D805616 STANDARD GUIDE FOR ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS OF CRUDE OIL 2018 ():27.06.2018:3478-18/ASTM -,.9,119049.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.ASTM D8056-16 1 D805616 1 D8056;,.()1.1.1 ,.1.2,.1.3 ,.,1 ASTM D02 ,D02.03 .1 2016.2016.DOI:10.1520/D8056-16.ASTM D8056-16 2 .2.2.1 ASTM:2 D129 ()D482 D1548 1(1997.)3 D1552 D2622 D3227 ,()D3228 D3230 ()D4057 D4177 D4294 2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.3 D8056-16 3 D4629 ,D4929 D5185 -D5708 ,-D5762 D5854 D5863 ,-D6259 D6299 D6470 ()D6792 ,ASTM D8056-16 4 D7260 ,-(-)D7343 ,D7372 ()D7455 D7482 ,D7578 D7621 D7622 D7623 -D7691 -(-)D7740 ,-2.2 :ASTM D8056-16 5 IP 570 4 ISO 8754.5 ISO 14596.5 UOP 163 2 UOP 938 2 3.3.1 ,.8 15 .3.2 ,.600 ,200 40 (1).6,.(/).,4 ,61 New Cavendish St.,W1G 7AR,http:/ (ANSI),25 W.43rd St.,4th Floor,-,NY 10036,http:/ .ASTM D8056-16 6 ,.+.,-.(API).(2,3).3.3 ,.Ni+2 VO+2.(4,5).3.4 .4.4.1 .,.-.ASTM D8056-16 7 4.1.1 ,.4.1.2 ,.D5854 (,),.,.1.4.2 :D4057 ,D4177 D5854 .4.3 ,.,.,-,.4.4 ,.,.ASTM D8056-16 8 5.5.1 .D7455 .,.5.2 ,D2622 D4294 ,.,.,D3230 D5291 -.5.3 ,-D5863 B ,;-D5708 ,;-D7691 .5.4 ,.:D3228,ASTM D8056-16 9 :D1548,AAS ,:D5863 A.5.5 D1552 D4629 D5762 .1 A 6 A D5854.5.6 D4929 .5.7 ,.D7482,D7622 D7623.6.6.1 .,D7578.ASTM D8056-16 10 7.7.1 .,-(AAS),-(ICP-AES),-(ICP-MS),(IDMS),-(NAA),(ED-XRF)(WD-XRF).,(2,6,7).7.2 ,2,.,.7.2.1 2 ASTM ,3(8).7.3 ,.H2S,.:-AAS ICP-AES,-XRF,.ASTM D8056-16 11 2 ,1 ICP-AES:-CVAAS:-D129A -0,09%-5,5%(.)D482A 0,001%-0,180%(.)D1552A .0,06%(.)D2622 3/-4,6%(.)D3227A 0,0003%-0,01%(.)D3228A -0,015%-2,0%(.)D3230 0/-500/D4294 17/-4,6%(.)D4629A 0,3/-100/D4929 ;1/D5291A-0,1%-2%(.)D5708,+ICP-AES V:50/-100/;Ni:10/-100/;Fe:1/-10/D5762A 40/-10000/D5863,+AAS V:50/-500/;Ni:10/-100/;Fe:3/-10/;Na:1/-20/D6470 0,0005%-0,15%(./.)D7621 ,H2S H2S.0/-150/D7622 5/-350/D7623 5/-400/D7691,+ICP-AES Fe:1/-40/;Ni:1/-100/;S:400 /-50000/;V:1/-1000/A .ASTM D8056-16 12 3 A .ASTM /(IP)(ISO)(DIN).(JIS)D129 61 51-577 D482 4 6245 K 2272 WD-XRF D2622 14596 51-400T6 K 2541 D3227 342 3012 K 2276 ED-XRF D4294 336 8754 -D4629 379 AAS D5863 441 D7621 570 A (8).7.4 .4 D4057.4 ,(UOP 163);D3227 200 .(D5863 B)25 ,.,.(D4629;D5762)3 -.,.ASTM D8056-16 13 .(D3230)10 .,.(D6470)50 15 .(15C-20C).,3C .A1 D6470 .(D2622;D4294)25 ,.8.8.1 ,-,.,.8.2 D482.,.775C .8.3 ,.ASTM D8056-16 14 ,.0,001 0,079 0,003 0,005 0,080 0,180 0,007 0,024 9.9.1 ,.,H2S.H2S(3).9.2 (D3227 UOP 163).,ASTM .IP 570 D7621 .9.2.1 D3227 ,0,0003%0,01%(.).,(),.0,0005%(.),.,.,/.,.ASTM D8056-16 15 9.2.2 D7621 IP570 ,15.0/150/API 11,8 57,3 0,1%6,7%.,.H2S.H2S H2S ,H2S . X1 D7621.(A),.9.3 .9.3.D3227 .0,00007+0,027 X 0,0031+0,042 X X .%.9.3.2 D7621.21 H2S 0/150/12/.ASTM D8056-16 16 12 H2S 0/50/5/.10.10.1 (EPA),.().,.(1,3).10.1.1 ()().Giles .0,02/10/(1,3).(9,10).-Hg(0),Hg(0),Hg(0)(11).,D7482.10.2 -.ASTM D8056-16 17 10.2.1 D7622 ,300C 500C.,.,700C 750C.,750C -.253,65 ,.10.2.2 D7623 UOP 938 ,(700C).(850C),.,.,600C,.,-.,253, UOP 938 ,ASTM D8056-16 18 ,().10.3 (RR:D02-1692)7 .D7622 5/-0,7147 X0.6 350/D7623 5/-0,4396 400/X0,5864 X /.11.11.1 ,.,-(NOx)(3).11.2 :D3228,D4629,D5291 D5762.11.2.1 D3228 ,7 -ASTM International ASTM D8056-16 19 .,NaOH.,.,.,N-O N-N.11.2.2 D4629 ,50 400C 0,2 10.,0,3/100/.,(NO).NO (NO2).NO2 ,.11.2.3 -D5291 ,.,.ASTM D8056-16 20 .,.11.2.4 D5762 ,40/10000/.,(NO).NO (NO2).NO2 ,.11.3 ,(5).5 1 X .NA:.ASTM D3228 0,01%.0,02%.NA 0,066 m0,5 0,190 m0,5 NA D4629 0,1825 X0,5149 0,8094 X0,5149 RR:D02-1199 RR:D02-1527 D5291 0,1670 0,4456 RR:D02-1289 RR:D02-1679 0,006897(X+3)0,02967(X+3)D5762 0,087 X 0,266 X RR:D02-1370 RR:D02-1507 -ASTM International ASTM D8056-16 21 12.12.1 .,-,.-.,.1/5/,20%(3).12.1.1 .,.(3).12.2 D4929 204C.,.,().ASTM D8056-16 22 12.2.1 A .,.,.12.2.2 B 800C .,.12.3 (RR:D02-1293)7 D4929.A B 0,32(X+0,33)0,644 1,01(X 0,17)0,467 0,7(X+0,33)0,644 1,32(X 0,17)0,467 13.13.1 ,.,.,.ASTM D8056-16 23 .(3).13.1.1 .,.:(1)(2)13.1.2 (3).13.2 :D3230 ()D6470 ().,.13.2.1 D3230 ,.,.ASTM D8056-16 24 .().13.2.2 D6470 65C ,.13.2.3 D3230 /./3 /1000 (),.D6470 .%.:,/=(1000 X)/d ,/=2,853 Y/d(3)(4):X-/3,Y-PTB(/.),d-15C /3.13.3 (6).13.3.1 ASTM D8056-16 25 ,.13.3.2 (RR:D02-1470)7,()