U S A S T A N D A R D GEAR SHAPER.CUTTERS USAS 894.21-1968 The American Society of Mechanical Engineers THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS United Engineering Center 345 East 47th Street New York,N.Y.l 0017 REAFFIRMED 2014FOR CURRENT COMMITTEE PERSONNELPLEASE E-MAIL CSasme.orgUSA ST AND ARD This USA Standard is one of nearly 3000 standards approved as American Standards by the American Standards Association.On August 24,1966,the ASA was reconstituted as the United States of America Standards Institute.Standards approved as American Standards are now designated USA Standards.There is no change in their index indentification or technical content.Any part of this standard may be quoted.Credit lines should read:Extracted from USA Standard Gear Shaper Cutters(USAS B94.21-1968)with the permission of the publisher,The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,United Engineering Center,345 East47th Street,New York,New York 10017.Copyriilht,1969 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Printed in U.S.A.FOREWORD In response to requests from both users and producers a project was initiated in December of 1961 to establish standards for gear cutting tools.USA Standards Committee 85 approved this project at their annual meeting in 1961 and created technical committee TC-14 to prepare such standards.In 1962 the USA Standards Committee 85 was divided and technical committees identified with the general area of metal cutting were transferred to a new USA Standards Committee B94.The first meeting of TC-14,reporting to USA Standards Committee B94,was held in December 1962.It was at this time decided to divide the general subject into three areas;i.e.,hobs,gear shaper cutters and shaving cutters.The initial activity was to prepare a proposal for a USA Standard on hobs,using the industry standards(MCTI)as the basis for consideration.A proposal covering hobs was submitted to industry in September 1964 and on June 22,1966,it was approved by the USA Standards Institute and designated B94.7-1966,A proposal covering shaper cutters was submitted to industry in December 1966 for review and comments.All of the responses were considered in a meeting of TC-14 in November 1967 and they then approved a final proposal.The B94 TC15 Editorial Committee reviewed the proposal and it was submitted in March 1968 to the USA Standards Committee 894 for letter ballot.Following approval by B94,the proposal was approved by the sponsor,ASME,on June 13,1968.It was approved by the United States of America Standards Institute on August 5,1968.iii USA STANDARDS STANDARDIZATION OF DRIVERS AND COMMITTEE B94 CUTTING TOOLS,HOLDERS BUSHINGS OFFICERS H.J.Moffatt,Chairman A.M.Mezey,Vice-Chairman USA STANDARDS COMMITTEE THE AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION P.M.Deon,Jr.,Mechanical Technology,Inc.,Latham,New York G.L.Scott,Alternate,American Gear Manufacturers Association,Washington,D.C.AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS,THE C.J.Oxford,Jr.,Vice President Research,National Twist Drill&Tool Company,Rochester,Michigan M.E.Merchant,Director of Scientific Research,The Cincinnati Milling Machine Company,Cincinnati,Ohio AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TOOL AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS K.A.Lundell,Chief Engineer,The Producto Machine Company,Jamestown,New York H.J.Moffatt,Caterpillar Tractor Company,East Peoria,Illinois J.E.Rotchford,Anderson Power Products,Inc,Boston,Massachusetts CEMENTED CARBIDE PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION W.E.Montgomery,Firth Sterling,Inc.,Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania A.P.Wherry,Alternate,Cemented Carbide Producers Association,Cleveland,Ohio GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION W.C.Petrie,General Services Administration,Standardization Division,Washington,D.C.METAL CUTTING TOOL INSTITUTE L.P.Sohles,Chief Products Engineer,Morse Twist Drill&Machine Company,New Bedford,Massachusetts P.L.Houser,Alternate,President,Metal Cutting Tool Institute,New York,N.Y.NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PUNCH MANUFACTURERS R.J.Gorgrove,President,DAY/TON Progress Corporation,Dayton,Ohio NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS F.P.Brown,Chief,Shop Division,National Bureau of Standards,Washington,D.C.SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS R.H.Mustonen,General Motors Technical Center,Warren,Michigan W.H.Seacord,International Harvester Company,Chicago,Illinois SOCIETY OF CARBIDE ENGINEERS W.E.Hess,167 Wilder Street,Hillside,New Jersey TELEPHONE GROUP M.C.Berryman,Western Electric Company,Inc.,Chicago,Illinois S.P.Rogacki,Alternate,Western Electric Company,Kearney,New Jersey V U.S.DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE J.0.Snyder,Liaison,U.S.Department of the Air Force,Wright-Patterson,AFB,OhioU.S.DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY R.K.Freeman,Liaison,U.S.Department of the Army,Rock Island,Illinois R.J.Buhman,Alternate,U.S.Department of the Army,Rock Island,Illinois U.S.DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY J.N.Cornette,Liaison,U.S.Navy Department,Naval Ship Engineering Center,Washington,D.C.U.S.MACHINE SCREW,TAPPING SCREW,WOOD SCREW AND CAP SCREW SERVICE BUREAU H.F.Phipard,Continental Screw Company,New Bedford,Massachusetts INDIVIDUAL COMPAN