AN AM E R IC AN NAT IO NAL STANDARD ASME B18.2.1-2012Square,Hex,Heavy Hex,and Askew Head Bolts and Hex,Heavy Hex,Hex Flange,Lobed Head,and Lag Screws(Inch Series)(Revision of ASME B18.2.1-2010)ErratatoASME B18.2.1-2012Square,Hex,Heavy Hex,and Askew Head Boltsand Hex,Heavy Hex,Hex Flange,Lobed Head,and Lag Screws(Inch Series)The errata corrections listed below apply to ASME B18.2.1-2012.These corrections will beincorporated into the next edition of B18.2.1.PageLocationChange15Table 8In Note(3),formula for“LG,max.”corrected(see overleaf)194.9(c)(1)“SAE”corrected to read“SAE J429”24Table 14Datum“A”added to straightness callout forconsistency with Tables 1,3,4,5,7,and 8(see overleaf)THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSTwo Park Avenue,New York,NY 10016-5990July 2013M4412Ep.1 of 207-11-13 17:26:29Textfile:001109E001Unit:UE01Table 8Dimensions of Hex Flange Screws(Contd)Maximum TransitionMaximumRing TRing BBasic Thread Length,LTThread Length,YRunoutNote(3)Notes(3)and(4)InsideInsideNominal SizeofDiameterDiameterThicknessor Basic MajorMinimumBearingFor ScrewsFor ScrewsFor ScrewsFor ScrewsDiameter ofBearingSurfaceWith L With L With L With L+0.0000Minimum+0.0000+0.0000ThreadDiam.,B1FIM6 in.6 in.6 in.6 in.0.0003Thickness0.00030.0003140.25000.4800.0100.7501.0000.4000.6500.40930.5000.43800.11865160.31250.6000.0110.8751.1250.4170.6670.54830.5000.58200.1457380.37500.7300.0121.0001.2500.4380.6880.61830.5000.65500.17297160.43750.8500.0131.1251.3750.4640.7140.68530.5000.73000.2100120.50000.9800.0141.2501.5000.4810.7310.82530.5000.87500.23719160.56251.1000.0151.3751.6250.7500.7500.89530.5000.95000.2643580.62501.2300.0171.5001.7500.7730.7731.03430.5001.09500.2914340.75001.4700.0201.7502.0000.8000.8001.23430.5001.31200.3557GENERAL NOTE:Refer to section 4 for further information.NOTES:(1)Head acceptability shall be determined using the two rings described in Table 8.Ring B shall be placed on the screw head followed byRing T.The head is acceptable if Ring T does not contact Ring B after both rings are in place on the head.(2)The top surface of the flange shall be conical or slightly rounded(convex).Radius,R2,applies both at the corners and at the flats ofthe hexagon.The contour of edge at flange periphery,between the maximum flange diameter,B,max.,and the minimum bearing circlediameter,B1,min.,shall be optional provided that the minimum flange edge thickness,K,min.,is maintained at the minimum bearingcircle diameter,B1,min.(3)LG,max.p L nom.LT;LB,min.p LG,max.Y(see para.4.7)(4)Use Y dimensions in Table 8 for the calculation of LG,max./LB,min.(see para.4.7)instead of following Table 12.Table 14Dimensions of Square Lag ScrewsH S G Configuration(see para.2.1.1)Identification(see para.2.11.1)Screw With Reduced Diameter Body Cone PointF R E H R L E See para.2.1.4 A See para.5.3 ASee para.5.7 Gimlet Point25 approx.60 approx.60 approx.See para.2.6MAp.2 of 207-11-13 17:26:29Textfile:001109E002Unit:UE01ASME B18.2.1-2012(Revision of ASME B18.2.1-2010)Square,Hex,HeavyHex,and Askew HeadBolts and Hex,HeavyHex,Hex Flange,Lobed Head,and LagScrews(Inch Series)AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDTwo Park Avenue New York,NY 10016 USADate of Issuance:April 24,2013This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition.ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of thisStandard.Periodically certain actions of the ASME B18 Committee may be published as Cases.Cases and interpretations are published on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages athttp:/ as they are issued.Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages toprovide corrections to incorrectly published items,or to correct typographical or grammatical errorsin codes and standards.Such errata shall be used on the date posted.The Committee Pages can be found at http:/ is an option available toautomatically receive an e-mail notification when errata are posted to a particular code or standard.ThisoptioncanbefoundontheappropriateCommitteePageafterselecting“Errata”inthe“PublicationInformation”section.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American NationalStandards.The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals fromcompetent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate.The proposed code or standard was madeavailable forpublic review andcomment thatprovides an opportunityfor additional publicinput from industry,academia,regulatory agencies,and the public-at-large.ASME does not“approve,”“rate,”or“endorse”any item,construction,proprietary device,or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with anyitems mentioned in this document,and does not undertake to insure anyone util