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PROCESS PIPING:THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO A SME B31.3Third EditionbyChar les Becht IVA SME Press New Yor ki 2009 by ASME,Thr ee Par k Av enue,Ne w Yor k,NY 10016All r ight s r eser ved.Pr int ed in t he Unit ed St at es of Am er ica.Except as per m it t ed under t he Unit ed St at es Copyr ight Act of 1976,no par t of t his publicat ion may be r epr oduced or dist r ibut ed in an y for m or by an y m eans,or st or ed in a dat abase or r et r ie val syst em,wit hout t he pr ior wr it t en per mission of t he publisher.INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS WORK HAS BEEN OBTAINED BY THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS FROM SOUR CES BELIEVED T O BE RELIABLE.HOWEVER,NEITHER ASME NOR ITS AUTHORS OR EDITOR S GUARANTEE THE ACCUR ACY OR COMPLETENESS OF ANY INFOR MATION PUBLISHED IN THIS W ORK.NEITHER ASME NOR ITS AUTHORS AND EDITORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS,OMISSIONS,OR D AMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION.THE W ORK IS PUBLISHED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT ASME AND ITS AUTHORS AND EDIT ORS ARE SUPPLYING INFOR MATION BUT ARE NO T ATTEMPTING TO RENDER ENGINEER ING OR O THER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES.IF SUCH ENGINEER ING OR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARE R EQUIRED,THE ASSISTANCE OF AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL SHOULD BE SOUGHT.ASME shal l not be responsibl e for statements or opinions advanced in papers or.printed in its publ ications(B7.1.3).St at ement fr om t he Bylaws.For aut hor izat ion t o phot ocopy mat er ial for int er nal or per sonal use under t hose cir cum st ances not falling wit hin t he fair use pr ovisions of t he Copyr ight Act,cont act t he Copyr ight Clear ance Cent er (CCC),222 Rose wood Dr i ve,Danv er s,MA 01923,t el:978-750-8400,www.copyr .The L ibrary of Congress has catal oged the hardcover edition as fol l ows:Becht,C.Pr ocess piping:t he complet e guide t o ASME B31.3/by Char les Becht IV.2nd ed.p.cm.Includes bibliogr aphical r efer ences and index.ISBN 0-7918-0217-5 1.PipingSt andar ds.I.Tit le.TJ930.B347 2004 660.283dc22 2004046128Cov er phot o:HovensaR efner y,St.Cr oix,USVICour t esy of HovensaiiTo My WifeMaryAnd Chil drenCharles,Derek,John,KristeniiiivvAbout the AuthorDr.Becht is a r ecognized a ut hority in pr essur e vessels,piping,e xpa nsion joint s,a nd ele va ted tem per a tur e design.He is Pr esident of Becht Engineering Co.Inc,a consulting engineer ing compa ny tha t provides bot h pr ocess a nd equipment engineer ing services a s well a s pr oject a nd t urna r ound ser vices for t he process a nd po wer industr ies;President of Becht Engineer ing Ca na da Ltd.;Pr esident of Helide x,LLC;a nd Director of Sonoma tic Lt d.(a lso dba Becht Sonom a t ic in Nor th Am erica)a n NDE com pa ny tha t provides a dva nced ultr a sonic ima ging equipm ent a nd services.He ha s per for m ed numerous e xper t t roubleshooting a nd fa ilure invest iga t ions,design re views a nd const ruct ion inspect ions for ca pit a l projects into the billion dolla r ra nge,and consulting t o ma nufa ctur ers on design,de velopm ent a nd code complia nce for new a nd e xist ing equip-ment.He wa s pre viously wit h Energy System s Group,Rock well Int erna tiona l a nd Exxon Resea rch a nd Engineering wher e he wa s a pressure equipm ent specia list.Dr.Becht is Chair of the ASME B31.3,Process Piping Committee;Chair(founding)of the Post Construction Subcommittee on Repair and Testing(PCC),and member of other ASME Committees including the Post Construction Standards Committee(past Chair);Post Construction Executive Com-mittee(past Chair);B&PV Code Subcommittee on T ransport Tank s;B&PV Code Subgroup on Ele vated Temperature Design(past Chair);B31 Code for Pressure Piping Standards Committee;B31 Mechanical Design Committee;B31 Executive Committee;and is a past member of the Board on Pressure Technol-ogy Codes and Standards;the B&PV Code Subcommittee on Design;and the B&PV Code TG on Class 1 Expansion Joints for liquid metal service.He is a member of ASTM Committee F-17,Plastic Piping Systems Main Committee;and the ASME PVP Division,Design and Analysis Committee.Dr.Becht has de veloped and introduced many new concepts into ASME B31.3,including weld joint strength reduction factors,alternative rules for fexibility analysis(Appendix P),ne w stress limits for occasional loads at ele vated temperatures,and extension of f factors to unlimited numbers of cycles.He received a PhD from Memorial University in Mechanical Engineering(dissertation:Beha vior of Bellows),a MS from Stanford University in Structural Engineering and BSCE from Union College,Ne w York.Chuck is a licensed professional engineer in 16 states and provinces,an ASME Fellow since 1996,recipient of the ASME Dedicated Service Award in 2001,and has more than 60 publications and fve patents.viviiAcknowledgementsTha nk s to my a ssista nt,Micke y Sm a jda,who helped in the prepa r a t ion of this book,to the ASME publications sta ff who were helpful,a nd Fr ed Ta ta r a nd Bob Sims who re vie wed Cha pt er 17.Thanks also to Bill Short who encou