D 734516596/12 ()STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR DISTILLATION OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AND LIQUID FUELS AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE(MICRO-DISTILLATION METHOD)2017 ():06.04.2017:3124-17/ASTM -,.9,-49,-1,119049.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D 7345-16 1 D 734516 596/12 ()1 D 7345;,.()1.1.1 20 400C ,.1.2 ,20%,1 ASTM D02 ,D02.08 .1 2016.2016.2007.2014 D 7345-14.DOI:10.1520/D7345-16.ASTM D 7345-16 2 ,(B100),20%,-,.1.3 .1.4 ;,.1.5,.1.6 ,.,.2.2.1 ,.ASTM D 7345-16 3 2.2 ASTM:2 D 86 D 323 ()D 1160 D 4057 D 4177 D 4953 -()D 5190 ()(2012)3 D 5191 (-)D 5482 (-)D 5854 D 6299 D 6300 ,D 6708 2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.3 D 7345-16 4.2.3 :4 IP-69 IP-394 1:,(ASVP).2.4 ISO:5 34 35 .3.3.1 ,:3.1.1 ,.3.1.2 (.3.1.12),101, ()(),4 ,61.-.,WIG 7AR,http:/ (ISO),1 rue de Varembe,Case postale 56,CH-1211,20,http:/ D 7345-16 5 ,. ,.3.1.4 ,. ,(,).3.1.5 (),.3.1.6 ,.3.1.7 ,ASTM 7C.3.1.8 ,;.ASTM 8C.3.1.9 ,ASTM D 7345-16 6 .3.1.10 ,.3.1.11 ASTM D 86 ,.3.1.12 ,ASTM 7/8C 7F/8F .3.1.13 ,.4.4.1 ,.4.2 ().ASTM D 7345-16 7 .4.3 ,.4.4 /-(),.5.5.1 (),.,.,.5.2 ,/.5.3 ,/,.ASTM D 7345-16 8 5.4 ,-,.5.5 ,(D 86).6.6.1 :6 6.1.1 ,.6.2 1.6 ,ISL/PAC,B.P.70285 Verson,14653 CARPIQUET-FRANCE.,-ASTM International.,1 .ASTM D 7345-16 9 6.3 ,0,1 (1 .),.6.3.1 .6.3.2(!,).6.4 10 0,3 10 0,3.6.5 200,70 130,.7.7.1 ,.(!.).7.2,99,5%(!.).7.3-,99%(!.ASTM D 7345-16 10).7.4 99%(.10.2).,.7 7.5 0,8 3,0;10.7.6 .8.,8.1 :8.1.1 .8.1.2 D 4057,D 4177 D 5854 . -;.8.2 :8.2.1 7 ,DC.,.,BDH Ltd.,Inc.(USPC),MD.ASTM D 7345-16 11 .8.2.2 ,100, ,.8.3 :8.3.1 ,;,.8.3.2 ,30 ,10 .,15.,-,.9.9.1 ASTM D 7345-16 12.9.2 ,.9.3 .10.10.1 50%-.0,5 109,3(.1),(.11).10.2 -50%-.1,0 278,6(.1),(.11).1 D 86,.10.3 (CRM)(SWS).10.3.1 (CRM)(),D 6300 ISO 34 35.CRM-,ASTM D 7345-16 13 .10.3.2 (SWS)(),.SWS-(.D 6299).11.11.1 .11.2 /,-.2 -18.,25 ,.11.3 /(.6.3).11.4 /.ASTM D 7345-16 14 12.12.1 ()100 ,10 .12.2 100 .,.3 .12.1 ,.,.12.1,.12.3 ,.12.4 .12.5 10 .(B100).12.6 10 0,3 (.6).(B100)5 0,3 .,ASTM D 7345-16 15 .4 ,().12.7 .12.8 ,.12.9 /.12.10 ,.12.11,.,.5 ,.12.12 .12.12.1 .,.:,.,ASTM D 7345-16 16 .,.12.13 .12.14 ,.13.13.1 ,-,.,5%,95%10%10%90%,.13.1.1 :%=100-(+)(1)13.2 0,1%().13.3 0,1 (.3).13.4 ,(.8.3.2).13.5 ,:13.5.1 ,;13.5.2 ;ASTM D 7345-16 17 13.5.3 ;13.5.4 ();13.5.5 .14.14.1 ,8,9 :6 (.D 86).,.1,2 3 NOT4,4 GRP4.X1.7% ,.8 -ASTM International RR:D02-1621.ASTM Customer Service -ASTM International RR:D02-1831.ASTM Customer Service D 7345-16 18 NOT4 :r=3,3 20 50C 5:r=1,1 25 60C 10:r=1,1 30 65C 20:r=1,2 40 70C 30:r=1,8 50 85C 40:r=2,7 55 100C E50:r=2,4 60 120C 60:r=2,4 75 125C 70:r=1,8 100 140C 80:r=2,1 115 160C E90:r=1,9 140 180C 95:r=2,0 150 200C:r=3,0 140 260C GRP4:.A2,.:r=3,9 145 195C T10:r=T 0,00954 160 265C T50:r=T 0,00614 170 295C T90:r=T 0,0041 180 340C T95:r=2,03 260 360C:r=3,93 195 365C:E=x (C)T=x (C)8 ,1%,NOT4.14.1.2 ,.ASTM D 7345-16 19 NOT4:R=5,9 20 50C E5:R=2,5 25 60C 10:R=2,1 30 65C E20:R=2,2 40 70C E30:R=2,6 50 85C E40:R=3,6 55 100C E50:R=4,1 60 120C E60:R=4,5 75 125C E70:R=3,5 10 140C E80:R=3,7 115 160C E90:R=5,8 140 180C E95:R=5,4 150 200C:R=5,7 175 220C GRP4:.A2,.:R=6,0 145 195C T10:R=T 0,0177 160 265C T50:R=T 0,0103 170 295C T90:R=T 0,0081 180 340C T95:R=3,23 260 338C:R=7,7 195 365C:E=x (C)T=x (C)9 .8.10 ,D 7345 NOT4 E5,25.,30(D 6300),.11 ,D 7345 NOT4 E10,27.,30(D 6300),.ASTM D 7345-16 20 12 ,D 7345 NOT4 E 95,25.,30(D 6300),.14.2 ,.14.3 ,D 7345 D 86(),D 7345 D 86,D 6708.8,9 :NOT4 ,D 7345 D 86()(2).,D 6708.=Y=+1,42C(2):X=,D 7345(),=Y=,D 86().,(2),D 86 ASTM D 7345-16 21 ,(RXY),D 6708,5%.NOT4:.A3.GRP4 ,D 6708,D 7345 D 86().,D 6708.,D 7345 D 86(),(RXY),D 6708,5%.GRP4:.A3.T5:NOT4 ,D 7345 D 86(),(3).,D 6708.=Y=0,82 X+11,25C(3),D 7345 D 86(),(RXY),D 6708,5%.ASTM D 7345-16 22 NOT4:.A3.T10:NOT4 ,D 7345 D 86(),(4).,D 6708.=Y=0,82 X+11,1C(4),D 7345 D 86(),(RXY),D 6708,5%.NOT4:.A3.,D 7345 D 86(),(5).,D 6708.=Y=1,09 X 16,4C(5):=,D 7345(),=Y=,D 86().,(5),D 86 ,ASTM D 7345-16 23 (RXY),D 6708,5%.GRP4:.A3.T20:,D 7345 D 86(),(6).,D 6708.=Y=X+0,96C(6),D 7345 D 86(),(RXY),D 6708,5%.NOT4:.A3.T30:,D 6708,D 7345 D 86().,D 6708.,D 7345 D 86()