Copyrighted material licensed to Stanford University by Thomson Scientific(),downloaded on Oct-05-2010 by Stanford University User.No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.Uncontrolled when printed.I PERFORMANCE Air Heaters Supplement to Performance Test Code TEST for Steam Generating Units,PTC 4.1 CODES Copyrighted material licensed to Stanford University by Thomson Scientific(),downloaded on Oct-05-2010 by Stanford University User.No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.Uncontrolled when printed.Library of Congress Catalog No.68-21272 Copyright,1968,by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Printed in the United States of America Copyrighted material licensed to Stanford University by Thomson Scientific(),downloaded on Oct-05-2010 by Stanford University User.No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.Uncontrolled when printed.FOREWORD Performance Test Code Committee No.4 on Stationary Steam-Generating Units was reorganized i n May,1Y58 to rewrite and bring up to date the 1946 edition of the Test Code for Stationary Stearnsenerating Units.During the formulation of the new Test Code,PTC 4.1-1964,the technical committee brought to the attention of the Performance Test Codes Committee that for the Air Heater,an auxiliary heat absorption equipment common to all large sttam generating units,there existed no power test code.PTC Com-mittee No.4 recommended the development of such a Test Code as part of its assignment.The Performance Test Codes Committee instructed PTC Committee No.4 to prepare such a Test Code as a Supplement to be known a s PTC 4.3 on Air Heaters.This Test Code was developed and its format follows closely that of PTC 4.1,the Test Code for Steam Generating Units.tion was delayed,however,until a number of suggestions made by the standing Committee were con-sidered and satisfactorily resolved.It was approved and adopted by the Council a s a standard practice of the Society by action of the Policy Board,Codes and Standards on November 8,1967.This Test Code was approved by the Performance Test Codes Committee on June 9,1966.Final publica-January,1968 3 Copyrighted material licensed to Stanford University by Thomson Scientific(),downloaded on Oct-05-2010 by Stanford University User.No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.Uncontrolled when printed.PERSONNEL OF PERFORMANCE TEST CODE COMMITTEE NO.4 ON STATIONARY STEAM-GENERATING UNITS John M.Driscoll,Chairman John V.Cleary.Jr.,Secretary James U.Baley,General Superintendent,Electric Operations,Baltimore Gas and Electric Company,Gas and Electric Building,Baltimore,Maryland,21203 Charles D.Birget,formerly Chief Mechanical Engineer,Commonwealth Associates,Inc.,209 E.Washington Avenue,Jackson,Michigan,49201 John A.Bostic,General Supervising Engineer,Civil and Mechanical Engineering Department,The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company,Box 5000,Cleveland,Ohio,44101 Hugh J.Byme,Steam-Power Engineer,Central Engineering Office,Crown Zellerbach Corporation,6363 Airport Way,Seattle,Washington,98108 John V.Cleary,Jr.,Chief Cost Engineer,&st Control Engineering Bureau,Consolidated Edison Company of New York,Inc.4 Irving Place,New York,New York.10003 Leonard Cohen,Head,Operation Management Department,Naval Ship Engineering Center,Philadelphia Division,US.Naval Base,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,19112 John M.Driscoll,Chief Mechanical Engineer,Consolidated Edison Company of New York,Inc.4 Irving Place,New York,New York,10003 John H.Fernandes,Senior Project Engineer,Product Diversification,Combustion Engineering,Inc.,Prospect Hill Road,Windsor,Connecticut,06095 William Z.Harper,Assistant Superintendent,Utilities Division,Kodak Park Works,Eastman Kodak Company,Rochester,New York,14604 Edward C.Kistner,Engineer in Charge of Power Plant Section,Mechanical Engineering Division,Philadelphia Electric Company,9th and Sansom Streets,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,19105 Frank C.Lisevick,Mechanical Engineer,Stone&Webster,Inc.,225 Franklin St.,Boston,Mass.02107 Robert A.Lorenzini,Senior Vice-president,Foster Wheeler Corporation,110 South Orange Avenue,Livingston,New Jersey,07039 John F.McLaughlin,Jr.,Manager,Production Engineering,Union Electric Company,315 North 12th Boulevard.St.LOUIS,Missourl,63101 Silas L.Morse,Assistant Manager Field Engineering,The Babcock&Wilcox Company,20 South Van Buren Avenue,Barberton,Ohio,44203 Richard H.Pechstein,Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer,American Electric Power Service Corporation.Two Broadway,New York,New York,10008 Herbert C.Schweikart,Vice President and Chief Engineer.Gilbert Associates,Inc.,525 Lancaster Avenue,Reading,Pennsylvania,19602 Lawson E.Stewart,Marketing Representative,International Business Machines Corporation,2330 St.Paul Street,Baltimore,Maryland,21218 Joseph A.Waddell,Assistant Chief Service Engineer,Riley Stoker Corporation,Worcester,Massachusetts,01606 5 Copyrighted material licensed to Stanford University by Thomson Scientific(),downloaded on Oct-05-2010 by Stanford Universi