A M E R I C A N N A T I O N A L S T A N D A R D Spindle Noses and Tool Shanks for Milling Machines ANSI B5.18-1972(REVISION OF 85.18-1960)FOR CURRENT COMMllTEE PERSONNEL PLEASE SEE ASME MANUAL AS-I 1 SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS SOCIETY OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL BUILDERS ASSOCIATION THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS P U B L I S H E D BY T H E A M E R I C A N S O C I E T Y O F M E C H A N I C A L E N G I N E E R S United Engineering Center 345 East 47th Street New York,N.Y.1001 7 REAFFIRMED 2014FOR CURRENT COMMITTEE PERSONNELPLEASE E-MAIL CSasme.orgAny part of this standard may be quoted.Credit lines should read:“Extracted from American National Standard Spindle Noses and Tool Shanks for Milling Ma-chines”(ANSI B5.18-1972),with the permission of the publisher,The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,United Engineering Center,345 East 47th Street,New York,N.Y.10017.THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Copyright,0,1972,by Printed in U.S.A.F O R E W O R D The first edition of this standard,known as B5.18-1943,resulted from inten-sive efforts dating back to 1926 by a special group of milling machine manufac-tures;it was reaffirmed in 1949,revised in 1953 and again in 1960.ASA B5.18-1960 incorporated several changes and corrections.It also included a new spindle nose size,designated as 50 A,suggested by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers and several recommendations made by a special committee of fifteen milling machine manufacturers appointed by the National Tool Builders Associa-tion.The revised standard reflected accurately the actual practice at this period of time.This revision is based on the recommendations of the Technical Committee No.33 of the American National Standards Committee B5 for Standardization of Machine Tools,Components,Elements,Performance,and Equipment.It updates the 1960 standards;incorporates several recommendations made by members of industry as users and by machine tool builders;it follows the Decimal Inch practice accordingto ASA B87.1-1965.Several notes have been added,tolerances more clearly defined and conformity with pertinent American National Standards obtained.The true position dimensions and symbols contained herein are based on American National Standard Y14.5-1966“Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Engineering Drawings.”Upon the suggestion of the International Organization for Standardization(ISO)a No.45 size number of spindle nose and tool shank has been added to meet a need for an intermediate size between the 40 and 50 size numbers.The draft of the proposed revision was submitted to the Technical Com-mittee No.33 for final review and comments.The,final draft of the proposed revision was processed according to the established procedures of ANSI;it was voted on by letter ballot,approved by the American National Standards Institute on August 22,1972 as ANSI B5.18-1972.iii AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE 85 MACHINE TOOLS,COMPONENTS,ELEMENTS,PERFORMANCE AND EQUl PMENT(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this standard)OFFICERS W.L.McConn,Chairman A.W.Colton,Vice-Chairman,Group A C.C.Blake,Vice-Chairman,Group E*Paul Ackermonn,Vice-Chairman,Group C Harold Cooper,Vice-Chairman,Group D E.J.Loeffler,Secretary STANDARDS COMMITTEE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS F.Steele Blackall,111,The Taft-Pierce ManufacturingCompany,Woonsocket,Rhode Island C.T.Blake,The Warner&Swasey Company,Cleveland,Ohio W.L.McCann,Giddings&Lewis Inc.,Fond du Lac,Wisconsin DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL PLANT EQUIPMENT CENTER W.J.Taylor,Memphis,Tennessee R.T.Hoffman,Alternate,Memphis,Tennessee NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL BUILDERS ASSOCIATION Charles Brien,Bullard Company,Bridgeport,Connecticut E.J.Loeffler,National Machine Tool Builders Assn.,McLean,Virginia E.A.Munschauer,Jr.,Niagara Machine&Tool Works,Buffalo,New York SOCKET SCREW PRODUCTS BUREAU Pau/Pick,Allen Manufacturing Company,Hartford,Connecticut A.J.McLaren,The Cross Company,Fraser,Pkchigan W.H.Seacord,International Harvester Company,Hinsdale.Illinois Richard Push,Jones 86 Lamson Division of Waterbury Farrell,Springfield,Vermont J.J.Fickers,Alternate,Westinghouse Electric Corporation,Mansfield,Ohio SOCIETY OF AUTOMOrIVE ENGINEERS SOCIETY OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS TELEPHONEGROUP M.C.Berryman,Western Electric Company,Inc.,Chicago,Illinois 5.P.Rogacki,Alternate,Western Electric Company,I n c.,Kearney,New Jersey U.S.DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY R.K.Freeman,Liaison,U.S.Army Weapons Command,Rock Island,Illinois IJ.N.Segura,Liaison,Alternote,U.S.Army Weapons Command,Rock Island,Illinois U.S.DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE W.0.Bottarniller,(deceased)National Bureau of Standards,Washington,D.C.J.N.Cornette,Liaison,Navd Ship Systems Command,Washington,DX.US.DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Paul Ackermann,Cincinnati Milacron,Cincinnati,Ohio F.P.Brown,Vienna,Virginia Arthur Colton,Grosse Point Woods,Michigan Harold Cooper,Chrysler Corporation,Detroit,Michigan H.J.Moffatt,Caterpillar Tract