Addenda toAmerican National StandardANSI/CSA NGV2-2000forANSI/CSABASIC REQUIREMENTSNGV2a-2001FOR COMPRESSEDNATURAL GAS VEHICLE(NGV)FUEL CONTAINERS18.4Environmental Test.This test shall apply to Types NGV2-2,3,and 4 containers only.18.4.5.Acceptable ResultFollowing the above test sequence,the residual burst strength of the container shall be noless than 1.8 times the service pressure when tested in accordance with the hydrostatic bursttest in 18.5(Extreme Temperature Cycling).NOTE:Changes other than editorial denoted by a vertical line in the margin.SECRETARIAT:ApprovedCSA AMERICA,INC.December 20,20018501 East Pleasant Valley Roadby American National Standards Institute,Inc.Cleveland,Ohio,U.S.44131Published January 2002Page 1 of 1Copyright2001CSA AMERICA,INC.Permission is granted to republish material herein in laws or ordinances,and in regulations,administrativeorders,or similar documents issued by public authorities.Those desiring permission for other republicationshould consult CSA America,Inc.at 8501 East Pleasant Valley Road,Cleveland,Ohio 44131.STD.CSA/AM ANSI/CSA NGV2-ENGL 200018750680640636627ANSI/CSAndardNGV2-2000ANSIAMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDFORBASIC REQUIREMENTSFOR COMPRESSEDNATURAL GAS VEHICLENGV)FUEL CONTAINERSSecretariatA project of the NaturalGas Vehicle CoalitionCSA INTERNATIONAL8501 East Pleasant Valley Rd.Copyrigh CSA StandardsTHE NTURAL GAS VEHICLE COAUTCCleveland,Ohio 44131STD.CSA/AM ANSI/CSA NGV2-ENGL 2000 1875068 0640637 563AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDANSICSA NGV2-2000Third Edition-2000BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPRESSEDNATURAL GAS VEHICLE(NGV)FUEL CONTAINERSANSIApprovedMarch 3,2000Prepared byCSA INTERNATIONAL8501 East Pleasant Valley RoadCleveland,Ohio 44131On behalf ofthe Natural Gas Vehicle CoalitionTHE NATURAL GAS VEHICLE COAUMTONPublished-October 2000Copyright2000CSA America,Inc.Permission is granted to republish material herein in laws or ordinances,and in regulations,administrative orders,or similar documents issued bypublic authorities.Those desiring permission for other republicationshould consult CSA International at 8501 East Pleasant Valley Road,Cleveland,Ohio,U.S.A.44131.N0MSTSTD.CSA/AM ANSI/CSA NGV2-ENGL 2000 1875068 0640638 4TTAMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTTTUTEThe American National Standards Institute(ANSD),ANSI represents the interests of the United StatesInc.is the nationally recognized coordinator of voluntaryin international nontreaty organizations such as thestandards development in the United States throughInternational Organization for Standardization(ISO)andwhich voluntary organizations,representing virtuallythe International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC).every technical discipline and every facet of trade andThe Institute maintains close ties with regionalorganizations such as the Pacific Area Standardscommerce,organized labor and consumer interests,Congress(PASC)and the Pan American Standardsestablish and improve the some 10,000 nationalCommission(COPANT).As such,ANSI coordinates theconsensus standards currently approved as Americanactivities involved in the U.S.participation in theseNational Standards.groups.ANSI approval of standards is intended to verifyANSI provides that the interests of the public maythat the principles of openness and due prooess havehave appropriate participation and representation inbeen followed in the approval prooedure and that astandardization activity,and cooperates withconsensus of those directly and materially affected bydepartments and agencies of U.S.Federal,state andthe standards has been achieved.ANSI coordination islocal governments in achieving compatibility betweenintended to assist the voluntary system to ensure thatgovernment codes and standards and the voluntarynational standards needs are identified and met with aset of standards that are without conflict or unnecessarystandards of industry and commeroe.duplication in their requirements.Responsibility of approving American National Standards rests with theAmerican National Standards Institute,Inc.11 West 42nd StreetNew York,NY10036www.ansi.orgCopyright CSA StandardsSTD.CSA/AM ANSI/CSA NGV2-ENGL 2000 1875068 0640639 336PREFACEThis publication represents a standard for safe operation,substantial and durable construction and performance testingof containers for the on-board storage of compressed natural gas for vehicle operation,within limitations given belowand in the scope of this standard.This standard is based on engineering principles,research and the combined expertise of gas utilities,manufacturers,users,and others having specialized experience.Nothing in this standard is to be considered in any way as indicating a measure of quality beyond compliance withthe provisions it contains.It is designed to allow compliance of products which may exceed that specified in theprovisions herein.In its preparation,full recognition has been given to possibilities of improvement through ingenuityof design.This standard is subject to revision as further experience and investigation may show it is necessary anddesirable.CSA Intemational,does not assume or undertake to discharge any responsibility of the manufacturer or any other party.CSA International shall not incur any obligation or liability for damages,including consequential damages,arising outof or in connection with the use,interpretation of or reliance upon this standard.Users of this American National Standard are advised that the devices/products/activities within its scope may be subjectto regulation at the federal,state,or local levels.Users are strongly urged to investigate this possibility throughappropriate channels.In the event of a conflict with this standard,the federal,state,or local regulations should befollowed.CAUTION NOTICE:This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time.The proceduresof the American National Standards Institute,Inc.,require that action be taken to reaffirm,revise,or withdraw thisstandard no later than five(5)years from the date of approval.Purchasers may receive current information on this andother ANSI/CSA standards by calling or writing CSA Interational,8501 East Pleasant Valley Road,Cleveland,0hi044131,(216)5244990.EFFECTIVE DATE:An organization using this standard for product evaluation as a part of its certification programwill normally establish the date by which all products certified by that organization should comply with this standard.Copyright CSA Standards