ASTM D 909-07(2012)6012.6 791b D 909-07(2012.)119/96 STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR SUPERCHARGE RATING OF SPARK-IGNITION AVIATION GASOLINE ():2155-13/ASTM :15.10.2013 2013 1ASTM D 909-07(2012)(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English version published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.-,.9,-49,-1,119991.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 http:/ D 909-07(2012)6012.6 791b D 909-07(2012.)119/96 1 D 909;,.()1.1.1 .(CFR),.1 ASTM D02 ,D02.01 .01 2012.2012.1958.2007.D 909-07.DOI:10.1520/D0909-07R12.1ASTM D 909-07(2012)1.2 ,.1.3 85 6,0 (TEL).1.4 ,/.,CFR-/.1.5 ,.,. ASTM:2 D 1193 D 2268 n-D 3237 2 ASTM,ASTM ASTM Summary ASTM.2ASTM D 909-07(2012)D 3341 D 4057 D 4175,D 5059 E 344,E 456,2.2 CFR-:3 CFR F-4 846 CFR F-4 893 2.3 :4 IP 224/02 2.4 ASTM:5 6 3 Waukesha Engine,Dresser Inc.,1101 West St.Paul Ave.,Waukesha,WI 53188.4 ,61 New Cavendish St.,WIG 7AR,U.K.5 -ASTM International.ADJD090901.1953.6 -ASTM International.ADJD090902.1953.3ASTM D 909-07(2012)3.3.1:3.1.1 ,:(1),(2),-,(3),-.E456 ,().3.1.2 (),(ARV),.3.1.3 (CFR-),CFR-.3.1.4 /,.3.1.5 ().3.1.6 ()4ASTM D 909-07(2012),.D4175 3.1.7 ,CFR-,.3.1.8 ,(ON), ()n-,.3.1.10 (),. ,.,().,;,/,0, (),5ASTM D 909-07(2012),/0,08 0,12,6 .40 .(134,3).3.1.12 ,(),/0,08 0, (),-+n-+(TEL)(/.),/,.3.1.14 (),.7 3.1.15 IMEP(),.3.1.16 MEP(7.,Taylor&Taylor,International Textbook Co.,Scranton,PA.6ASTM D 909-07(2012),.3.1.17 ()IMEP MEP ,.3.1.18 ,.E456 ,.3.1.19 ,.E456 3.2 :3.2.1 ARV-3.2.2 ABDC-3.2.3 ATDC-3.2.4 BBDC-3.2.5 BMEP-3.2.6 BTDC-3.2.7 C.R.-3.2.8 FMEP-3.2.9 IAT-7ASTM D 909-07(2012)3.2.10 IMEP-3.2.11 NEG-3.2.12 O.N.-3.2.13 PN-3.2.14 PRF-3.2.15 RTD-,(.E 344),3.2.16 TDC-3.2.17 TEL-3.2.18 UV-4.4.1 ,.IMEP-.IMEP-/.,IMEP /,IMEP ,.5.5.1 8ASTM D 909-07(2012),.5.2 ,.5.3 .6.6.1 -,.8 6.1.1 550 .6.2,CFR-,.8 -ASTM International RR:D02-1502.9ASTM D 909-07(2012)7.7.1 9,10 CFR-,:,/,.,().1 Waukesha Engine Dresser,Inc.,CFR F-4 .846 893 CFR F-4(.).7.2 .8.8.1 ,9 ,Waukesha Engine,Dresser Inc.,1101 West St.Paul Ave.,Waukesha,WI 53188.10 ,-ASTM International.,1 .10ASTM D 909-07(2012)191 3 (375 5 F).(!,.A1).8.1.1 IV D 1193.8.2 SAE 50,API,16,77 25,0 2/()100 C(212 F)85.,.(!,.A1).8.3 (PRF),10,11 (2,2,4-)n-,(.2).(!,.1).8.4,(),61,0%.,().8.4.1 ,TEL,()11 Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LR,1301 McKinney,Suite 2130,TX 77010-3030,Haltermann Gmbh,Schopenstehl 15,20095,.11ASTM D 909-07(2012)TEL,.1 8.4.2 (TEL),(.D 3237,D 3341 D 5059).8.5 ,NEG-(ARV).(100LL),ARV,(!,.A1).12ASTM D 909-07(2012)9.9.1 D 4057.9.2 -,.10.10.1 -,-,.10.1.1 CFR-.,(),.10.2 ,:10.2.1 ,1800 45/,45/().13ASTM D 909-07(2012)10.2.2 ,7,0 1,108 0,5 .1 7.0:1 C.R.-,in.3,25 ,4,5 ,.37,33 ,:3 :2 CFR48 CFR48,30 50 5.ATDC,:,8 ,0,100-0,116 ,1/8,20 2 10.2.3-(TDC)(0)14ASTM D 909-07(2012).2 ASTM-ASTM n-ASTM ,%99,75 0,10 ASTM D 2268 n-,%0,10 99,75 ASTM D 2268 ,/0,002 0,002 IP 224/02 10.2.4 .,. 15,0 2,5 (BTDC)50 (ABDC). +50 (BBDC),-15,0 2,5 (ATDC).10.2.5 ()8,00 8,25 (0,315 0,325).10.3 :10.3.1 ,45.15ASTM D 909-07(2012)10.3.2 ,0,51 0,13 (0,020 0,003).10.3.3 : ()0,08 0,13 (0,003 0,005).10.3.4 ,0,20 0,03 (0,008 0,001),0,25 0,03 (0,010 0,001),100 /101,6 (30 .).10.3.5 ,0,41 0,03 (60 5 .),.10.3.6 ,74 3 (165 5 F). :(1),.(2).10.3.7 ,191 3 (375 5 F).10.3.8 ,0,10 0,01 (15 2 16ASTM D 909-07(2012).).10.3.9 ,8,2 0,69 (1200 100 .)Bosch;9,9 0,34 (1450 50 .)Ex-Cell-O.10.3.10 50 5 .10.3.11 ,0,37 0,003 (54,4 0,5 .).10.3.12 ,52 3 (125 5 F),107 3 (225 5 F).10.3.13 ,0,00997 /(70/).10.3.14 ,.,.,.,.10.3.15 .,.,-,17ASTM D 909-07(2012).10.3.16 ,(),25 150 (1 6).255 (10).10.3.17 ,(),255 (10).10.3.18 ,.10.3.19 .10.3.20 : /,/,.18ASTM D 909-07(2012) 1 (0,4)LEVEL HOT .10.3.21 : ,19 (3/4). ,16 (5/8),. ,.11.11.1 -.11.2 19ASTM D 909-07(2012),/,.3 ASTM-ASTM,%n-ASTM,%,/.85 15 90 10 95 5 100 100 0,50 0,05 100 1,25 0,05 100 2,00 0,05 100 3,00 0,05 100 4,00 0,05 100 6,00 0,05 11.2.1 +6,0 TEL .,135,4 (40 .),/0,07 0, IMEP-/.IMEP-.11.2.3 ,IMEP-,164 5 IMEP(.A2.1 A2.5 ),FMEP-3,0 .20ASTM D 909-07(2012)(.A2.3).11.3 :11.3.1 IMEP-,/0,09 0,12,5%,/.11.3.2 /0,09 0,12,()30%,/.12.12.1 ,(-)-.12.1.1 ,3.12.2-(IMEP)/.12.2.1 -A2. (.2.2)21ASTM D 909-07(2012).12.3 -(-,),(IMEP /).A2. IMEP-/0,75 1,30 :12.3.2 IMEP-.12.3.2.