:D955-08 Standard Test Method of Measuring Shrinkage from Mold Dimensions of Thermoplasticserials-2012.ASTM International :D955-08/12230 :22.06.2012 (ASTM)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM ,ASTM,.ASTM.Translation of this standard has been made by Normdocs OOO.under the official permission from the American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM),100 Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM does not confirm or approve this translation,and only the English version as published and copyrighted by ASTM can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of this translation is possible by authority of ASTM only.197376,-,.,5,.1,1237.:+7(812)438-16-88+7(495)223-46-76:+7(812) http:/ 1 D955;,.().1.*1.1 ,1.2 24 48.1.3 ,.3 ,.1.4,.1.5 ,.,.1 ISO 294-3 D2.ISO 294-4,D2 ,X2.2.2.1 ASTM:2D 618 D 788 (PMMA)D 883,_1 ASTM,D20.09 on Preparation.1 2008.2008.1948.2000.D 955-00.2 ASTM -ASTM,,ASTM -ASTM.D 3641 D 4066 (PA)D 4549 (PS)D 4703 ,D 4976 D 5947 D 6778 (POM,)D 6779 (PA)E 691 2.2 ISO:3ISO 293 ,ISO 294-1 ,1:ISO 294-3 ,3:ISO 294-4 ,4:3.3.1 ,D 883.3.2,:3.2.1 ,._3 (ANSI),25 W.43rd St.,4th Floor,New York,NY 10036,http:/*.14.4.1 ,.5.5.1 .,.(.7.1),D 3641 ISO 294-4,.5.2 .,.(.7.2),D 4703 ISO 293,.6.6.1 .,.,.7.7.1 ,.1 2 60 60 (D2),.3 12.7 127 (A),.4 100 3.2 (B).D2.,3%:20,40,60,80,100 ,.,A B.7.2 ,.2 60 60 (D2),.3 12.7 127 (A),.4 100 3.2 (B),.2 ,1.0,0.1 4.0 .7.3 ,20 80%Sp I G I Lc=,=20 000 3 =11 000 2.1 D2()2SpG RP l 60 2 b 60 2 h 2.0 0.1 lG 4.0 0.1 hG (0.75 0.05)x lR 25-40 bR (b+6)hg l*.lp 5 2.2 D2()w=12.7 0.2 t=3.2 0.05 l=127 2 G=P=.3 ,D3641,ISO 294-3 .3 ,.7.3 (4),.7.4 ,20 35 (3000-5000 psi).3t=3.2 0.05 D=100 2 G=P=.4 7.5 (,.)0.025 (0.001),D 5947.8.8.1 ,.,.8.1.1 D2 60 60 2 ,. A 12.7 127,.3.3.2,.6.4 B ,.4,100 3.2 12.7 3.2,.4 ,.,.,.8.1.1 ,23 2C 50%10,.9.2 ,23 2C 50%10,.10.10.1 ,0.025 23 2C 50%10.l w,.10.2 5 ,.5 3%.,3%,3 100 .10.2.1,D 3641 ISO 294-3.,.,().,.410.2.2,D 4703.10.3 :10.3.1 ,.,.23 2C 50%5,.10.3.2 : 24 24 0.5 . 48 48 0.5 .11.11.1Sw=(Wm Ws)x 100/Wm(1):Sw=,%,Wm=,Ws=,S1=(Lm Ls)x 100/Lm(2):S1=,%,Lm=,Ls=,.,2 .11.2 :11.2.1 ,;11.2.2 ,D 3641 D 4703 .11.2.3 24 48 (/),5 .12.12.1:12.1.1 1-3 4,1988.A B,5 ,8.,D 3641.5 5 _4 -ASTM.RR:D-20-1158.1,AB-SrSRrRA /(/).B 1=D 4549PS110B561522=D 4976 PE2353=PMMA D 788 PMMA0131V04=D 6778 POM02135=()D 6779PA0111 2,AB-SrSRrRA /(/).B 1=D 4549PS110B561522=D 4976 PE2353=PMMA D 788 PMMA0131V04=D 6778 POM02135=()D 6779PA0111 3,AB-SrSRrRA /(/).B 1=D 4549PS110B561522=D 4976 PE2353=PMMA D 788 PMMA0131V04=D 6778 POM02135=()D 6779PA0111 .8 6 D2.,X1.12.1.2 Sr r 5 .(Sr r),.12.1.3 r 5R .1 -3 ,.,E 691,.11.1.3 -11.3.3 .12.1.4 r R Sr SR(),5:,r(2,.12.1.2,),r .,R(2 ,),R .,.12.4.1 12.4.2,95%,. r R .1-3 .12.2 ,.,.13.13.1;()X1.X1.1.X1.1.X1.1 ISO 294-3/-4 ()6X2.D2X2.1 20,40,60,80 100.X2.1 80 ,.X2.2 ,.X2.2.1 ,/(.X2.1,c),1 ,10%(.X2.1,b).,.X2.2 ,.,.X2.2.2 .X2.2.3 .5.2.4 ISO 294-1:1996.,.X2.2.4 ,.,(),1.8 (),3:4 ISO 294-3.X2.2.5 .5.2.5 ISO 294-1:1996.X2.2.6 A .X2.1 .R.7.X2.1 ,(A,a),(B,b)(C,c)X3.D955-00 D2()X3.1.X3.1.8 SpG RP l 60 2 b 60 2 h 2.0 0.1 lG 4.0 0.1 hG (0.75 0.05)x lR 25-40 bR (b+6)hg h+(1.5+0.05)l*.lp 5 2.X3.1ASTM D955-00.2 D2 D20 ,(D 955-00),(1 2008.)(1)5.(2)D2 ,ISO 294-3 2001.(3)X2 D2.(4)D2 X1.(5)D2 X3.(6).(7)1.(8)10%.ASTM International ,.,.;,.;-ASTM International.,.,ASTM .ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States .(),ASTM 610-832-9585(),610-832-9555(),,-ASTM(