56340 2015 563402015 II 1 -(),4 2 160 3 10 2015.67-4 106412 -(ASTM E 106412 Standard test method for water in organic liquids by coulometric Karl Fischer titration).-1.52012(3.5).-,5 1.02012(8).(1 ),.().,(,2015 ,563402015 1 Organic liquids.Determination of water by coulometric Karl Fischer titration 20160101 1 1.1 0%.2,0%.-.(),().1.2 .1.3 ,-.1.4 -,.8.2 :2.1 ATM1)1193 (ASTM D 1193,Specification for reagent water)4672 .-(ASTM D 4672,Test method for polyurethane raw materials:determination of wa-ter content of polyols)E 180 -(ASTM E 180,Practice for determin-ing the precision of ASTM methods for analysis and testing of industrial and specialty chemicals)2)E 203 (ASTM E 203,Test method for water using volumetric Karl Fischer titration)3 3.1 -.-.,.1 10,71 .1)ACTM ATM Book of ASTM Standards).2)2009.563402015 2 4 4.1 -,(KF).,2,0%,-.100%.(.1 6).1 ,3 0 500/.500 1000/.1000 2000/.0,2%.0,5%.0,5%.2,0%.5 2 1 0,5 0,1 5 5.1 ,-.1),-.5.2 E 203 ,-,-.6 6.1 2),-,.,-.,-,-.6.2 50 3,115 .1 ,100 1 .6.3 20 3,115 (.1).6.4 1 5 3,115 (.1).6.5 5,115 (.1).6.6 TFE .6.7 ,.,.6.8 .6.9 ,(100 5)C.1)J.Mitchell,Jr.and D.M.Smith,Aquametry A Treatise on Methods for the Determination of Water,Part IIIThe Karl Fischer Reagent,2nd Ed.,J.Wiley and Sons,Inc.,New York,NY 1990.2):M.T.Kelley,R.W.Stelzner,W.R.Laing,and D.J.Fisher,Analytical Chemistry 31,No.2,220(1959)and A.W.Meyer,Jr.and C.M.Boyd,Analytical Chemistry 31,No.2,215(1959).563402015 3 6.10 ,.6.11 ,0,0001.7 7.1 ,-1).,-.7.2 II III 1193.7.3 -KF.-KF .-KF ,-.-.-,.-.2 ,:Hydranal Manu-al-Eugen Schotz reagents for Karl Fischer titration,from Riedel-deHaen(,Sigma Aldrich()Moisture measurement by Karl Fischer Titrimetry,2nd ed.,by GFS Chemicals,Inc.,Janu-ary 2004.7.3.1 (),-.7.3.2 (),-.7.3.3 20/3.8 8.1 ,-.9 9.1 -,.9.1.1 100 .9.1.2 25 .9.2 .1)Reagent Chemicals,American Chemical Society Specificatios,American Chemical Society,Washigton,D.C.(.,).,.Analar Snandards for Laboratory Chemicals,BDH Ltd.,Poole,Dorset,U.K.(-),the United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary,U.S.Pharmacopeial Convention,Inc.(USPC),Rockville,MD.().563402015 4 .10 10.1,-.TFE .-.10.2 (7.3.2).10.3 (7.3.1).10.4 ,.20 .3 Mitsubishi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r ;r ,-.X1.1.2 ,R ;R ,.X1.1.3 ,-,A E 180(.1.1).8.0 (SAS).X1.1 -(-)-,-,-MEG 0,0086 0,0009 0,0014 0,0025 0,0026 0,0038 0,0071 DEG 0,0649 0,0012 0,0014 0,0049 0,0032 0,0039 0,0137 TEG 0,0498 0,0019 0,0129 0,0157 0,054 0,0361 0,0439 X1.1.3.1 E 180 -,.-,.,-E 180,.X1.1.4 95%.X1.2 ,.X1.3 3 17.:1 (MEG);2 (DEG);3 (TEG).X1.3.1 ,-.1)ASTM RR E15-1062.563402015 8 ()().1 -119306(2011)*467212 *E 20308 *.-.-.563402015 9 661.7:543.613.22:543.551.4:006.354 71.080 2409 :,-02.03.2015.60 x841/8.1,40.31.463.,123995,.,