D4307 .8.1.1 -,.,-(P),.6.4.3(1)D6300,.6 ,7 ()8 A ,%r,%R,%,%,%-C4 7,1 0,2 0,5 0,1 14,0-C4 0,7 0,04 0,1 0,0 1,3-C5 6,0 0,1 0,7 0,2 11,8-C5 7,0 0,1 0,9 1,3 12,7 A ,.ASTM D7096-16 33 17.17.1 ;ASTM D7096-16 34 ()X1.X1.1 X1.1.1 ,N 2 5.,.X1.1.2 ,N .(,).,.X1.1.2.1 .,.,.X1.1.2.2 ,.X1.2 X1.2.1 .(ASTM D7096-16 35.).X1.1 ,.X1.2 .X1.3 X1.3.1 ,(,),0,00001%.X1.3.1.1 ,.X1.3.1.2 (N+1-N)/()1E-7 ,N+1 .X1.3.2 ,.X1.4 X1.4.1 ,3 X1.1:(X1.1):ASTM D7096-16 36 O-,%/,i-1-i-3,i-2 i-1,i-i-2,i-1 i,W-,Atot-.X1.4.2 (i-1),0,0001%,.X2.X2.1 (.3),.X2.1.1 (tx).X2.1.2 ,.X2.1.3 ,(tn-1)(Tn-1),.(tn)(Tn),.X2.1.4 X2.1 (Tx),.ASTM D7096-16 37 (X2.1)X2.2 ,-4,354 4,896 ,125.7 C 138.4 C.,4,500,:(X2.2)X3.X3.1 .X3.2 (3)()X3.1.(X3.1):i -i -,0,577-1,00,Cn-i,Hn-i,Di-i,/3 15 C.i ASTM D7096-16 38 X3.3 ,.X3.4 ,:,-4,354 5,249 .,4,625 (-)5,072 (-),-.X4.X4.1 ,.,.X4.1.1 X4.1 .X4.1.2 i.,:i=.%i/i(X4.1)-=2,08/0,6311=3,29.X4.1.3 i.:i=i/100(X4.2)-.%=3,29/129,5 100=2,54.%.X4.1.4 i:ASTM D7096-16 39 i=.%i/i(X4.3)-=2,08/72,15=0,029.X4.1.5 .:i=i/100(X4.4)-%=0,029/0,889 100%=3,24.X4.2 (i)i .X4.2.1 ,3,03%9506 8,36%-29033,3(.11.7):i=(3,03 29033)/(8,36 9506)=1,107(X4.5)X4.3 (),()-(C5-C16).X4.3.1 3,24.%-8204 8,36.%-29033,4(.11.2):i=(8204 8,36)/(29033 3,24)=0,729(X4.6)X4.3.2 -.ASTM D7096-16 40 X4.1 (60/60)()(.%)(.%)(.%)0,5070 44,10 0,5629 58,12 -0,5840 58,12 0,6247 72,15 2,45 3,92 3,03 0,034 3,82-0,6311 72,15 2,08 3,29 2,54 0,029 3,24 2-0,6578 86,18 4,14 6,29 4,86 0,048 5,40-0,6638 86,18 2,80 4,22 3,26 0,033 3,66 2,4-0,6764 100,21 5,42 8,01 6,19 0,054 6,08-0,6882 100,21 7,44 10,81 8,35 0,074 8,36 0,8743 92,14 15,87 18,15 14,02 0,172 19,39-0,7070 114,23 7,17 10,15 7,84 0,063 7,07-0,8666 106,17 16,29 18,80 14,52 0,153 17,26-0,8683 120,20 6,62 7,63 5,89 0,055 6,20-0,7342 142,29 4,39 5,98 4,62 0,031 3,47-0,8660 134,22 5,74 6,63 5,12 0,043 4,82-0,7527 170,34 3,57 4,74 3,66 0,021 2,36-0,7617 184,37 4,54 5,96 4,60 0,025 2,77-0,7633 198,39 3,26 4,27 3,30 0,016 1,85-0,7722 212,42 5,19 6,73 5,19 0,024 2,75-0,7772 226,45 3,02 3,89 3,00 0,013 1,50 100,0 129,5 100,0 0,889 100,0 ASTM D7096-16 41 X4.3.3 -X .X4.3.4 :=(0,0093 44,10/)+0,0605=0,471(X4.7)X4.3.5 F 5(.11.2).(.11.7).X4.3.6 -:i=(44,10 1,000 0,6440)/(100,21 0,471 0,5077)=1,268(X4.8)X4.4 i,(.X3.1)(.X3.3),.10%.X4.4.1 :%=(i i)100 (X4.9)i D02.04 (D7096-10),.(1 2016.)(1)D3710.(2).6.3,13.2.1 X2.1.(3).X2.1 .X2.2.ASTM D7096-16 42 ASTM International -,.,.,.-ASTM International.,.,.ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428.610-832-9585,610-832-9555 ASTM:(,222 Rosewood Drive,Danvers,MA 01923,Tel:(978)646-2600;http:/.