ASME-B56.11.S ADOPTION NOTICE ASME-B56.11.3,Trucks,Industrial,Powered,Load Handling Symbols For,was adopted on October 3,1994 for use by the Department of Defense(DoD).Proposed changes by DoD activities must be submitted to the DoD Adopting Activity:Director,US Army Mobility Technology Center/Belvoir,ATTN:AMSTA-RBES,Fort Belvoir,VA 22060-5606.DoD activities may obtain copies of this standard from the Standardization Document Order Desk,700 Robbins Avenue,Building 4D,Philadelphia,PA 19111-5094.The private sector and other Government agencies may purchase copies from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,345 East 47th Street,New York,NY 10017.Custodians:Adopting Activity Army-ME Navy-SA Air Force-99 Army-ME FSC 3930 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A.distribution is unlimited.Approved for public release;Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001,User=trert,rtyrtyrtyNot for Resale,03/07/2015 22:07:25 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SPECIAL NOTICE ASME 856.1 1.3-1992 LOAD HANDLING SYMBOLS FOR POWERED INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS There will be no addenda or interpretations for 1993 published to ASME 856.1 1.3-1992.Within the past year neither changes to,nor inquiries regarding,the technical requirements of this document have been issued.OCTOBER 1993 THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 345 East 47th Street,New York,N.Y.10017 Copvrinht by the American Societv Of Mechanical Enaineen MoiJan 298:56:02 2001 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001,User=trert,rtyrtyrtyNot for Resale,03/07/2015 22:07:25 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001,User=trert,rtyrtyrtyNot for Resale,03/07/2015 22:07:25 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-STD-ASME BSb.LL-3-ENGL 1782 0757b70 Ob20005 857 AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD-POWERED AND NONPOWERED INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Load Handling Symbols for Powered Industrial Trucks ASME B56.11.3-1992(REVISION OF ASME/ANSI 856.1 1.3-1 988)The American Society of Mechanical Engineers 345 East 47th Street,New York,N.Y.10017 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001,User=trert,rtyrtyrtyNot for Resale,03/07/2015 22:07:25 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Date of Issuance:April 30,1992 The 1992 edition of this Standard is being issued with an automatic subscrip-tion service.The use o f an addenda allows revisions made in response to public review comments or committee actions to be published on a regular yearly basis;revisions published in addenda will become effective 6 months after the Date of Issuance of the addenda.The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 1995.ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations o f technical aspects of this Standard.The interpretations will be included with the above addenda service.Interpretations are not part of the addenda to the Standard.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards.The Consensus Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate.The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and comment which provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry,academia,regulatory agencies,and the public at large.ACME does not approve,rate,or endorse any item,construction,proprietary device,or activity.ACME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document,and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable Letters Patent,nor assume any such liability.Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that the determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,is entirely their own responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s)or person(s)affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard.ACME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations issued in accordance with governing ACME procedures and policies which preclude the issuance of interpretations by individual vol-unteers.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.Copyright 0 1992 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All Ri