AMERICAN STANDARD SPINDLE NOSES AND ADJUSTABLE ADAPTERS F O R MULTIPLE SPINDLE DRILLING HEADS ASA.65.11-1964 UDC 621.9-229 ONE OF A SERIES OF STANDARDS FOR SMALL TOOLS AND MACHINE TOOL ELEMENTS.-.-REAFFIRMED 1994 FOR CURRENT COMMITTEE PERSONNEL PLEASE SEE ASME MANUAL AS-1 1 American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers Society of Automotive Engineers National Machine Tool Builders Association The American Society of Mechanical Engineers T H E A M E R I C A N S O C I E T Y O F M E C H A N I C A L E N G I N E E R S United Engineering Center 345 East 47th Street New York,N.Y.10017 Copyrighted material licensed to Stanford University by Thomson Scientific(),downloaded on Oct-05-2010 by Stanford University User.No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.Uncontrolled when printed.REAFFIRMED 2002FOR CURRENT COMMITTEE PERSONNELPLEASE E-MAIL CSasme.orgForeword T HIS standard for Adjustable Adapters for Multiple Spindle Drilling Heads was de-veloped by Sectional Committee B5 on the Standardization of Small Tools and Machine Tool Elements,organized September,1922,under procedure of the American Standards Association and is sponsored by the National Machine Tool Builders Association,the Society of Automotive Engineers,American Soci.ety of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers,and The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.On December 2,1937,this standard was approved by the American Standards Associa-tion and designated a s American Standard(ASA B5.11-1937).Subsequent to a request from the sponsor organizations for a revision of the standard,a new technical committee was appointed on September 24,.1947,to review and make recorn-mendations for revision.In August,1953,at the request of the sponsors,the technical committee was authorized to include the standardization of spindle noses for use with adjustable adapters.With the inclusion of spindle noses,the title of the project was changed to Spindle Noses and Adjustable Adapters for Multiple Spindle Drilling Heads.A draft dated December 1,1953,was approved by Technical Committee No.18 and in February,1954,the proposal was presented to the members of Sectional Committee B5 for letter ballot vote.Following approval of the sectional committee and sponsor organizations,the proposal was submitted to the American Standards Association for approval and designation as American Standard.This was granted on August 18,1954,and it was designated as Amer-ican Standard(ASA B5.11-1954).In 1959 the committee was reactivated for the purpose of the regular five-year review.Concurrently with the review by committee,a request was received from ASTME Chapter No.5 of Chicago,Illinois to extend the standard to smaller sizes of adjustable adapters.W e acknowledge the help and suggestions received from them.In a meeting in 1962 it was agreed to consider the subject of the smaller size adapters as a separate standard,both to expedite the issuance of the existing standard for ap-proval of revisions,and also because the physical construction of the smaller sizes had to depart from that of the larger sizes.The revised standard was submitted to B5 Sectional Committee for letter ballot on December 14,1962.Following approval by the Sectional Committee and the sponsors,the standard was approved by ASA on June 10,1964 and designated as American Stand-ard(ASA B5.11-1964).Any part of this standard may be quoted.Credit lines should read:“Extracted from American Standard Spindle Noses and Adjustable Adapters for Multiple Spindle Drilling Heads(ASA B5.11-1964)with the permission of the publisher,The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,United Engineering Center,345 East 47th Street,New York,N.Y.1001 7.”THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Copyright,1964,by Printed in U.S.A.Copyrighted material licensed to Stanford University by Thomson Scientific(),downloaded on Oct-05-2010 by Stanford University User.No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.Uncontrolled when printed.Standardization of Small Tools and Machine Tool Elements,65 OFFICERS OF SECTIONAL COMMITTEE W.H.Seacord,Chairman,General Supervisor,Manufacturing Standards Research,International F.Steele Blackall,111,Vice-Chairman,President,The Taft-Peirce Manufacturing Company,Harvester Co.,5225 S.Western Boulevard,Chicago 9,Ill.Woonsocket,R.I.Carnegie Avenue,Cleveland,Ohio.Office,Chrysler Corporation,Detroit,Michigan.*C.T.Blake,Vice-Chairman,Vice-president,Engineering,The Warner and Swasey Company,5701 Harold Cooper,Vice-Chairman,Manager,Non-Productive Standards,Manufacturing Engineering J.E.Rotchford,vice-chairman,7 East Main Street,Hopkinton,Massachusetts.H.I.Knobeloch,Secretary,John S.Barnes Corp.,301 South Water Street,Rockford,Ill.Personnel of Technical Committee No.18 on Spindle Noses and Adjustable Adapters for Multiple Spindle Drilling Heads S.Jackson Hunt,Chairman,Vice-president in Charge of Engineering,National Automatic Tool Company,Inc.,B.R.Better,Director of Research,Scully-Jones&Company,Chicago,Illinois.J.0.Sn